Gu Yi unfolded a small folding fan, covered his mouth and nose, and said with a light smile:

"Karma Taj's collection of books is open to anyone who is destined for it, and His Holiness can achieve this because of His Holiness's own gifts and talents."

Zou Jin raised his eyebrows.

The face is full of right, that's the expression.

"On the one hand, you are the supreme mages who have gone far away in the realm of idealism, and on the other hand, you are the peak representative of the materialist world, knowing that you each have confusion and puzzlement, you can communicate at will, and you don't need to deal with me."

See Zou Jin allowed.

Gu Yi, who was eager for the seeker, immediately did not hesitate to consult the two angels.

Yan and Burning Heart do not take big, let alone make gestures, and it is not a shame in their eyes to ask the ancient one who is mortal in unknown territory.

It's a rare opportunity...


The conversation was particularly harmonious.

In the mouths of both sides of "four three zero", various related terms continued to emerge, so that Zou Jin, who was watching, also gained a lot.

In the field of idealism: elements, rule weights, fate weights, conceptual depth, etc., they use mysterious concepts to analyze the world, and look at a new perspective of all souls.

In the field of materialism: the material foundation, the four basic forces, and even under pure materialist thought, the view of life on the world, the expectation of the future, etc. are all involved.

In the end, it is the ancient mage, when it comes to topics related to the mysterious field, it is never difficult and obscure, as always easy to understand, and it is not in vain to give Karma Taj headed by her, and opened the VIP permission of the imaginary space.

In terms of status, the secret mages of the earth are only one step below the authority of the angels and the male soldier company.

But that's not because Zou Jin slammed the door, but because of the essence of the mages' lives, and they couldn't resist the pure impact of information!

Of course.

The characteristics of the secret mage series of spell casting, Zou Jin did not forget.

But his imaginary number space is extremely special, as a pure information dimension, relying on the characteristics of easy reproduction of information, how much energy can be used casually.


The price they need to pay for casting spells for the magic source in the private dimension controlled by Zou Jin is only their own physical strength.

This point, whether it is an angel or a male soldier, is treated equally.

Zou Jin needs to synthesize the physical energy feedback from the user and collect more life traits in the creation field of the power of death.

To feed one's own research in the field of life...

Still that sentence.

Those who are good at destroying must be better at creating!

The conversation lasted more than four or five hours, and both sides enjoyed and felt that they had a lot to gain.

As a result, the vision has been invisibly raised, especially when there is a statue like Zou Jin, who has played the world and promoted its integration.

See that the sky will be dark.

Gu Yi also took the initiative to stop the process of discussion, looked at Zou Jin, and talked about this time to see his true intentions:

"Venerable Lord, you know, the Trinity Magic Array of the Earth has always been supported by the Emperor Vishan of the White Magic God."

Vishan Emperor...

That is the collective name of the three indigenous gods of the earth's native idealistic realm...

"You know, and now too, don't I think he's doing a good job? What's wrong? "

Gu Yi froze when he heard this, and he stopped talking.

Make sure those people are doing a good job, not suffering so much that they have to convey their thoughts to themselves and beg for mercy!

Seeing that he was talking about this topic, he was also interested and asked:

"When we came to the earth, we perceived that the earth had a faint feeling of resistance to prying, resistance to coming... But not strong, not even aimed at us, is that the so-called Trinity Magic Array? "

Gu Yi nodded slightly, and then captured the traces.

The Trinity Magic Array, and the current formation, and the plea for mercy of a certain Weishan Emperor who was forcibly captured and almost squeezed dry, were naturally inserted into the process of explanation.

Finally, he looked at Zou Jin with sincere eyes:

"Venerable Lord, the fact is that Emperor Weishan, the God of White Magic, is almost unable to support it. The rules of the world have changed drastically, and that one also needs to adapt to the times as quickly as possible. "

"If that one continues to spend a lot of effort and barely maintain the Trinity Magic Array in the new era, in the old era..."

"Not to mention that the one will be left behind, and even the origin will be greatly damaged, more importantly, the new era is not suitable for the old era dimensional protection system, and over time..."

"Invasions in outer dimensions will gradually become frequent, uncontrollable, and even more unmonitorable." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Yan and Yan Xin looked inexplicable..........

Their hearts were in silence for three seconds for the unknown Emperor of Vishan.

This kind of righteous action of pressing the victim's white, not to mention, is really the style of his own male god (brother-in-law).

Meeting their strange or sincere gazes, Zou Jin laughed awkwardly and coughed twice:

"What, I didn't have too many things at once, forgot! It's not a big deal, Gu Yi, just inform Emperor Weishan to let him rip off his power. "

"Anyway, the Trinity Magic Array, how to see how to fall behind, it is normal to take the opportunity to iterate a wave."

"Oh, by the way, by the way, let me bring a word, just say that the earth welcomes his visit, and I will thank him when I have an opportunity."

Please believe.

Zou Jin's words are sincere!

At the moment of his own promotion, on the way to his own promotion, he used concept as a catalyst to control the process of world integration.

Emperor Weishan made a great effort.


The earth will not be so stable, not even a dimensional invasion has occurred.

In vain, Karma Taj's group of mages were like enemies for a long time.

Reasonably, Zou Jin should thank him.


Gu Yi, the corners of Yan and Burning Heart's eyes were twitching in unison...

Would you like to hear what you're saying...

As far as your behavior of holding the other party's braincase and forcibly taking advantage, if Emperor Weishan dares to drop his gaze on the earth twice, he must be counted as his Dao Heart Jian 1.4...


After a moment of closed eyes and communication, Gu Yi said regretfully with a slightly distorted expression:

"Unfortunately, Venerable Lord, His Majesty the Crown of Weishan has been feeling a little unwell recently, plus he needs to cultivate and adapt to the new rules of the world, and it is estimated that he will fall into a long period of deep sleep. Thinking about it, it is unlikely that it will come to Earth again, in addition, the Venerable Lord does not need to care, the white magic dimension where the Vishan Emperor is located has been hidden, on the grounds that the one needs to modify the new white magic system. "


Zou Jin also smacked his lips rather regretfully.

"It's a pity that Ben still wants to cooperate with him to create a new era of god ascending system."

Heard Zou Jin say this.

Everyone left Emperor Weishan's suffering behind and looked at Zou Jin in unison.

The new era of the ascending system, this topic, anyone will be interested! .

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