The Hia Empire, the Kree Empire, the Scuru Empire.

Known as Marvel's three starry sky civilizations.

Just look at the setting.

The Xia Empire, as one of them, is a newcomer with the strongest scientific and technological capabilities.

Their strongest technology, to some extent, can also evolve stars into supernovae like the light of the sun, and then create cosmic natural disasters.

But alas...

The technology is achieved by mechanical foreign objects...

When it is always in operation, hundreds of starships usually move together.

With a cluster ion beam, the core of a specific star is concentrated on irradiating, and then by disturbing the four fundamental forces, the star that has entered the redshift stage quickly undergoes supercollapse!

But no matter how fast it is, the Xia Empire is just a civilization at the peak of the aerospace level.

At the very least, the star must be given continuous interference for more than a month to cause a supernova explosion.

It's just a pity.

Such black technology has not been integrated into individual life.

It cannot help a 19-body life to achieve a leap in the level of life, nor can it help civilization make a leap to the level.

What about your own little sun!?

With science and technology as its foundation for transformation, after a long adaptation period of 10,000 years.

Rena, who has been a god for three generations, can easily set off a stellar storm, a stellar flare at every turn, a stellar helium flash at the beginning, and a slight impact does not need an hour to trigger a supernova explosion.

What's more...

"The individuals of the Xia civilization have evolved abnormally from birds to humanoid god river bodies, and if there is no control of extraordinary power in the middle, it is really ghostly."

"Yes, brother-in-law, don't look at them looking like the divine river body, but whether it is the super divine academy, we angels, we usually call such an alien civilization a beast civilization."

Put it simply.

The existing god-making civilizations generally have some kind of near-instinctive rejection, and even discrimination, against non-god river civilizations!

If not.

The physical war between the Kamigawa body and the triangular body.

It will never be fought until later, and even the beast civilization will be taken away by a wave.


Yan and Yan Xin said that no matter how the Xia Empire looked for traces of the god-making civilization, it was impossible to achieve its wishes.

Then came the Kree Empire.

This old civilization, which has existed for six million years, has not yet stepped into the threshold of creating gods, which is enough to prove it.

Such a civilization has no potential at all.

The parent planet and sphere of influence of the Kree Empire are certainly not in the galaxy, and of course, the territory of the Xia Empire is not in the galaxy.

But the war between them was launched in the major star fields, and it had already lasted for a long time.

Technically, the technology of the Kree Empire has a very iconic military practical style.

It's not that such a philosophy is bad.

But amplified to the level of civilization, such a single purity, quite dangerous!

Even such a pure god-creating civilization as the Angel Civilization has been divided into angels of the Apocalypse, Heavenly Blade, and Heavenly Base controlled by the three angel kings.

The Human Kree Empire is not...

To be stunned is to put military pragmatism first ...

So much so that in the end, the decision-making of the entire civilization was transferred to a data-based artificial intelligence called [Supreme Intelligence]!?

This is something that any normally developing Shenhe body civilization cannot agree with.

But the Kree Empire feels quite normal, and even worships its own creation as a god!

"If the Xia Empire still has a trace of the threshold for advancing to the god-level, all of us are willing to quietly see how far it can eventually develop..."

"Then, the Kree Empire is absolutely impossible! Their genes have been modified so much that they have no potential for progress. "

Hiko's eyes turned to another fleet that was beginning to fall behind.

The disgust in his eyes couldn't be more obvious.

Zou Jin can also see it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The genes of the Kree Empire do have the genetic blueprint of a divine individual.

In a sense, the Kree are freaks who were transformed by a member of the Celestial God Group using their own genes as a model.

Even if they claim to be the most intelligent race in the known universe...

But actually!?

The history of civilization in six million years far exceeds that of all god-making civilizations, including the Shenhe civilization...

But people can exist well in the world, and even the so-called void can attract arrival...

Its civilization ceiling has always been limited to the peak of the aerospace level...

It can be seen that its civilizational potential is underneath.

Helplessly sighed:

"The three space-level civilizations that prided themselves on the interstellar empire are now full of stars, fighting wars everywhere and planting flags everywhere."

"The news from the side of the blazing sun, their Heavenly Dao Star Domain also appeared the figure of the Skrulls..."

"I don't understand at all how this group of lonely and unheard people are so kind and plant flags everywhere to confirm their own territory of influence."

Zou Jin smiled and said:

"Let them go, the potential is limited, and the development of civilization itself has no characteristics..."

"It's no wonder that you don't think much of the god-making civilization."

Say nothing.

Yanbao steered the sightseeing ship and sailed away silently.

In a way, Zou's statement.

It is also a thinking mode for creating god-level civilizations and selecting subsidiary civilizations.

Simply put.

Either you are in terms of civilized individual genes.

It's never been cleaner and has enough genetic potential...

Or, in the process of development, the civilization has developed some black technology that can make the god-level 637 civilization shine.

At the very least, it must be able to attract the attention of higher civilizations.

These two conditions could not be met, and even if the civilization knew of the existence of the god-making civilization, it would not be possible to find them.

Even if you really find it, waiting for this civilization is not a good thing.

The Hia Empire, the Kree Empire, is such a typical example.

The sightseeing spacecraft continues to sail in the sea of stars.

In the empty starry sky, Zou Jin can be regarded as enjoying a wave of extreme tenderness from the guardian angel.

Most of the time.

Zou Jin and his guardian angel are always in dialogue about some academic issue or a cosmic wonder.

Quietly distorted by Zou Jin.

Moreover, the guardian angels, who have no resistance to Zou Jin, will always accommodate some of Zou Jin's excessive requirements.

During the voyage.

The situation of the earth is also quietly changing.

After the last time, the sniper from the devil, the superhero groups and individuals of the magnesium West can be described as heavy casualties.

Before the Avengers' Civil War story could begin, Team Magnesium, Black Widow and Hawkeye Patton were killed by accurate sniping.

Tony and Banner were not spared.

But luckily, they all have their own iconic hole cards, and they narrowly avoid fatal damage.

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