In fact.

Kesha's abilities are not only buffed and strengthened, but not only her Divine Realm and the Dark Silver Archangel.

As Kesha's iconic arsenal...

The Divine Arsenal is also blessed conceptually...

The divine pattern on Kesha's eyebrows does not need to be reminded by outsiders, since Keisha began to contact the realm of idealism, under the information sharing of Zou Jin, she knew some of the secrets of heaven and earth, and she knew it clearly.

The divine pattern on his eyebrows, its name: sacred!

That's right.

Keisha is the one, in the new era, the fastest to adapt to the existence of the new cosmic rules.

On the one hand, there is the prestige of the king of the gods of Kesha.

It can be called the world's respect!

On the other hand, Kesha's past achievements are now hanging up in the great cosmic consciousness of the new world!

Change to someone else.

With Kesha's 30,000 years of accumulation.

It's no problem to break the realm in an instant and officially ascend to the gods.

But Keisha is unwilling, on the one hand, she is almost offline, what if Carl and Morgana can't do it after getting stronger again?

On the other hand, Keisha also listened to Zou Jin's advice and tried her best to suppress the arrival of the god ascending moment until the water was full, until the natural god ascended!

But no matter what...

As a known universe, Keisha is cared for by the divine concept and like a girl on the spot, but it is a fact!

Today's Kesha...

Any attack passively superimposed on a layer of divine blessing ...

That is the favor of the divine concept from the Great Universe 447, the undoubted divine oppression, the divine true wound, the divine ruling...

In a way.

Kesha's weight in the realm of the Divine Concept is almost no less than Zou Jin's position in the Ultimate Concept...

Even Zou Jin himself expressed shock.

He knows best.

The so-called concept agent is not easy to appear.

Don't look at Zou Jin and Kesha, they are in the same universe and have obtained such a heaven-defying opportunity.

But actually.

The concept of the final Yan searched for infinite dimensions, and finally lodged on Zou Jin.

The same goes for Kesha.

Why there are conceptual agents.

There is only one reason, the concept itself, instinctively thinking that the life body can help itself grow!

Back to reality.

Of course, Keisha was not willing to really cut her sister...

But Morgana, who was blocked by dark data blessed by the divine concept, was a real and almost frightened, sharp sword of flame.

Wrapped in a deadly sense of crisis, he almost pressed the tip of his blade against his eyebrow...

Intense panic and despair loomed.

Morgana's eyebrows jumped out like thunder and lightning, and the god pattern that flowed indiscriminately was manifesting on its own.

See here.

Keisha was relieved.

"Cough, what, the Dark Silver Archangel has just been successfully developed, and it is understandable that some technical details need to be adjusted."

That being said.

Keisha was speechless about Leng Bing's current activation of his God Pattern.

This sister of his own family is indeed a little too heavy on his own heart.

If not.

With the endowment of cold ice, it will not be, and now it is only now stimulated by the divine pattern mark of the spiritual realm...


Look at this divine pattern...

[Interesting, yes... Detached concept!? 】

But single-mindedly...

Leng Bing, who wanted to cooperate with outsiders to let his sister close the curtain, obviously did not notice his own changes, and his vicious eyes stared at Kesha's understated expression.

In the dark plane...

The cold and crazy cry for help is always urging Carl...

[Nikma Karl, don't you hurry up, the old lady is about to be cut into foam by Kesha's blue pool! ] 】

【Wow! Cal! Kesha's performance in this blue pool, something is wrong, lie in the groove! 】

[Eh, Carl, are you having a difficult birth?] Won't your conscience hurt by letting the old lady face such a terrible Kesha alone!? 】

[Karl! Cal! 】

[Help, Carl, the old lady is about to be beaten to death! ] Are you blind? 】

[Forget it, the old lady gives up, can't beat, really can't beat! ] But Carl, when I met your waste teammate, the old lady was really blind and believed in your evil! 】

[Speaking of a good plan, you are just like a pregnant woman with a difficult birth, procrastinating...]

[The old lady was really miserable by you, Carl...] (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Keisha certainly didn't know.

Behind the vicious gaze on the surface of the cold ice, what kind of psychological activities (CCAE) such as throwing the pot, asking for help, and giving up are happening.

She just beckoned slightly.

Provoking Morgana's mud-like body with silver wings:

"Looking at your appearance, it seems that I want to say something..."

"Say, I didn't block your right to speak..."

Anyone can hear the small and pleasant comfort from Kesha's overlapping words with a sense of sacredness.

Morgana, of course, understood.

With her lips pursed, Morgana simply broke the jar and cursed:

"Bi, Bichi!"

"You, you rest and let the old lady submit!"

Keisha chuckled, but a cold light flashed under her eyes.

It seems that the strength of the tuning seems to be slightly insufficient.

"Don't worry, I didn't intend to make you give in..."

"But, you and my sisters, it's time to draw an end to this endless war..."

The clear killing intent shrouded the ice.


At the moment when the cold ice was so desperate that it almost shed tears, a familiar breath flashed in this space.

Leng Bing roared like a life-saving straw:

"Lying groove Carl, why don't you hurry up and move up!"

The next moment.

A big skeleton face outlined by spatial lines behind Keisha quietly emerged.

Keisha instinctively wanted to fight back.

But forcibly held down, did not resist in the slightest, was swallowed by the skeleton's open mouth...

But Keisha didn't do nothing.

The treasure house of divine knowledge that had been analyzing the spatial architecture of this place was instantly activated at this moment, at the cost of a hundred stars being burned out.

Completely break the time-space blockade built by the Great Clock and Demon One...

In ordinary times, of course, it is not so easy...

But since Karl's big clock wants to move Kesha to the predetermined place and carry out the plan to kill the gods, he must pay the price of this place's computing power.

Keisha is relieving the angels at the same time...

The final command was also given to all the angels present:

"Give up entanglement with demons, go to Earth, go to Donghuang, and help your future!"

The sudden disappearance of the queen, of course, the angels were very worried and alarmed.

But the Queen's orders must not be disobeyed.

Under the leadership of the angel Kayla, the angels rushed straight into the earth's atmosphere below without saying a word.

No matter what.

The parent civilization where the crown prince is located must be preserved.

Until then.

Leng Bing breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the battlefield, as if it was already a bleak to the extreme.

The place was full of demonic corpses, but looking at the angels, only a few high-level guardian angels of the second-generation gods fell here.

"Angels, demons..."

"We went from one extreme to another extreme with no hope..."

"It's dark before my eyes..."

Stumbling down on the throne where Kesha was sitting.

Leng Bing's expression was complicated and a little low whispered.

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