But strangely, Leng Bing was not worried.


At this moment, she is extremely excited!

"Huh, haha!"

"Keisha ah Kesha, before you died, you finally did the right thing!"

"The strong should be like this, and only such a strong person is qualified to rule the angels..."

Face longing.

Cold ice full of joy.

Laughing and laughing, but gradually lowered again.

The whisper of the heart, echoing in the heart that no one knows:

"It's a pity that you and I are too emotional, so perceptual that we go to extremes that go against common sense..."


"I don't hate you anymore! Because you have found the most suitable helm for the shaky angel! "

"It's a pity that you can't see that future again!"

What Leng Bing thought in his heart.

Outsiders, of course, don't know.


The demons could see that their queen seemed to be the ultimate lawbreaker who did not worry about deterring all parties.

"Don't worry, that little ghost's measure can tolerate you and me during the last conversation, and will not specifically come to the door to do any reckoning!"

After a pause, Leng Bing explained:

"Let all the actions of Demon One in the galaxy be hidden from Part 063, so as not to be hit by those little short skirts, under the banner of avenging Kesha!"

"You can't give them an excuse to dispatch the final lawyer!"

"Do you understand what the old lady means!?"

Atai and the other remaining demon elites were slightly relieved.

The Queen's wish was granted.

Not only has the queen's obsession been eliminated, but the demons who have been fighting on the battlefield for many years are also exhausted at this moment.

It is really not suitable to go to war with angels, or even the final lawyer behind angels.

The queen was not carried away by the victory, and it couldn't be better.

As for the Queen's order, there is suspicion of retreat.

That doesn't matter!

In the past, when he hid in the east, the demons retreated more, but so what...

Laughing, the last one is not the Demon Queen!

Just avoid the war!

This business, the devil is familiar with...

"Just understand, now, our only job is leisure!"

"Hehe, it's supposed to be Karl's yin in a panic!"

"By the way, the old lady is going to find Rose, you big guys, don't disturb the old lady's honeymoon trip!"

Say nothing.

Leng Bing took brisk steps.

Through the cloud of micro wormholes, disappeared...

Big Buren fell to the ground, but his face was a picture of the aftermath.

"I feel that the queen thinks too much, today's earth, who loves to go, anyway, I don't go, that place is too evil!"

Artest shook his head with a wry smile.

Don't take care of Big Burlen, a guy whose life is so good that it explodes.

In the battle of the floating island, thousands of demon elites were ravaged by angels and Kesha.

Stunned is directly less than three-quarters.

Being able to survive that kind of bitter war, the luck of Big Burlen can be seen.

"The queen has a heart, but it's a pity..."

"Ato, you weak chicken can't see it, without you, the momentum of the legion is gone..."


At the same time.

Rena has taken over the three Guardian Battle Stars of the Fierce Sun.

Repeatedly checking the picture of Zou Jin when he ascended the throne in the dark plane.

Rena's face turned red for a while.

Apparently brought himself into the role of Zou Jin...

That kind of domineering attitude that rebuked Fang Xuan also deeply fascinated Rena...

It's just very inappropriate, Hu Fu Guardian Yuan came over, and after solemnly saluting, he asked:

"Goddess, do you need to clear out all the gluttonous fleets in the Chiwu star system!?"

"The new Guardian Battle Star, with the ability to roll the solar wind, coupled with the protection of space expansion technology, we can destroy all gluttony in an instant without harming the earth!"

"According to calculations, it will not take more than twenty-four earth hours..."

Rena was slightly silent. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I have to say that this is quite a tempting proposal.

He was manipulated by Carl, and although bad things were laid out behind the scenes, he also got the greatest benefit. (CGDF) But to say that there is no resentment in the heart...


Rena now can't wait to set fire to directly burn all the gluttony, and even wants to cross the starry sea and light the star day of the gluttonous parent galaxy!




Rena sighed helplessly and said:

"Yuanli, why are you so unenlightened..."

"There are so many things happening on the earth, you really don't pay attention to it, do you..."

"But if you are careful, you should know that whether it is the gluttonous combined fleet, or the demonic plague that is raging."

"It's all the test that bad thing left for Donghuang!"

Speaking of this, Rena stared fiercely at Yuanli.

Vicious warning:

"I can tell you, if you destroy the stepping stone that bad thing has booked, believe it or not, the guy who turned his head will hang you up for Donghuang as a target!"

"Don't expect the goddess to save you then..."

Yuanli's forehead sweated slightly.

Think of a certain big man, Fang Cai's shocking speech and demonstration.

A strange attack that spans the entire known universe and civilizations, and crosses the dark plane projected on reality!

Yuan Li understands.

With his own second-generation peak divine body.

Absolutely forced is unable to resist the devastation, if it is not good, it will really be hung on the target for the Tianfang Air Force that Donghuang is forming to shoot targets for the public...

"Don't worry, Goddess, Yuanli knows what to do!"

While speaking with a cold sweat, Yuan Li also quickly arranged it.

Let the three battle stars all hide.

And use subspace expansive technology to hide the fleet.

So as not to startle the snake and disturb the layout plan of the big guy.


Yuan Li looked strangely at the corner of the Chiwu star system.


According to the detection feedback of the fleet ...

It seems that there is a strange female of the Divine River body, who is rushing to the earth!

"Goddess, outside the Chiwu star system, there seems to be a strange divine river body, heading towards the earth!"

"Huh? Earth is so popular! "

"Eh, goddess, according to the analysis of fleet data, this god river body lady seems to have the same genetic sequence as the earth god river body!"

"You mean, this is an earthling? Fake it! "

"Sorry, goddess, the result of the data feedback is like this, she is indeed an earthling! What to do, do you need to stop her? "

Rena waved her hand slightly.

The eyes are as bright as the sun.

She is trying to examine the lady who came to Earth through the spiritual lens of the spiritual realm.


Blonde hair, white skin, just a little bit of remnant appearance...

I have a middle-aged aunt face...

"Strange, she is indeed an earthling, or a military fighter pilot..."

"The problem is, this product has such a strong power."

"Why do you have to run the waves in the universe, even the earth was invaded, it took so long to drive..."

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