World is a very magical term.

Civilization is the carrier of this miracle.

The same world, the same earth, but because of the living environment and habits, at the very beginning of the development of civilization, write a certain gene with a high tendency to civilization.

Just like the Donghuang civilization and the Western civilization, they developed together on the Earth Star, but now...

After several successive turbulences, only Donghuang can stand firm!

Conversely, the same civilization genes.

In different worlds, we will inevitably walk a different path.

If it is Donghuang in the previous life.

In any case, Zou Jin could not believe how to get Donghuang in his previous life to recognize the theocratic theory without causing mass death.

And willingly hand over the supreme authority of civilization to individuals ...

That's because Donghuang in his previous life had never been in contact with the idea of God...

Compared with.

The Donghuang in the previous life can be called a blank piece of paper.

The easiest to paint and the most determined.

The Donghuang in this life has the same civilization genes as the Donghuang in the previous life...

Why would the upper echelons of Donghuang recognize the existence of such a theocracy, there is actually one reason, the addition of the Deno remnants, the intervention of Ducao and the Super Theological Academy!

When Zou Jin clearly listened to the hearts of the two Donghuang Pavilion elders, their recognition and sustenance.

680 complicated thoughts rose like a tide, and rippled in the heart lake, and then disappeared invisible.


Sit on the throne of the angels.

Overlooking the current representatives of the Earth below.

It's a novel experience.

Don't shy away, there is pride, arrogance, calmness, and righteousness!

But those.

It is not enough to shake the power of Zou Jin's unsealed knowledge law.

A mirror-clear mind.

In the reflection of the Heart Lake, the voices of everyone present were observed by Zou Jin like watching flowers and watching the moon.

A group of people, mainly Nick Fury and Coulson, are in the same step: vigilance, doubt, anger, worry, fear!

They are wary of Zou Jin's existence and will infringe on their interests!

They questioned Zou Jin, what qualifications could be valued by angels, and then ascend to the angel throne, after all, he was just a Donghuang man who had never looked good in the past.

They were not angry about why the angel was inconsistent with the biblical account, and the Lamb of the Lord was sitting at the scene, and why the angel looked at a Donghuang man alone.

They are equally worried!

Fearing that (aech) Zou Jin will use the power of angels to destroy their current position and plunder the power they control.

They are even more frightened!

Fear that higher civilizations will captivate them, enslave them, and even send them to the dissection table without resistance, just like in the Hollywood plot!

Let's be honest...

A typical Anglo-Saxarian white elite ...

A brainwashed but firm black egg who believes that only he can save the world...

It's normal that they would have such a feeling.

As the king of angels, Zou Jin's dislike of magnesium West is as straightforward as ever, and the angels are certainly in the eyes.

When they came to Earth, they discovered...

This group of people once held high the banner of justice, human rights, freedom, and cooking, but in fact they were doing the work of raiding homes and houses.

Believe me.

Angel Sister didn't wash the ground for a flame judgment over there, all of them can be regarded as Angel Sister has cultivation!


The angels under Zou Jin, when leading this group of people, of course, don't think about getting any decent treatment.


Shrewd, they felt the double standard breath that they were most familiar with.


That's why they have such rich and funny inner activities.


The gaze swept over the representatives of the Wakanda side.

Prince T'Challa, who has eaten the blessed heart-shaped grass and obtained evolution, and Su Rui, a princess who can develop a scientific and technological system on her own based on vibranium materials...

All right......

They are still relatively normal...

In addition to being entangled in their hearts, did the angels set their sights on their vibranium deposits...

I am also entangled in how to talk to the elders of Donghuang Pavilion to say good things, so as to bring them closer and let Donghuang help Wakanda for a wave...

- It's really normal.


The scientists in the super-seminary, including Tony, are very curious about everything.

They are in the minds of scholars. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

They are all attracted by the strange state of Skyblade Seven, which is between reality and illusion.

They were also captivated by the perfect life forms of angels.


The voice of some individuals is, frankly speaking, indeed death.

For example, Tony-chan, which has been integrated into the rhythm of Donghuang...

This product is now thinking about how to obtain the body tissue of the angel for research so that it will not be hacked to death!

The transcendent brought by the Divine Spear Bureau.

Without exception, in addition to revealing the explosion of the three views, there were also a bit of frightened inner fluctuations.

This is also normal.

The transcendent beings who are also genetically oriented, they know best how terrifying the angels who are listed behind them as guards are!


The only group that is indifferent is the secret mages of Karma Taj.

Gu Yi, Master Wang and other high-level among the secret mages knew best.

In this day and age.

What a great existence it is under the crown of their new creditor...

They are all the same people, and even said that they thought they were Zou Jin's concubines...

There are indeed reasons to be calm.


Just a glance.

The inner fluctuations of everyone present, without any omission, were taken into control.

Let's be honest.

Zou Jin himself didn't want to see it that much.

But just as the angel sisters previously commented on themselves.

Your spicy data volume is illuminated in the dark plane, and it is difficult to see it yourself...

The same.

The fluctuations in the hearts of this group of people, just like their expressions, when they are unilaterally exposed in front of themselves, it is difficult for Zou Jin to think about it!

Wave your hand gently.

One by one, a cup of clear tea appeared in front of everyone present.

Zou Jin's original intention is just simple hospitality.

But who knows.

Unexpectedly, some people's pupils quake, and they screamed in their hearts that this was Zou Jin's demonstration!

BY – Black Egg: That's right! That's it!

A few black lines slipped down his forehead, and Zou Jin simply cut straight to the point:

"Okay, Lao drove you here, the purpose is very simple... It's time for the strife of the earth to end! "

[Ma Jal Fak! What does this Donghuang man want to do? Want to bloodwash whites and hey people!? 】

【Generous gift crab! The involvement related to the Northern Trend in the bureau must all be cut off! Death feels bad, but resurrection is not necessarily easy! Sorry BOSS! Your employees must be honest with their hearts, and I am indeed intimidated! Saying...... Now immigrate to Donghuang, is there any operability!? 】

The corners of Zou Jin's eyes twitched slightly.

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