Three days later.

Zou Jin, who seems to have sensed something.

Suddenly woke up from the cold gentle township, facing the cold who had only sworn to protect last night, Zou Jin gently covered her with a quilt.

Take care of yourself and get up and carry your king suit on your body.

At the same time, he brushed himself with a spatial black cavity to cleanse the cold breath remaining on the body surface.

He looked sideways at the bed, pretending to be sleepy but his cheeks were red and cold.

Smiled lightly, and did not debunk it.

One step at a time.

The convenience of Yakong's flickering made Zou Jin come to the command hall in an instant, and Shi Shiran sat on the throne.

Holding his chin with one hand, he looked pensive.

All right.

It's not contemplation.

Strictly speaking, this is more like the melon-eating masses watching the play.

Not long after, a secret message came to Zou Jin's ears:

"Your Lord, this ship is full of malice! Is it necessary to intercept? "

Zou Jin responded indifferently:

"No, by the way, the braincase on Dormammu's side, don't stitch it up for now, I want to experiment with some new ideas later."

The conversation with Koichi ended quickly.

As a Supreme Mage.

Of course, Koichi's attention was not limited to the earth.

Even at the moment when there are many research topics, Gu Yi still maintains real-time monitoring of the entire Nine Realms.


That broken ship had just entered the Chiwu star system.

Furuichi was aware of it.

The next moment.

The space before the throne, burning with a sparkling circuit diagram, was quickly opened.

Hexi appeared in front of Zou Jin with the same expression of watching the play.

Unceremoniously next to the throne, another throne appeared, Shi Shiran sat down, and Hexi stared at Zou Jin curiously:

"Your Majesty, that girl Leng ran out of your room yesterday, right?"

Zou Jin: "..."


Is this Pippi Xi broken.

For President Mao to stare at Wang's private life, if it weren't for the lack of evidence, Zou Jindu suspected that Hexi had installed surveillance in his room!

Hexi shrugged and said with a playful smile:

"I don't dare to install surveillance in the king's palace..."

"However, there happened to be an experiment yesterday that needed to verify the power transmission pattern between the mysterious side gods and believers."

"No, I was thinking of asking Leng to help and catch an evil demon from the dark dimension to come back and study it, who would have thought... Gee! "

"Our Middle World War II God Angel Leng is also mature now! Just as Naniko's physiology was active yesterday night, I can't imagine what you all did, just like Naniko fought a nebula-level war yesterday night! "

Zou Jin's face was dark.

No angry retort:

"So curious, watch out for your majesty tonight, and capture you back for you to experience for yourself!"

"Ahem! What, watch a play! Hua Ye's fanfare landing mode, hey, really stared at the cold ice! "

It turns out.

On the surface, all kinds of old Siji's angels.

No matter how high her status is, when she really wants to talk about it, she will immediately wither!


As Pipi said...

You can tweak Hexi at any time, but the opportunity to watch the play is just once!


On the pre-war viaduct connecting the north and south.

Wei Qi, who was wearing the second-generation nano tactical mecha of Chengying, drove a military vehicle.

Carrying Rose and Cold Bing, he was heading to a mysterious signal source not far from Yangcheng, on the grounds that Rose suspected that there should be many gluttonous remnants lurking there.


Wei Qi, who has been idle and bored in recent days.

So he took the initiative to apply for a car and took two beautiful people to travel.

But not long after they set off, they had just driven the military vehicle onto the viaduct and were laughing and talking in the car.

A blazing fireball as bright as a shooting star smashed more than 20 meters in front of the military vehicle, raising smoke and dust and cocking cracked pavement.

All proof.

This figure looming in the fireball, wrapped in how powerful potential energy landed on the ground, but accurately controlled the remaining force to prevent the entire viaduct from collapsing to the ground.

Chirping! ——

The shrill sound of tires rubbing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The military vehicle stopped as it drifted, dragging out a series of smoking ruts.

"Wow! Watch out for hostility! "

Wei Qi just stopped the military vehicle, and the soldier's instinct made him activate the second-generation nano tactical mecha of Chengying, and took Wei Qi to fly more than twenty meters high.

Behind him, four laser floating cannons were unfolded one after another...

Qi Qi locked in the smoke, the figure of the hanging er!

"So much hostility... It's not like a good person! Who are you!? "

Wei Qi's question.

I didn't get an answer from the figure in the smoke.

He just thought to himself, smiling strangely:

"Huh Cold! I'm looking for you! "

The smoke gradually dispersed.

The words that had been brewing in his mouth for a long time finally blurted out:

"'Wow! Hua Ye! "

Continue to laugh twice.

Hua Ye jumped on the spot, and in an instant, he flew into the air again.

He didn't pay attention to Rose Wei and Wei Qi at all the whole time, and seemed to have not put the two in his eyes at all.

It wasn't until the figure of the goods disappeared into the clouds, and the shouts that remained in place before he left, came.

"Cold ice, you have fallen! You have actually been reduced to playing with a group of little fart children, and you are not willing to follow the king you should serve and do a big job! "

Two short blades made of high-frequency oscillating dark silver were grasped by Rose in her hands.

The moment the program is activated.

Dazzling blue arcs of light lit up one by one on the short blade edge!

Based on the ability of the rose gene in time and space, the loaded microwormhole fluctuates with high frequency and unfolds silently.

"Cold!? Who are they!? "


That's them!

After a short short close encounter.

In mid-air, there are already more than ten more volleys levitating, and a suspected angel (Nuo Qian Zhao) male with wings on his back!

"That person's name is Hua Ye just now! It was the blood of the royal angels 30,000 years ago! But now... They are just scum! "

"Then I'll be relieved, it's good that they are not angels!"


Look at it.

As far as the sky scum is concerned, whoever is stunned at first sight has to say a big villain!

"Rose, give me a set of armor!"

Rose was slightly stunned.

But he still did as he was told, and equipped the dark alloy armor he had used before in the mode of microwormhole transportation.

"So, you want to really show your combat power?"

"Huh! I didn't plan to hide either! "

Just at this time.

Wei Qi harnessed the mecha and hurriedly landed.

So as not to be besieged, he came to the side of the two women to do a good job of guarding, and then he asked in a daze:

"No, Sister Leng Bing, and Rose, do we really want to fight? The question is who we are fighting for! Adorn? "。

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