Leng Bing, Pan Zhen's brain hole can be understood.

If there really are many universes in a certain airspace.

There must be a universe that takes the lead in detachment.

Strictly speaking, it is the civilization in one of the universes that takes the lead in achieving the great cause of civilization upgrading.

It may also be that some individual, beyond the current universe, is enough to set foot in immeasurable chaos.

Whatever the reason.

In the eyes of Leng Bing and Pan Zhen, a similar existence.

It is very likely that they will attack their own backward universe in order to cut out those civilizations or individuals that can be defined as threats...

There is nothing wrong in theory, but in practice it is full of loopholes!

"Don't think too much, even if such a civilization really exists, they who have ascended to control the universe, why should they invade you?"

"The premise of the invasion is that there is a demand ..."

"Think about it, in the face of such an existence, is there really anything in the known universe that such a great existence will covet?"

Nothing else.

If it weren't for the bond between angels and Donghuang, Zou Jin would now want to be alone and go to the universe alone.

The current known universe.

For him, who is almost omniscient and almost semi-omnipotent in a single universe, it really does not have much attraction.

Leng Bing and Pan Zhen didn't think so much.

But similar comparisons, they themselves can list a lot.

Taking the demon civilization as an example, if the target civilization is not suitable for its genetic virus spread, and more demon warriors are added, will the demon civilization invade the lower civilizations for nothing?

The answer is clearly no!

It is an idle higher civilization that wants to close down the affiliated civilization.

It also depends on whether the other party has the things that their own civilization needs, or the enlightenment of wisdom and thinking.

Leng Bing was puzzled:

"So what exactly caused all this?"

Zou Jin whispered:

"Instead of focusing on these trivial details, guess what exists in the middle zone of the universe!"

Pan Zhen and Leng Bing were silent again.

Zou Jin ignored it and explained to himself:

"This is the Great Source of Chaos~!"

"If the universe is an order born by chance in the source of chaos!"

"Then, the vast source of chaos is the collection of all known and unknown, of course, except for the universe... He can also derive the opposite of order from infinite probabilities! "

What is the opposite of order?

Answering questions like this is actually easy!

Pan Zhen, Rena, including the three guardian angels behind Zou Jin, and even Du Qiangwei, all looked at Leng Bing himself.

The answer is obvious...

That thing is called chaos...

In everyone's mind, Leng Bing is obviously the typical example of gradually moving from order to chaos!

The cold ice was dark, but there was no seizure.

Because at this moment, she thought of another more terrifying possibility!

But it is also such a possibility, the cold ice is almost breathless, almost suffocating!

"You, you mean... In the chaos, life may also be born!? "

"Why not? Order and chaos are just two evolutionary directions of the source of chaos, and it is strange that two people of equal personality give birth to life at the same time?! "

Cold ice complexion livid.

It was the last thing she wanted to hear.

Everyone present was also silent, and the expressions of Yan, Leng and Burning were not very good-looking.

It was Du Qiangwei, who was also thoughtful at the moment, and her expression changed several times.

Only Rena is ignorant and understood, in the stage of wanting to ask, but not embarrassed... After all, when others are thinking, they seem to be dumb when they ask questions...

Pan Zhen obviously sensed the entanglement of the goddess, and sighed helplessly and said bluntly:

"That's trouble!"

"Since chaos and order are opposites, we who represent the order of the universe, and those who represent chaotic life... It is bound to be naturally opposite! "

"Only in this way can we explain the many unsolved mysteries in the known universe."

Hear this.

Rena also came to her senses.

No wonder everyone present looked solemn and worried.

If Zou Jin's theory is established as true, then there is a reason for the demise of the Shenhe civilization!

In the distant past, civilizations that reached their peak and quickly died out also had their doomed motives.

There was silence for a long time...

Leng Bing asked in a dry voice:

"Is there proof?"

Zou Jin nodded and said indifferently:

"Isn't the triangular body very different from the current mainstream model of cosmic evolution the most obvious evidence?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This statement came out.

Once again, everyone fell silent.


The unreasonable mode of existence of the triangle is a proof in itself!

The development of any mainstream civilization in the universe is not unrelated, and the gods of science and technology who have witnessed the rise and fall of countless civilizations over the long years have long known this.

There is a certain common convergence in the development of civilization, and on a large scale, such convergence will lead civilization to unconsciously move towards the same development path.

In terms of the current universe alone...

Since historical history...

But all civilizations that can reach the peak of the aerospace level are all science and technology to civilization...

There is an outlier here, a husky-like thing in a wolf pack - a triangle!

"In this way, physical war is inevitable!"

After being silent for a long time, Leng Bing punched the throne, and when he got up and looked around at everyone, he also seemed to have made some kind of decision!

A pair of eyes that were so firm that no one could shake stared at Zou Jin, and also stared at the three little angels behind Zou Jin:

"Next, the demon will enter the disorderly expansion stage! Angel, do you agree? "

Cold instinctively like refutation.

But when the words came to his lips, it was like stuck in his throat, and he couldn't get out.

How to say?

Not allowing the demon Huo Huo to be civilized by other divine rivers, that is indeed in line with the justice of the angels, but it refutes the simplicity of the devil's actions.

The real difficulty is to come up with practical solutions!

Hikoto and Burning Heart are also frowning, racking their brains to think about how to lead the known universe to break through the threat of the void in a way that is in line with angelic justice.

It was Pan Zhen and Rena, who also chose to wait and see silently after looking at each other!

God-to-God dialogue has never been a simple matter of tearing each other down.

If you dare to refute the other party's proposal and tear down the other party's stage, you have to come up with alternative suggestions that are enough to convince the public!

Otherwise miscellaneous.

Speaking out will only add to the laughter!

In fact, Pan Zhen thought of more without opening his mouth!

Previously, Principal Kiran, and even Di Hongkun, had clearly said that cold ice is the future of that known universe!


Although Pan Zhen and Lieyang found a more suitable future, they would not forget the assertion of these two great gods!

It's hard to say whether Cold Ice's presumptuous indulgence of demonic expansion will eventually become the only way out of the known universe!

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