
The pillar of judgment light that continued to illuminate the entire Kunsa gradually dispersed after a full minute of order.

No way, if it continues.

If you don't get it, even Kunsa's star core has to be excited into a stellar core.

At that time, Kunsa will not be able to rebuild, and will become another star in the galaxy.

Swish! ——

The cold ice and roses hidden in the gaps in the dimension quietly appeared.

Looking around at Kunsa, who was already unrecognizable.

The two women looked at each other for a while, slightly Shen ~ silent.

The difference is.

Cold ice is a kind of silence with a little happiness in the suffocation-.

She knows it best.

Between her and Hua Ye, a huge heavenly barrier has been actually pulled open by Karl's-stirring stick!

Continue to fight, Leng Bing has the confidence not to die.

But the entire demon army will be wiped out one by one!

You will even be beaten to the bone, and there will be no chance of recovery!

What is resentful is that it is precisely the angel who is most reluctant to bow her head to relieve her and the demon army, the angel she has been clamoring to overthrow the just order!

This is special...

And Rose is different...

Her silence is a kind of firmness to see new goals, new heavens and earth, and make up her mind not to be left behind!

"Is Hua Ye dead?"

Half a day.

Rose was the first to break the silence and asked the most crucial question.

Shrugging his shoulders, Leng Bing said helplessly:

"You also connected to Demon One, as far as the computing power that Demon One has just iterated, it is difficult to retrieve the current Kunsa, how do I know if Hua Ye is dead or not."

Today's Kunsa is indeed not easy to solve the detective.

Without him.

Energy chaos, space-time confusion.

Even the dark plane was judged by two heavenly blades, making the earth boil endlessly!

What's more, because Hiko just now mobilized many mysterious elements of Kunsa, the relevant elements of the Spiritual Transcendent Realm were active to the point of boiling at the same time.

Even when the big clock came, they had to be confused three times.

After a pause, Leng Bing said with a smile:

"I don't know if Hua Ye will die or not, but Ruoning Nabichi is dead! The kind that died clean! "

Rose nodded.

Although he did not die in his own hands, he hung under the aftermath of Hiko's attack, which was somewhat unhappy.

But without the targeting of Ruoning's strange angel, Rose was still very happy.

It's not that she can't understand Ruoning personally, it's really Ruoning of the three generations of divine bodies, the divine body route and her time and space rose, and the cold four generations of divine bodies are on the same path.

While the self-healing ability is acceptable, he also has a good micro-wormhole technology body, and continuing to fight is Rose's least favorite battle stage.

Swish! ——

Wang Yan, a heavenly blade dressed in a majestic costume, flashed down with a sword:

"It's a pity that Hua Ye is not really dead!"

Swish! ——

Another figure landed at the same time, the difference was that she had just landed in a blue cape.

It is the new Tianji King burning heart!

"Yes, even if Sister Yan and I specially weave a special killing procedure for Hua Ye in our spare time, we can only break up his real body in stages! Even if we wipe out Hua Ye's dark data, his four generations of divine bodies, and even the black hole engine, have stored all of Hua Ye's data! In short, now Hua Ye, ordinary methods can no longer kill. "

Cold face dark.

"Yo, the new Heavenly Blade King and the Heavenly Base King! Can't wait to grab power with your ultimate lawyer? "

Hikoto looked at each other speechlessly.

They all looked away, too lazy to calculate with Leng Bing, how could she understand the close relationship between her guardian and the angels.

"Hey! How many meanings? "

"Look down on the old lady, don't you, besides, you just wanted to kill the old lady together, right?"

Swish! ——

Another figure quietly appeared.

It is the new King of the Apocalypse, Cold!

That familiar black cloak, the familiar armor of the king...

It almost made Leng Bing think that it was Leng Bing who snatched her cold equipment from her arsenal!

"You think too much... The former Apocalypse King Leng Bing..."

"If we really want to target you, the Heavenly Blade Trial just now should be slashed at the entire Kunsa!"

It was not light or heavy, and he stabbed coldly.

Leng Cai looked at Xiang Yan with an unhappy face:

"Sisters! A few meanings..." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"The master who said before the war handed it over to me to deal with, you don't talk about martial virtue!"

Yan rolled his eyes angrily and complained:

"I can't help it, who let Ruoning be so close to Hua Ye, but Hua Ye's appearance just now is so untidy!" Change you, can you resist not giving him a sword? "

Leng fell silent...

Thinking back to Hua Ye just now...

Dressed in rags, half of his forearm was blown off, and his eyes were full of confusion and horror and even disbelief...

Hiss! ——

Don't say it, I can't help but give Grandpa Hua a sword if I change to Leng himself!

As for the cold ice...

At this moment, Leng Bing was not in the mood to pay attention to the conversation of the three new angel kings, and at this moment, Leng Bing really sensed that something was wrong!

The new angel three kings in front of him actually ... Dute is the fourth generation of divine body, how dare you believe it!

Ma Yay!

The previous four generations of divine bodies, looking through the entire known universe, were only a palm.

And now?

The angel has a new three kings, and the demon has an additional time and space rose!

What about the problem children in the blazing sun?

That fierce Yang female emperor has a good relationship with Zou Jin's kid, and she has rolled the sheets several times!

He Zou Jin is not good for favoring one over the other!

There is also Zou Jin's parent civilization Donghuang, Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun, who have the potential to achieve four generations of divine bodies, and people can't lick one by one...

The old lady really doesn't believe that you Zou Jin even gave the resources for angel promotion, and will not give the little friends of the Xiongbing Company a certain way out!


The more I think about it, the more aggrieved I am!

At a certain moment, Leng Bing planned to raise the whole demon clan and join Zou Jin to make a living!

But when I think of the fact that someone, in addition to helping the mother civilization, is either a marriage or a large-scale recruitment of guardian angels.

There was another silence in the cold...


Try it...

[Hmph! It's pretty lively, isn't it! 】

Tianji Wang burned his heart: "Hua Ye!? "

Heavenly Blade Wang Yan: "You really are not dead!" Cosmic cockroaches, you..."

Apocalypse King Leng said: "It's okay if you're not dead, pull it up and continue to cut!" "

The corner of his cold eye twitched.

No, you're all done, what did the old lady say?

[Death? I, the king of the Heavenly Palace, don't put your group of queens big and small under me, how can I be willing to die!? 】

"Your sister-in-law is all hanging, so don't pretend to be here, okay..."

"It's not convincing at all!"

Cold poisonous tongue mockery.

Let Hua Ye be silent and beg in an instant.

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