
A mouthful of dirty blood sprayed on the ground.

Looking up from the cement pavement, the unlucky policeman looked at Qilin speechlessly.

The bridge of the nose, which was bleeding nonstop, and the slightly bruised face, plus the lips that had been cracked by the front teeth when they hit the ground, were high and swollen.

Qilin also felt embarrassed, and immediately turned her cheeks slightly red, looked in other directions, and pretended that nothing had happened.

Sighing, he took out a tissue from his pocket and complained while wiping it:

“Comrade Qilin, thank you very much for your help… But I also have to say, next time it’s better not to do that, to be honest, my front teeth are about to fall out! ”

Qilin couldn’t help but laugh and cough dryly, and then slapped her colleague on the back with her backhand, and shouted loudly while running forward

“There is kung fu, you might as well quickly clean up the scene!”

“Didn’t see a lot of innocent people, are they all injured?!”

The male policeman rolled his eyes wordlessly, but did not say more, and quickly joined the post-incident disposal link.

The panicked masses were quickly pacified and moved to safety.

The wounded were quickly carried away by medical vehicles, and the soldiers, in cooperation with engineering logistics, hoisted vehicles and tanks damaged and placed them on trailers.

Road officials quickly cleared the road and made it easy for people to circulate.

Everything is in order.

It was more than an hour after everything was over.

In addition to the fact that the cordon still exists, the ground is still full of craters, and the destruction scenes that can be seen everywhere, at least there is not much that the war scene should look like.

On the road, Qilin sat there with a melancholy face.

It’s worrying about the country, it’s worrying about the foggy future.

At this time, the male policeman handed over a bottle of mineral water, sat on the ground as well, and said as if unintentionally:

“Haven’t you seen this before, Comrade Qilin?”

Nodding slightly, unconsciously drinking saliva, Qilin still couldn’t cheer up.

Just because there are still about ten figures on the side of the road, covered with white cloth, they haven’t had time to move.

Qilin knew that those people could be civilians, or national fighters, and they could also be police comrades who had joked and helped each other before.

“I haven’t seen it either! Before, we fought criminals! ”

“In the future, I don’t know who we should compete with.”

“In this world, it is a superpower like Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang, and it is an alien invasion.”

“Just like you and me, how can you protect the people from harm!”

Qilin raised her head slightly and looked at the night sky.

The complaints of colleagues are not from the heart of the dazed….

Sighing, Qilin couldn’t help but join the army of spitting:

“In other words, obviously the country has such advanced air and space weapons, why hold back until the last to use them?”

The male policeman also looked up at the sky and muttered

“Yes, eh… Just that performance, it is estimated that the electromagnetic gun can do it! ”

“You said… The country has deployed this thing in outer space, but it has endured until the end to use that thing… Who the hell are you guarding against? ”

Qilin also thought of this question, and immediately looked at the big pit:

“Maybe… Just guard against these aliens…”

But at this time.

Under the reflection of the street lamp, a shadow suddenly shrouded Qilin.

In the cold, with a puzzled tone:

“No, it’s you who think about it, that thing is not an armed force deployed by the state.”

Hearing the sound, the two turned their heads in unison.

But I saw that the person who came was a beautiful woman with blonde hair, but a typical Donghuang appearance, wearing a formal officer’s uniform.

“You are?”

“Hello Qilin, my name is Mercy Wind, and I am from the Black Great Wall.”

“Oh… Is it to ask for details about the war just now? We have already made the relevant notes. ”

“No, we don’t care about that, frankly, I’m here for you… Ms. Kirin…”

“Me? I’m just an ordinary little policeman, chief, what did you get wrong…”

“Nope! An ordinary policeman cannot lift a tank with one hand, and it is impossible to rescue a trapped soldier from under the tank, even if … That’s just part of the tank turret. ”

“What does the chief mean?”

“Before that, I want to ask, are you interested in playing for a higher division? Nothing else, our responsibilities are more ambitious… Of course, you can also simply understand that the relevant units that deal with such alien invasions. ”


Rubbing his eyebrows slightly stiffly, the male policeman himself did not expect it.

Qilin, who was still chatting well here, was taken away by the officer in the blink of an eye, the key is to see what he heard?!

In other words, is Qilin that tough?

Lift the tank turret to save people?!


Remembering the scene of Qilin pressing the back of her head and screaming on the cement pavement, the police suddenly felt that they might really have to thank Qilin for not killing!


It turns out that the so-called superpowers are actually super soldiers?

This statement is a forced change from fantasy to science fiction, right?

Here’s the problem!

Ge Xiaolun Na Bow is a super soldier and can barely tolerate it.

Liu Chuang’s rogue is also… It’s hard to accept….


On the other side, Zou Jin at this moment was lying on the sofa.

The scene that happened on the battlefield, especially the strike effect of kinetic weapons, Zou Jin used the detection satellite to see it very clearly.

Even he didn’t think of it.

The kinetic energy of the space-based electromagnetic gun, even if the tungsten chromium alloy warhead appeared in advance with settings such as “does not harm the innocent, does not affect others”, eventually caused a large aftermath.

In view of this, Zou Jin immediately reduced the size of the second warhead.

Otherwise, two violent air shocks swept in succession.

It is difficult to say whether other affected people will rupture their eardrums, causing hearing impairment and the like.

This practice also shows.

The power of the law of reason is indeed very strange in terms of controllability.

Its controllability has nothing to do with power itself.

Instead, it is related to the specific manifestation of creation.

The aftermath of the initial electromagnetic cannon really can’t hurt the innocent, but it doesn’t say that a few successive shots still won’t hurt the innocent…

“Wow… Sure enough, you still have to understand the knowledge yourself, and if you are constrained by generalized statements, you always feel that there will be chaos… Can…… Learn something… The most annoying! ”

Now Zou Jin is very entangled.

When the crystal nucleus was activated, it was incidental and helped Zou Jin expand his brain domain.

It stands to reason that there is indeed a basis for rapid learning.

However, to the extent of Zou Jin, it is normal to have a dislike of school.

It’s okay to set the limits that constrain creation, anyway, the void collects knowledge, and I don’t need to understand it all myself….

It’s just that in this way, the skill of chewing words needs to be strengthened….

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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