“It’s outrageous!”

Rena stared at Zou Jinmeng with fiery eyes.

That feeling is very much like a sense of déjà vu of eloping directly after tying this goods.

With a dry cough, Du Qiangwei tried to bring the topic back to normal:

“Is there an upper limit to the ability to create things out of thin air without learning knowledge?”

Mercy Feng shook his head regretfully and said:

“The current upper limit has been tested, but there is no point in talking about this topic.”

“You have to know that his ability to create depends on the knowledge stored in the database.”

“Based on the principle that the higher the knowledge involved in creation, the greater the present consumption.”

“It is unrealistic to rely on him to supply the war consumption of the whole country, in addition…”

“If Zou Jin’s creation is to last forever, it must continue to consume its own energy.”

Hear this.

Neither woman was surprised.

That is the authority of the Creator, and a person who has just embarked on the path of creating God can steal the power of a Creator who does not know whether it exists.

This in itself is already very challenging to the three views, what is the point of a little limit?

Let alone.

This ability to create things out of thin air.

In the war of super soldiers, even gods.

Even if it can only be temporarily realized in wartime, it can cause a killing effect similar to the real creation!

Thinking of this, Rena was just simply gluttonous, and simply wanted to take Zou Jin back to Lieyang.

Du Qiangwei thought of a more important question:

“Zou Jin’s final lawyer, the genetic level should not exceed the second generation…”

“Will his ability to create things improve with the jump in genes?”

Mercy Feng shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn’t understand.

“Denuo 3 has been simulating Zou Jin’s data model recently, but it has not been able to complete it.”

“What Rena just said is very right, no matter from any point of view, the final lawyer is outrageous.”

Right at this moment.

During the conversation between the three, Zou Jin’s voice was inserted:

“Aren’t all super genes that after the level increases, the ability also increases.?”

“Aren’t you?”

On this topic, Zou Jin himself is also puzzled.

To this end, even put aside the team battle that has just begun and open your mouth to ask questions.

Du Qiangwei opened her mouth slightly, but did not say anything, her expression was very complicated.

Mercy Wind simply did not bother to answer this question.

You’ve downloaded so much knowledge, and the database of the super-theological academy is basically open to you without restrictions.

If you have a problem, you won’t watch it? Bah…… School scum!

Rena sat beside Zou Jin with great interest, setting off a spring fragrance.

“It’s not exactly what you said, for us, super genes and self-abilities are two parallel but independent things.”

“Super gene advancement allows super soldiers to accommodate more and higher-end data, and can also load more and more advanced devices, including but not limited to weapons, armor, and dark matter computers.”

“In Earth’s parlance, genetic advancement can make the upper limit of super soldiers, and it can also allow you to obtain stronger physique.”

“But to really improve your own ability, you need to learn, and the premise is that you have upgraded the supporting dark computer, and even the database.”


Rena didn’t show her middle two side.

After a bunch of explanations, Zou Jin easily summed up a new understanding.

The genetic level of the super soldier is equivalent to the model size of the bucket, and whether the comprehensive ability of the super soldier can be improved depends on whether enough water is injected into it in time.

“Thanks, Goddess!”

Gesturing a thumbs up to Rena, Rena was about to take the opportunity to close the distance, but her face turned black in an instant!

Because this goods actually turned around and played his game again!

I! Fierce Sun Female Emperor!

I! The light of the sun!

I! Forearms and backs!

Isn’t it worth your extra look?

Seeing Rena deflated, she was almost angry into a pufferfish.

Mercy Wind chuckled and was unimpressed:

“Don’t worry, this kid has this personality, we also have a headache.”

Du Qiangwei did not plan to deal with this female nerve, but asked a more professional question: (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

“Aunt Mercy, I have a problem.”

“He has that ability, it’s understandable not to learn, but is it appropriate not to train?”

Rena’s eyes lit up, as if she had found the direction of revenge:

“Yes, the battle between the male soldier company and gluttony is imminent, and if you don’t conduct actual combat training, it will affect the team’s performance, and I don’t want to drag multiple oil bottles at that time.”

This is a bit of a deliberate provocation…


Zou Jinzheng’s hands were like flying, and it was completely a one-and-nine posture, turning the canyon of the good end into a big stage for Zuan.

Hearing Rena speak, she also took the time to ask puzzled:

“I have to go to the battlefield at first glance to be able to engage in logistics?”

“Are you mistaken about modern warfare?”

When Du Qiangwei and Rena heard it, they were instantly speechless.

These words…

Looks like nothing is wrong.

Mercy Feng shrugged and said:

“That’s it, the country is not willing to let him go to war.”

“Compared with the battlefield, his ability is more helpful for improving the country’s manufacturing base, developing new weapons, validating new ideas, and so on.”


The height of civilization has never been the height of the individual, and it can define existence.

There are means of creating things out of thin air, and the first thing to think of coming to any country is by no means to send people to the battlefield, as a big explosion similar to a mobile artillery battery.

With high-precision machine tools, high-precision equipment is not fragrant?

With these high-precision and cutting-edge creations, condescending, manufacturing second-level high-precision machine tools and equipment, and promoting it nationwide… Not difficult, right?

When the industrial base of civilization is rapidly pulled.

The manufacture and mass production of certain high-end weapons is no longer a problem.

With an adequate manufacturing base.

The research and development of high-end weapons should naturally be put on the agenda.

Don’t have time to light up the tech tree?

It doesn’t matter, the level of the rabbit’s chakra has never regressed…

It’s a big deal to present a batch of high-end weapons, let those military industry bigwigs casually dismantle and play, can always solve the problem.

A certain (Li Haohao) scientific genius had a whim.

If you want to make some big moves, but the investment is huge, what should I do if the prospects are uncertain?

Never mind!

Send the technical idea to Zou Jin.

Try to show the real thing, and verify it in the most intuitive and pragmatic way…

Isn’t it also fragrant?

Thinking about this, Du Qiangwei’s gaze towards Zou Jin completely changed.

This big treasure must not go into battle.

It has to be closely protected!

As for Rena?

I’m sorry……

The reason why she fancy Zou Jin is also similar to Zou Jin’s ability potential is good, and there is a possibility of ascending to the gods!

Put it bluntly.

Rena is looking for a future Prince of Lieyang for herself!

Anyway, this kid looks very pleasant, no loss!

Of course, Mercy Feng also saw the change in the expressions of the two women.

Especially Rena.

But it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, the angels are all over, and there is no shortage of a blazing sun to enter.

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