Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 111 Price Gouging At Level Universe

You can say that.

Zou Jin, who was born in the pre-nuclear era of the earth, has a relatively shallow understanding of god-level civilizations.

Looking at the god-making civilization from the perspective of the pre-nuclear era, originally is a fallacy!

pre-nuclear era.

space age.

God-making era.

The leap of the three levels of civilization represents not only a leap in technology.

It also represents the leap-forward progress of the social system!


The development of science and technology will inevitably reduce production costs.

When the civilization reaches the peak of the aerospace level, even the individual civilization will be able to have exceptionally strong productivity!

When materials are no longer an obstacle to survival, money transactions lose their meaning of existence.

At the same time, the resources of the universe are limited, and it is impossible to provide a certain civilization with endless squandering... In addition to losing the motivation to move forward, the people will inevitably fall into a stage of bewilderment, which will lead to the loss of the integrity of civilization. "940 "Go forward direction.

That's how God came into being!

When a peak space civilization has a god, it will have a new direction.

Civilization cohesion can be reshaped again!

Therefore, a new technological explosion will inevitably come, and people will try to assemble the equipment that was installed on the starship in the past on the body of God.

The god-level civilization was born based on this status quo.

At this stage, the productivity of civilization will leap again. The question is, what is the most precious thing for such a civilization!?

There is only one answer: knowledge!

Because the god-level civilization does not lack the ability to apply knowledge, nor does it lack sufficient productivity.

Knowledge has become the common pursuit of many god-making civilizations.

That's why.

Only then did the original Kamikawa moral order exist, and the purpose was to allow all beings in the universe to develop in an orderly manner, and in the process, to incubate as much as possible brand new knowledge.

The Kamigawa civilization died after unknown.

The remaining numerous god-level civilizations have felt huge amounts of pressure......

For the continuation of civilization, the gods of various god-making civilizations have defined their own exclusive development concepts for their respective civilizations.

Use more suitable order soil, use civilization as soil, and plant more knowledge!

Guotai Minan in Lieyang.

Angel's Order of Justice.

Demon's fallen evil.

Styx embraces death.

Without exception, they are all products of this thinking mode.


Due to Ducao and other Deno remnants, the earth has substantially possessed super fighters such as the power of the galaxy, Nuoxing war god, time-space rose and so on.

For other god-making civilizations, because of the existence of the space principal, it is difficult to say much.

But the pursuit of civilization's forward development is an eternal theme.

Even the headmaster of space has nothing to say.


Under the tacit understanding of all parties, the earth was selected as the training ground for the gods.

Things were supposed to go according to the established script.

The gluttonous invasion, the people's desperation, the shadow of death, the invasion of evil, and the confrontation of justice will all be staged as scheduled, the only difference is who will act.

Until the gods have gone through the world and truly become gods, or have the thinking and responsibility of gods.

The gods of the new era will not truly become the gods of the earth until the earth is in suffering and breeds enough knowledge to completely stop those behind-the-scenes masters!

And the earth will surely climb to the sky in one step, directly reaching the realm of god-level civilization...


The original script has not yet been staged.

A strange flower like Erha tore up the entire script.

With its various Abilities that are enough to explode the three views, it crazily attracts the attention of people in the know!

It just so happens that someone like Erha has shown the explosive potential of all the god-making civilizations, making his mouth water.

All kinds of new and unheard of technologies are emerging one after another...



Where did the script come from!?

There is no such thing at all, okay, dare to slander the god-making civilization, be careful of nebula-level wars!


So many novel technologies, I don't know much about them.

Whoever made gods and civilizations is so idle, it's like a brain twitch to launch some trials of the gods, is it necessary?

Here comes the problem.

There is only one Erha, and there are so many people who plan to serve...

This is where the allocation problem arises.

Lieyang, Angel, and the Super Seminary, which has the local advantage, the three forces looked at each other, and all of them extinguished the desire to forcibly kidnap.

It is not enough to force it, but to lure it together.

The Super Seminary immediately gave it to the trapped parent civilization at the expense of the Earth branch!

Angel followed closely behind. Although I didn't expect any good compensation, it's okay to open the treasure house of sacred knowledge first and take the lead in occupying favorable terrain.

Lieyang is silent...

The interaction between Ke Leina and Zou Jin was watched by the gods.

Believe me, Pan Zhen at that time almost laughed out of wrinkle...

As for demons and Styx!?

Feel sorry.

There are enough cakes.

There's really no need to add two nasty things to get involved.



Zou Jin is definitely not aware of the above.

Poor Feng and Moy are explaining to Zou Jin in such a different way.


Zou Jin was completely unaware of the kindness of the two beautiful big sisters.

It's just admiration, our Dadonghuang, this wave of lying wins is really profitable... the kind of scalp numbness!

Don't say anything else.

The Earth Branch of Super Seminary.

Although the strength of the teachers is really pulling the hips, I can't even bear to look directly at them.

But all the equipment and experimental equipment are all proper god-level high-end goods!

Idle equipment can't make dark iron, isn't it...

Now with the foundation of the Super Seminary, Donghuang will have sufficient logistical support and the possibility of technology upgrade during the war.

There is room for manoeuvre, which can be called an explosive leap forward...

As for Angel...

Zou Jin rolled his eyes, and without paying attention, he started to look at Mo Yi who was opposite.

Look at this white skin like jade, smell the refreshing orchid body fragrance, look at the luxurious arsenal of Miss Angel...

What compensation do you want!

Is it delicious to have an extra pack of Guardian Angel?

"Child, your eyes are very strange, be careful of being bombarded by the big sister with flames and riding on the face!"

Zou Jin coughed dryly, and said straight to the 2.7 scriptures:

"Nonsense, I just want some kind of compensation... In other words, what about the star life of your Tianji King, that thing looks ugly!"

Moy was dumbfounded.

It took a while to come back to my senses, and I looked at Zou Jin with the eyes of "you are really a genius":

"you sure!?"

Fifty light-year killing radius!

The Sharpness of Dark Silver!

Who can see it and not be confused...

Moy hesitated to speak, but in the end kindness prevailed, reminding:

"You can create things in the void, and in the future you can log into the treasure house of sacred knowledge. It is not difficult for you to manifest a star life yourself!"

Zou Jin retorted seriously:

"No! I want the original version of Star Destiny,, I mean the one used by Tianji Wang Hexi!"


Moy:  …

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