Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 116 Peer Deterrence

Lianfeng received the news and rushed to the data center as quickly as possible.

The national level has also made an emergency response, updating the national monitoring as soon as possible, so that the most advanced big data face recognition technology can be popularized to the maximum extent.

The technology of the pre-nuclear era is definitely impossible to break through the god-level technological camouflage.

But still that sentence!

God is not overly concerned with a pre-nuclear Earth.

If this place hadn't been acquiesced by the gods and made it a trial ground for a new generation of gods, the gods wouldn't even pay attention to such a planet at the edge of the Milky Way.

Just like a normal person would not inexplicably target a certain ant nest, and specially develop a device to interfere with the activities of the ant colony.

This move is not for killing gods.

God-killing battles against gods, only gods can be the main body of action.

Doing that is just to designate "two five seven" as a source of danger, so that the people can get a negligible chance to escape, that's all!

Moi and Zou Jin also came to the data center.


Lianfeng had just finished reporting to the country's high-level officials, and had to work non-stop to cooperate with General Ducao to formulate targeted disaster prevention measures.

When Zou Jin and Moy entered the room.

Remote calls have only just been established.

"Miss Moy, on behalf of Donghuang people, I would like to express my gratitude to Angel for his kind deeds."

Seeing that Moy was present, Ducao said something in a timely manner.

Moy was indifferent:

"Don't worry, war madman Ducao, Angel will not forgive you for what you have done... We helped Donghuang because the parent civilization behind the Herrscher of the Last Yan is Donghuang.

This is very straightforward.

Straightforwardly, Zou Jin, a political idiot, can understand it.

Moy is warning Ducao that he can use anyone, but he must not let the end horse into a desperate situation!

Ducao didn't heed Moy's warning.

Now he is just a pure war criminal who wants to atone for the past.

He has a very clear position on himself, and he never hides his past. In fact, it is his mission to cultivate a new generation of gods for Donghuang, his favorite civilization, so that the earth can gain a firm foothold in the cruel universe. all!


As the former Nuoxing commander, he is also very clear about the huge potential of the Herrscher of the Last Yan.

Other god-making civilizations can regard Zou Jin as a treasure, and he, Ducao, dares to transfer the original bet on the power of the galaxy to the last Herrscher!

Therefore, he is the one who wants Zou Jin to grow up safely!

"Zou Jin, thank you for everything you have done to Donghuang. Please rest assured that no one in Donghuang will sacrifice any soldier as a bargaining chip."

Ducao's statement, in a sense, is also a promise made by Donghuang's upper management to Jin through Ducao's mouth.

Zou Jin nodded slightly and didn't say much.


Due to a strategic misjudgment, Ducao once led the originally harmoniously developed Deno Double Stars into the abyss of an arms race.

This is really unreasonable.

But it doesn't seem correct to say that it's all due to Ducao, a commander who formulates the strategic direction.

Flies do not bite seamless eggs, Nuoxing high-level executives and even the public have not inflated themselves because of the existence of Nuoxing God of War, and they will not reach that point.

It's not so much the fault of Ducao alone.

Rather, it is the collective will of the people of Nuoxing who chose the path destined to perish.

That's all.

Lianfeng didn't pay too much attention to past topics.

Instead, he asked straight to the point:

"Moy, are you sure Morgana is coming?"

Moy nodded and said:

"Not long ago, the Herrscher of the End told me about his abnormal induction. After analysis, we determined that Morgana was about to come, which caused a divine warning."

"Definitely, there is no point in guessing, so I asked the queen to activate the knowledge treasure house of God Rate to retrieve Morgana's information."

"It has been confirmed that there are more than 10,000 fixed stars in the Styx star field, and they have been consumed inexplicably!"

"At the site of the nebula war between Angel and the devil last time, Morgana's dark data information could not be found in the dark plane.

"In addition, in the Chiwu Fixed Star system, when the Big Insect Bridge jump started, the abnormal data volume...

"Preliminary inference, Morgana has been resurrected by Death God Karl, and has successfully advanced to the fourth generation of gods!

while telling.

Moy continued to manifest a projected light screen.

The data on it is constantly flowing, and it is quickly interacting and verifying with the Deno No. 3.

After a while.

Lianfeng put down her two fingers that were touching her temples.

"The data is correct, and it can be basically concluded that Morgana's goal is the earth!"

Ducao pinched the bridge of his nose and felt a headache...

The interstellar war with Taotie has not yet started, but the main god-level combat power has appeared unexpectedly, and it is very unruly to end early!

But when you think about it, the other party is a demon known as the shit stirrer of the known universe.

Ducao was relieved.

That werewolf who was able to fight with his sister for a small matter, and was willing to launch four nebula-level wars between angels and demons.

If you want to use the rules of the universe to restrain such people, it is better to hope that one day you can change it and eat shit!

"Lianfeng, do you think that Morgana will target everyone in the Xiongbing Company?"

"General, that is almost inevitable!"

"Well, I really shouldn't take chances. It seems that we need to activate some equal forces to contain some unruly high-end combat forces."

"The general means..."

"That's right, the one in the myth must end his vacation routine. By the way, let him help to test the recent training results of the Xiongbing Company.

"Okay, General, is there anything else we need to cooperate with?"

"Temporarily gone..."

call ended.

Watching the light screen disappear, Zou Jin asked:

"I heard you right, you just said equal combat power, right? Don't tell me, there are still four generations of gods on Earth!"

Lianfeng shook his head slightly.

"It's said to be equal combat power, but 3.8 is not that exaggerated. It's like Lie Yang has no real master god in power at present, but no fourth-generation god dares to force Lie Yang's regent Pan Zhen too much!"

"The reason is that once Pan Zhen loses his restraint and insists on destroying the god-level civilization, even if there are four generations of master god-level gods who are always on guard, it will appear to be stretched!"

"Putting such a god on the table is equivalent to announcing that we have an equal threat ability, even if we don't have a main god for the time being!"

This is like a different kind of game between big and small countries.

When a nuclear power faces a country that also possesses nuclear weapons, even if it is very small.

Nor will the nuclear power push too hard.

The reason is similar.

Earth isn't big enough to really threaten Morgana.

But Sun Wukong possesses the ability to cause the demon civilization to suffer heavy losses!

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