Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 119 Morgana Is Scolding Her Mother

Facing Morgana's threats, Zou Jin remains unmoved.

After taking time to unpack the lollipop and stuffing it into his mouth, he muttered indistinctly:

"Then it's better to send you on an instant trip, how's interesting!"

Accompanied by Zou Jin's muttering.

A space black hole with a diameter of ten meters manifested above Morgana's head.

Then it fell down like a fly swatter.


Morgana even came up with the national curse of "doing as the Romans do in the Romans", and immediately teleported 100 meters...

But the black hole of space is like an idiot. It will not relax after staring at Morgana. It flashes out of thin air, and continues to drop down while maintaining the posture of swatting flies.

Last resort.

Morgana could only continue to carry herself.

He had to, space black holes originally weren't dangerous.

But Morgana always feels that, opposite to the black hole in space, extinction is not a good thing!

The black-bellied local three-generation super soldier in front of him doesn't seem like someone who is willing to invite him to travel.



Three Generations of Super Soldiers!


Is my old lady dazzled? How could there be such a big battle for just three generations!

Or is it that the known universe has developed some incredible high-tech in the millennium since I was laid to death in a dark data state by Keisha's bitch!?


Karl that pervert cut corners?


Could it be that the charm of my old lady has dropped by 207? Didn’t that pervert before still lick very vigorously?

For a moment, the dignified queen, who is the greatest evil in the known universe and ordered the devil to do evil, seemed to be a little mentally exploded.


The space black hole is getting closer and closer to him.

When Morgana carried herself quickly, she finally caught a glimpse of the truth, and she was frightened into a cold sweat.

Chi Nao exhausted all his strength, and the dark matter computer was overloaded to the point of smoking.

Only then did Morgana completely transport herself several kilometers away at the most critical angle...

Morgana at the moment.

With a dumbfounded expression on his face, he looked at the circular pothole more than ten meters away that was hollowed out by the power of space.

"Bitch! What's wrong with you kid! You fucking want to send my old lady into the Fixed Star kernel!"

Get back to your senses a little bit.

Morgana yelled at Zou Jin who was two kilometers away.

for a while.

In the dark plane of the whole area, Morgana's shouts and curses are echoing


If she gets close and then tries to force her, that's absolutely impossible!

The high temperature of the fixed star core is tens of millions of degrees, and it is really impossible to kill yourself, but this kid can open the space exit in the fixed star core, "it can open in the black hole in the center of the galaxy!

Morgana's curses were heard in the distance.

Zou Jin definitely can't bear it.

Roll up the sleeves, stretch out one hand as a seduce, 100% restore the Shen Teng version:

"Come here!"

Morgana: "Three generations, you don't even have a divine body, where do you have the guts to shout at my old lady!"

Zou Jin was unmoved.

It is still Shen Teng's style:

"Come here!"

The blue veins on Morgana's forehead are throbbing faintly:

"It's good to provoke the old lady, right! The old lady must inject the devil's liquid into your body, and see if the old lady will not hang you up, you brat, and beat you to death with a whip!"

"Come here!"

"Fuck! I can't help it anymore, I'll kill you now! Devil's Claw, suppress this old lady!"

Zou Jin flashed a subkong.

After shifting positions, continue to be angry:

"Come here!"

The earth-shattering roar resounded behind him, and the devil's claws were like mountains, suppressing the earth and setting off countless smoke and dust.

Feeling the smoke and dust billowing in.

Zou was out of breath, and immediately the old Morgana appeared.

Seeing that the dark gold in the pupils of that stinky brat gradually became more intense, Morgana continued to carry herself with a dark face.

At the same time, retract the devil's claws.

It's okay for the old lady to stop beating!



You are still chasing!

The key is that you can chase after him, and if you keep going, you will know how to shout: Come here!

Morgana: "...

His face was as black as ink.

Facing that brat's yelling, it was the first time that Morgana was so dumb (cgca) speechless in front of people other than her violent elder sister.

Juxia City Super Seminary.

In the core area of ​​the data center, Lianfeng is standing in front of a projection screen, talking to Ducao.

"General, the situation is like this. Miss Moi is closely monitoring the real-time development, and has not discovered the possibility of the Herrscher's encountering a crisis for the time being."

Ducao's face twitched slightly.

Are you sure it's the Herrscher who might be in danger, not Morgana?

Say it the other way around!!!

I don't even look at the majestic Demon Queen, what she has been turned into...


Ducao said helplessly:

"Notify Comrade Zou Jin, let him restrain himself a bit, don't push himself too far!"

The corners of his eyes slightly curved, Lianfeng said with a smile on his face:

"Actually, Miss Moy has already reminded me, but obviously, the child couldn't listen. He insisted that Morgana looked down on him and wanted Morgana to prove his own experience. 17

Ducao was silent again.

Seriously speaking, she is the dignified queen of demonic civilization, and a god-level boss.

Isn't it normal to treat a super soldier of the pre-nuclear era with contempt, even contempt?

not to mention.

The devil queen, did you really say something serious?


Ducao said that he couldn't understand how the situation developed step by step to what it is now!

Ducao was really worried.

If Morgana can't think about it, she will drop one or two damn bombs on the earth...

"Let him come back, just say, this is an order from above! Inform him that Morgana's fighting power is less than 1% in its prime!"

Lianfeng restrained her smile, and nodded earnestly to agree.

Dang even turned off the call and communicated with Moy.

the other side.

Moy on a tall building in Juxia City is also very messy.

The order sent by Lianfeng, Moi passed it directly to Zou Jin without saying a word.

But judging by the results.......

It seems useless.....

That child is still crazy to die, the kind that can't even be held back.

But this little brat is still trying to make excuses, "I will not accept the military orders abroad, she is scolding me! She is scolding me!" You must not let her "teach her a lesson"

Difficult words.

Moy suffered a nervous breakdown.

If it weren't for Angel's network, where he could discuss Morgana's predicament with the little sisters to relieve boredom, Moy might be so angry that he would explode on the spot.

But Angel's network is not normal...

It's not a technical problem.

It's a matter of style, or atmosphere!

When a group of idle and pain-free sisters get together to express their opinions on a certain event, you will understand what is the roar of a hundred thousand Liuye shaved scalps!.

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