Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 133 Outrageous Data Matching

Data match.

That is Holy Kesha, after witnessing the worthless sacrifice of so many female Angels for the objects of her protection.

A specially constructed marriage system.

The existence of this system will be when the known universe is retrieved from the treasure house of divine knowledge.

By the way, collect dark data of various male gods or male super fighters.

Nuoda’s data matching system will perform comprehensive calculations based on the individual of both men and women, various past performances, genetic potential and adaptability, three-view cognition and other factors, and finally give a percentage evaluation.

The higher the percentage, the greater the probability that once the two parties are married, the female Angel will be happier.

vice versa.


Angels are born in spring, or after an honorable retirement.

They will search for the matching degree between themselves and a male god in their minds. If the matching percentage of the data of both parties exceeds 70%.....

That shows that this relationship between guarding and being guarded will lead to happiness.

If it is lower than that number.

It proves that this relationship is not as good as imagined.

The system has experienced the baptism of time, and after numerous update iterations.

Today's new generation of Angels is used to following inquiries.

Then consider whether to make a pledge of guardianship.


Because of the issue of men and women, it is not suitable for widely publicized reasons....

The system never provides mutual query functionality.


Except Kaisha and Hexi.

It is precisely because of the exception of the deity.

Hexi, who secretly used the real deity's account to infiltrate into the matching system, changed his complexion drastically!

【Angel Yan: Zou Jin——Matching degree: 96.21%!】

To be betrothed by Kesha, the man-in-law, to the Herrscher of the Last Yan, there is no doubt about the degree of compatibility between Angel and him.

That number is unprecedentedly high!

This is definitely understandable.

Anyway, Angelyan is also Kaisha's disciple.

Keisha has no reason to push Angelyan into the fire pit...but...

【Angel's Heart: Zou Jin———Matching degree: 95.48%!】

Not so.

Is that kid so hot!?

As far as this data is concerned, although it is not as high as Yan, it can still be regarded as a record-breaking level!

Looking down, Hexi even started to sweat on his forehead...

【Angel Leng: Zou Jin——Matching Degree: 89.16%】

【Angel Kayla: Zou Jin one-Match: 82.42%】

【Angel Moy: Zou Jin———Matching: 91.2%】

【Angel chasing: Zou Jin——Matching degree: 94.33%】

【Angel Qingqing: Zou Jin-Match: 92.8%】

【Angel Yitian: Zou Jin——Matching degree: 90.9%】


It's outrageous!

The start is 80% of the once rare!

The ones that are higher can easily exceed ninety percent, what the hell!

Hexi's duplication is numb.

Even because of the need for the deity to synchronize the dark data of the final herrscher in real time.

The deity, Hexi, also fell into the ranks of doubting life!

There must be something wrong with the data!

Could it be that the kid is a heartthrob, or is it an Angel special edition?


Hexi duplication's small hand quietly pulled...

Even He Xi himself didn't have time to stop him, he just murmured "Oops...


【Angel Hexi: Zou Jin——Matching degree: 96.99%!】

"It's fake, I have such a high degree of matching with that illiterate brat! This is unscientific",!"

The deity's firm disapproval voice came from the ear.

Duplication Hexi couldn't help but smirk.

She knows it!

There is no reason that the child's fate with Angel is only limited to the field of young Angel.


She didn't expect that the deity's matching degree with that child was even higher than that of Angel Yan!

"My lord, you don't need to be so excited, at least, your stats are much higher than that of Yanannizi."

"...Is it itchy, or else I'll send you back to the furnace to reshape!"

"Don't, don't... By the way, my deity, aren't you curious about Queen Keisha's data?"

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your default!"

The little hand continued to draw.

【Angel Keisha: Zou Jin——Matching degree: #%......*@#!】

He Xi's expression was dumbfounded, and he immediately complained in the dark plane:

"What the hell, why are they all garbled characters!?"

"...What's the matter, that man Kesha took the initiative to hide it! Besides me, who else can change this kind of data? No, I have to ask the man woman for an explanation, she must look at my mother It's been a long joke!"

Feel disconnected.

He Xi shrugged, he didn't have the slightest confidence in the results of this trip.

Just like when Keisha hammered her sister's cold ice, it was as if the blood was suppressed, and the cold ice had no temper at all.

When Kaisha teased the deity, the similar bloodline suppressed it, and never let the deity win once!


It’s too bad, the earth has a reason to hang up, it’s called you know too much! No... you really have to be pulled back to the furnace!’

Zou Jin, who is sleeping beautifully, doesn't know.

Because of his existence, what kind of impact has it brought to a certain silver-haired Tianji King.

Early the next morning.

A familiar voice woke Zou Jin from his sleep.

"Don't get up yet? Watch out for the sun drying your ass!"

Deeply sleepy, Lu Jin looked in a trance.

After a long while, I was unable to complain:

"Crazy, how can you use dark communication to wake people up like this!"

Angel Yan's soft and soft voice makes it hard for people to sleep because of a foul!

Dragging the quilt to cover himself again, turning over on the way, wrapping himself tightly with the quilt.

Zou Jin said.

No matter how attractive your voice is, we have to sleep until we wake up naturally!

"Hey, what a pity, I wanted to introduce our little Zhixin to you."

"Let me...... sleep again...five..."

"(Okay) five minutes?"

"No! Five hours!"

In fact.

Zou Jin didn't really sleep another five hours.

However, when he had breakfast and came to the data center.

In the familiar room, the two Angels have already waited so hard that their expressions are stiff! So bored, they have already started tossing Zou Jin in the corner to create a quick creation in the past when he was inspired.

"Very well, in the known universe, you are still the first person who dared to release Angel's dove."

Just entered the room.

Angelyan, who was holding a strangely shaped metal ball in the corner of the wall, began to complain.

"Um...then...I'm glad I'm the first one...hey!!! Wait, didn't you read the manual before picking it up!?"

At the beginning, Zou Jin still had a happy expression.

But when he saw the metal ball that Angel Yan was fiddling with, Zou Jin's entire face was almost distorted, and he highlighted two words: Thriller!.

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