Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 136 Celestial Supercalculation

"Is there a difference? It's all calculation and analysis, it's nothing more than who goes further.

Zou Jin kept his mouth stubborn instinctively.

Yan slapped Zou Jin angrily, telling Zou Jin to shut up, and then continued to explain:

"The Celestial Computer is only building on the previous foundation, constantly piling up the volume, improving the algorithm, and optimizing the structure.

"The celestial supercomputer is different, it is the threshold to enter the god-level civilization!"

"Moy has already told you that even if it is a god-level civilization, building a celestial body supercomputer must exhaust the civilization's foundation, and it will take a long time to achieve it."

"Not only because of the problem of materials, but also because of the difficulty of processing celestial supercomputers!"

Zou Jin was a little confused.

This time I'm really confused!

At this moment, he looked at the computer on the desk suspiciously.

If I remember correctly, isn't this thing a product that uses the structure of the "Eight Nine Zero" of the Deno 3, after being degraded proportionally, and then materialized by means of reorganization?

There is also the Jinghua supercomputer assembled for Qilin. That thing, even in terms of materials, has achieved synchronization with the Deno 3.

It's just that its size has shrunk proportionally!

Is it really that difficult to build a celestial supercomputer?

Seeing Zou Jin's appearance, the two Angels sighed helplessly, knowing definitely what he was thinking.

Out of the consideration of taking care of the face of the male god, Xiaocuti pointed out indirectly:

"I know the creations you made, male god. Strictly speaking, they can only be regarded as degraded versions of celestial supercomputers! Because the basic structure is perfectly reproduced, but at the micro level, it cannot meet the standard."

All right.

It's actually not that indirect.

After a detailed explanation, Zou Jin finally knew.

Celestial supercomputing is really not a high-tech that is easy to come up with.

When civilization develops to the god-making level, ordinary astrocomputers can no longer satisfy the gods' exploration and battle of the universe.

Civilization and God go hand in hand.

The needs of gods cannot be met, and the needs of civilization will definitely be greatly limited.


Under the premise of ensuring that the celestial body is super-calculated and does not expand to the size of the galaxy, the god-making civilization began to cultivate the microscopic field of matter.

Strive to achieve the limit of macro improvement.

From the microcosm, obtain a greater computing limit.

to this end.

After research, the god-making civilizations reduced the dimensionality of atoms, and after burning circuit boards on a 2.5-dimensional plane, the technology of re-elevating atoms came into being.

When a planet-sized astrocomputer, each atom becomes an independent and parallel computing unit.

Celestial supercomputing was initially born.

Civilization will also be based on this technology, from the aspect of arming individuals and even cutting-edge humanoid weapons, to step into the threshold of god-making level.

Zou Jin always feels that the setting is similar and looks very familiar.

"Three-body? Sophon blockade!?"

What trisomy?"

"I mean what you say is very similar to the setting of a novel by Da Liu.

After thinking about it, Zou Jin added:

"But I don't understand, can't you directly reduce the dimension of atoms to two dimensions? The area is expanded larger, more circuits can be etched, and the computing power will inevitably multiply exponentially!"

"Wait.....I'll look for it first..."

Open the eye of insight, after three seconds of retrieval.

Yan looked at Zou Jin with an extremely complicated expression, and said helplessly:

"I've read that novel, it's a wonderful fantasy, even our Angel will be amazed by it.

"But that's just fantasy, you know?"

"Come on, I'll give you a proton, and you can expand it two-dimensionally!"

"A true two-dimensional plane has no weight and no thickness.

"It has no physical properties, and it can't carry substances. Tell me, how to etch a circuit!?"

The whole expression instantly collapsed, as if struck by lightning!

Zou Jin couldn't believe it.

The perfect design of the future weapon arsenal I thought was actually voted against by Ms. Angel!

It's justified, and it's irrefutable.

That kind of hit.

It is no less cruel than telling a young child that there is no light in the world!

quite cruel!

Seeing Zou Jin's collapsed appearance, Yan wants to laugh, but also feels a little bit pained.

Immediately patted Zou Jin on the shoulder, and said softly:

"Don't pay too much attention to it. Anyway, your Herrscher Genesis is very unscientific. When you become stronger, it's hard to say that those weird things can also be created.

I heard this.

Zou Jin immediately revived with full blood.

As long as it is not absolutely impossible, it will be fine, as he always firmly believes that everything in the world can be solved with equivalent and caliber......

He also pursues another principle, regardless of whether it is scientific or not!

As long as you are strong enough, no matter how unscientific it is, it is not hopeless!

about the latter.

The Marvel universe has vividly explained that science, in many cases, does not need to be so serious!

"Okay, let's continue when you slow down, look at your worthless look."

Pressing a finger between Zou Jin's eyebrows, Yan's slender fingers pushed Zou Jin back to the seat again.

"The Dark Matter Computer is based on this theory, and it is specially built for super soldiers, which is a personal computing array that is easier for super soldiers to display their combat power and easier to learn.

"This type of dark matter computer needs to be mounted on the super gene epitaxy."

"And make its port co-connected with the dark plane."

"After you initially build the dark matter computer, you still need to use space technology to cut a corner from the dark plane and anchor with your own dark matter computer..."

"In this way, you will have a dark matter computer that can truly set foot in the dark plane, and can split your will into thousands."

Zou Jin pondered.

No wonder super soldiers can escape into the dark plane at every turn.

According to his own Yan Bao, a super soldier is equivalent to having his own dark plane, and based on this, he can connect with a wider dark plane space.

The benefits of doing this 5.4 are also obvious.

When attacked by the opponent's dark data, if there is an exclusive dark plane, it can be used as a buffer zone.

Let super soldiers solve problems more calmly.

at the same time.

Where is the arsenal of a super soldier.

this problem.

Now the answer has also been obtained, in that exclusive dark plane!

As for Zou Jin.

No way, he doesn't even have a dark matter computer, and his dark alloy armor is still placed in the Super Seminary to eat ashes...

at the same time.

Zou Jin also gradually understood.

If the super fighters don't want to cause the dark computer to fall behind with the promotion of the genetic level, which will lead to the loss of a corner of the combat power.

It is necessary to update the configuration of the dark matter computer in a timely manner, iterate its computing array, and optimize its core algorithm. .

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