Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 139 Hexi's Will

Zou Jin, who had just pushed open the hatch of the operating cabin and stepped out confidently, suddenly heard such a nonsensical sentence from a silver-haired Angel.

The next moment.

A massive amount of Houkai energy fell from the void and was absorbed into Zou Jin's body.

There is no time to rejoice in the growth of one's own genes.

Zou Jin made it clear this time.

Why did the projection of Pipixi in front of him say such words?

In the dark plane...

Four or five streams of dark data information that are clearly separated from each other brushed around his private dark plane like a tsunami, and a certain feeling of being spied on emerged simultaneously.

"Fuck! As for it!? There are so many celestial bodies in the known universe with super calculations, and all the fucking eyes are on me alone! Go crazy!"

Hexi sneered:

"Child, don't underestimate yourself. If Angel didn't have a good relationship with you, I would have planned to end it myself and tie you back to Angel Nebula for autopsy."

Slightly speechless.

He believed that such a thing was done by Pipixi.

But Pipixi didn't say that, just because he has a good relationship with Angel, Zou Jin doesn't need to worry about Awakening one day, only to find that the nightmare of being in the laboratory will happen to him again.

"But I still don't understand, Tianji King, there are so many celestial bodies in the known universe and supercomputers gather to watch... Those great gods must be idle!"

"You can just call me Hexi. You're dishonest at first sight. Don't tell me you never called me Pipixi in private! As for being surrounded, that's what you asked for!"

Zou Jin:

Although there is no words to refute.

But the seven dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied expressions on Zou Jin's face are enough to explain the problem.

He Xi didn't care too much, just said:

"The dark plane in the universe is the positive and negative side parallel to the main biological plane! The universe itself is one, and in this case, a huge dark plane space is suddenly anchored as a private territory... ...Believe me, if it were you, you would want to watch!

The facts are indeed as Hexi said.

Lie Yangxing at this moment.

Tiandao Pagoda.

Di Hongkun's will turned into a blazing glow.

Soon, Pan Zhen, who noticed the movement, rushed to the scene.

"My god! Did you wake up when you noticed the changes in the dark plane?"

"Of course! Who is the target!?"

"Returning to my god, the target is the people of the planet Donghuang, born in the same civilization as the monkey thousands of years ago."

Di Hongkun's will froze slightly.

Inside the Heavenly Dao Pagoda.

Dark data information is surging rapidly, setting off waves of heat.

After a while, Di Hongkun's will resonated with all things:

"Leina and her personal education are very good! This is Daxin! Keep it up and don't let this fate deteriorate!"

Pan Zhen said yes.

In fact.

Lie is an example of how to win over Zou Jin.

In order to ensure the continuation of civilization, in order to ensure the continuation of civilization, Ducao turned to Lieyang for help when the Earth Super Seminary headed by Ducao could not predict the existence of Zou Jin.

The parties reached an agreement on this.

With Di Leina as the bridge, build the three major god-making projects, in addition to the friendship between the earth and the fierce sun.


That's a nice way of saying it.

Practically speaking, it is Lie Yang who took this opportunity to invest in the gods of the earth, so that the future gods have enough favor for Lie Yang.

And in the future, reap the benefits of reciprocity.

This is the best strategy when it is impossible to break through the protection of Sun Wukong.

Lieyang is responsible for the energy consumption and corresponding resources of the super soldiers of the Xiongbing Company when the genetic level is upgraded. It is not too much to ask for data sharing.

It is also because of this non-excessive data sharing requirement.

Zou Jin was just exposed.

Lieyang Pan Zhen is one of the hundred aliens who know the existence of the Herrscher of Demise!

It is also for this reason that Pan Zhen regularly sends marriage reminder letters to Leina, and often attaches a detailed information about Zou Jin.

But it's obvious that...(cgdc)...

Reina was not interested in those lengthy data.

In contrast, she values ​​Zou Jin's handsome face more!

Although the path is a bit off, it doesn't matter, it is already a big profit to win over such a future god with a potential more attractive than the power of the galaxy!

Goddesses always get married.

Then why not choose one that can benefit Lie Yang?

Silently praised his own wisdom.

But Pan Zhen had to face another reality, and immediately said:

"My God, but the Herrscher of the Last Yan, he is too close to Angel, and I, Lie Yang, cannot stop him."

Di Hongkun's grand will resounded again:

"No problem!"

"The goddess of dawn is here, and my blazing sun is here!"

"Pan Zhen, you need to remember!"

"The only thing Lie Yang wants is peace and prosperity for the country and the people!"

After a few brief explanations.

Di Hongkun's will gradually cooled down, and he became more and more weak.

Pan Zhenhe reiterated solemnly:

"Follow my God, the only thing Lieyang wants is peace and prosperity for the country and the people."

Angel Nebula.

Urling star.

He Xizheng looked hopeless, constantly deploying various threads in order to synthesize and distribute the computing work of the retired space-based Angels under his command.

In the dark plane.

A large area was suddenly declared, and it became someone's private territory.

Such a thing, as long as there is a force with a super calculation of celestial bodies, it is impossible to remain indifferent!

In order to keep Zou Jin's secrets that have nowhere to be kept, Keisha's side has already opened fire, using the treasure house of sacred knowledge to seal Zou Jin tightly.

But she, Kesha, is lonely after all.

Faced with so many curious inquiries, it's not easy to directly use the Heavenly Blade to judge the face.


While lying dead, Hexi, who was researching the key data of the Final Herrscher, was arrested.

As a last resort, all threads of the space-based computing group were suspended.

Instead, it is used to fill the treasure house of sacred knowledge, and some weak links have been attacked.

"Man, the known universe basically knows by now that there is such a Herrscher on earth, and they must also know how high the potential of this brat is. We patch him up like this, after all, it won't last long, and we have to figure out how to make it up Yet?"


Keisha's majestic voice came from the dark plane.

"There is no need to worry in the short term. According to conventional cognition, the growth of super soldiers and gods needs time to settle. Therefore, those people will not rush to fight with us."

After a pause, Kesha said again:

"It just so happens that your duplication is on Earth, let her go there herself.

Hexi was thoughtful:

"you mean..…….

Kesha nodded and said:

"The child's dark matter computer and private dark plane have just been built, and he already has the capital to independently build a data protection system, old goblin, go and help him."

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