Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 152 A Certain Organization Of The Whole Process Of Soy Sauce Party

Just when the two were arguing about the video recording issue.

chug chug....

The roar of the helicopter propeller interrupted the negotiation between the two.

Zou Jin glanced at the side of the helicopter from a distance, the eye-catching double-headed eagle mark, and knew that S.H.I.E.L.D's backup had arrived.

"Then what, let's slip away now, and invite you to have tea together when I have time."

Leaving such empty words that are unlikely to come true, Zou Jin simply turned over and jumped from the building.

Tony just breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, the guy who put a lot of pressure on him is gone, good thing! Great good thing!

No matter how unwilling he is to admit it, the fact is...

In front of the so-called reloading bunny, the science and technology that Tony is proud of has been so outdated that it is not worth mentioning!

For the first time, Tony understood how embarrassed those mediocre people were in front of him.

Because the self just now was so cramped in front of that person.

But the next moment.

A path of light passed across Tony's face, and the area was 26 high in the distance. …

"OH, NO!"


The ferocious roar of the engine passed over the face, watching the blue light strip quickly go away, and even the light path disappeared.

The corner of Tony Stark's mouth twitched slightly: "Mom Fuck!"

A certain secret Obaday research institute in the street.

The glass door was kicked open by a group of heavily armed agents. After the bald detective made a tactical gesture, a group of people started searching with guns.

Along the way, in the aisles and on the walls, I saw colleagues who died tragically.

The bald man remained unmoved, and continued to make tactical gestures, signaling his subordinates to continue to act.

As for himself, he looked at the tattered armor thoughtfully.

Not long.

An agent came back here, Hui reported:

"Sir, we found two companions who were turned over, and Phil Coulson agent."

The bald agent nodded, followed the other party, and went deeper into the research institute together.

Not long after, he saw a group of people cleaning up the debris in a corner, but avoiding Phil Coulson lying on the ground, and ten computers that were still emitting black smoke.

Glancing at the computer calmly, the bald detective regretfully confirmed that there was no possibility of repairing this computer.

Then he set his sights on Agent Phil Coulson.

him at the moment.

Lie on your back on the ground in a flat-lying manner, with your hands obviously moved by external forces, and placed in front of your chest in an overlapping shape.

Plus Phil Coulson's brow marker cross.

Frankly speaking, this pair of field Li.

Looks a lot like some crappy occultist messing around without an iota of logic!

"What happened to Phil Coulson agent?"

"Um, Sir, according to the preliminary judgment, he should have been attacked by the enemy, resulting in excessive intake of anesthesia, and completely lost the ability to resist, so he was put in this position in the end.

The bald detective was slightly silent.

It can be seen that Phil Coulson has gone through a more intense confrontation.

Well, let's take it as it is.

After all, we are colleagues, so it’s not good to report Phil Coulson’s poor performance to the boss in the mission report!

That's really inappropriate...

Put away your thoughts.

The bald detective took out a bottle of special liquid reagent from his lapel.

Familiarly twist the bottle cap, then tilted his head slightly, put the thing in front of Phil Coulson's nose and gently put it on a plate.

The next moment.

Phil Coulson's complexion was suddenly pale.

And then woke up like a ghost pressing a bed, gasping for breath

When Phil Coulson recalled the smell just now, and saw his colleagues around him, Phil Coulson was relieved and let down his vigilance.

Stop the action of reaching for the gun.

Staring around for a long time, Phil Coulson said:

"Sitwell agent, help me arrange a car, there are some things that I need to report to Boss personally.

Tricurve Wing Building.

Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Agency, well, just call it S.H.I.E.L.D.


Phil Coulson handed a piece of information to the black stewed egg sitting at the boss's desk.

Then report:

"Boss, this is the full report and summary of this operation.

"After detailed investigation, it has been confirmed that the man behind the planning and implementation of the kidnapping of Tony Stark is Oba Destein."

"It's a pity we didn't get to bite the key figures of Ten Rings."

"The members of the Ten Rings who cooperated with Obadestein have been determined. After Tony Stark successfully escaped, they were all killed by Obadestein."

Black marinated eggs sitting opposite Phil Coulson.

It is the existence known as the king of agents.

at present.

Assumed the post of SHIELD Director under the Global Security Council.

Nick Furui quickly flipped through the information calmly, and after a moment of silence, asked abruptly:

"Is Obaday confirmed dead?"

"Yes Boss!"

Phil Coulson first affirmed a wave, and then continued:

"Opadi, who was wearing the Iron Overlord steel battle suit, was first hit by two bullets with a caliber of 20 mm or more. Because the protection of the steel battle suit was acceptable, it was determined that Opadry was fine at that time."

"Afterwards, Tony Stark, wearing a steel battle suit, turned Obaday to High Minister."

"When the two landed successively, Obaday suffered a second attack."

"The one who attacked him this time was a motorcyclist. This time, Obaday did not survive."

"He and his Iron Overlord were blown up together in the mid-air minister."

Listen to Phil Coulson's description.

Even after watching the fuzzy video confiscated at the scene.

Nick Fury still has an indescribable feeling.

He knew very well how powerful that set of Iron Overlord was, and he also knew how solid its steel body was, the kind of steel monster that could not be blown up even by missiles.

In the end, it was hoisted up by another robot and exploded with a hammer, and finally it was smashed to pieces with a punch.....

Recalling the metal fragments that the agents in the bureau worked so hard to recover, and the blood stains on them...

have to say.

Miserable is really miserable.

Manage your expression a little bit to maintain the current director's cold-faced personality.

"Have you identified who the attacker was?"

"Unsure, Boss, Tony Stark talked to the attacker for a while, but he chose to hide it!"

"Where's the blueprint for the steel battle suit?"

"Sorry, Boss, the computer that is most likely to store relevant information was destroyed by a strong electric current. At present, it is impossible to determine whether the person who destroyed the computer and the person who destroyed the Iron Overlord will be the same target. We can't even be sure, that person Did the people from Xibaguo who destroyed the computer copy the information of the steel battle suit?"

Nick Fury looked gloomy.

His complexion was as black as the bottom of a pot. .

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