Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 17 Gene Model: The Last Herrscher

Zou Jin can have a pleasant conversation with the two Angel girls, definitely not only because the two Angel girls are good-looking.

What is the origin of the final crystal nucleus? Up to now, he has not asked why.

Whenever Zou Jin touches on such issues, he will be reprimanded by Final Yan Jinghe for lack of authority.

Insufficient authority, Zou Jin is too lazy to ask.

I don't even bother to think about how to elevate the authority.

The conversation between Cai and Zhongyan in the imaginary number space of the Consciousness Sea just now.

Zou Jin already knows.

My own exposure was earlier than expected!

When he was in outer space for the first time, when armed satellites appeared out of thin air, Zou Jin thought that the Deno 3 brought by the Deno survivors, with the nature of its small celestial supercomputer, should not be too much to position itself as doing trouble. difficulty.

But think again.

Anyway, my creation is just a one-time parallel import.

After using it once, I am too lazy to continue to expend energy to maintain the existence of the creation for a long time.

No matter how awesome the Deno No. 3 is, it can't go back in time to track down things that disappear when they're used up!


Zou Jin is still sloppy.

It is true that Deno-3 cannot detect the timeline, but it can easily retrieve the dark plane. Zou Jin, who has no knowledge of the dark plane, subconsciously ignores this problem.


Lianfeng Yuqin and others found out, and De Nuo's group definitely also knew about Zou Jin.


In the news of the final feedback, Zou Jin's own name has been known by the country, and he has also been placed on the list of first-term students of the Super Seminary!

Out of self-protection, Dukao Laotie did a serious job and spent a lot of computing power to temporarily block his dark information... although it is useless.

The left-wing guard Angel Yan just came to the earth, and with a simple eye of insight, he saw Zou Jin thoroughly!

Angelyan knows himself, and Holy Keisha definitely knows it too.

The good news is that King Angel, headed by Kaisha and Hexi, has no ill will towards Zou Jin.

On the contrary, the holy Kaisha paid out of her own pocket, ordered hundreds of fixed stars of the prime of life, called the treasure house of sacred knowledge, compiled countless information mazes in special sacred language as a firewall, and completely blocked Zou Jin's dark data!

Such a move.

Even if it is discovered by other god-level civilizations, it dare not go too far...

Kaisha's move is clearly speaking to the god-level civilization of the whole universe:

I'll take care of this kid, everyone, give me some face!

Zou Jin has to admit it!

Even if I don't feel much, the feeling of being sheltered by the treasure house of sacred knowledge is really refreshing!

As for the Angels showing great interest in the technology of the Herrscher, that's normal.

At least, Angel is very civilized, and has no intention of robbing or kidnapping... Although, Zou Jin himself would rather be tied back by Keisha, isn't it good to eat soft food?

... Definitely, forget about Pipixi, that guy's scientific research enthusiasm, I really can't stand it!

Many factors superimpose.

Zou Jin will definitely respond favorably to Angel.

As for being monitored?

In this regard, Zou Jin said, living in the 21st century, who can not be monitored?

It's nothing more than a monitoring person, just one more Angel... um... maybe several.

But that doesn't matter!

Ah Zhui asked again: "Child, you seem to be very indifferent to us and many things, can you tell sister why?"

His eyelids twitched slightly, and he forcibly ignored the address of the other party:

"...The more you know, the less surprised you will be."

"In the past, I have never seen you, nor have I seen aliens, but it is enough to know in the end."

Did Zou Jin lie?


He just didn't tell the whole story!

You can’t tell people Angel that you have seen it more than once in the anime in your previous life, and even in the list of wives updated in real time, your name often appears...

As soon as Zou Jin said this, the two Angel girls looked at Zou Jin with a little more agreement.

If we say that the previous understanding of Zou Jin is at most a lucky one who inherited the heritage of an unknown civilization, similar to a child making trouble and holding gold.


Zou Jin is still the kid who survived downtown with money, but this kid has a bright future!

Moy leaned forward and looked at Zou Jin with the same curious expression.

He raised a question that he had been holding back for a long time:

"Child, what civilization left your genetic model, and what is your name?"

Zou Jin didn't hide anything, and said bluntly:

"Gene model: Last Herald..."

"Which civilization is left behind, the ghost knows, anyway, I don't know."

The two Angels looked at each other, and said inwardly that it was true.

That unknown civilization, even the celestial supercomputer is a blank version, it is definitely impossible to leave more information on the genetic inheritors.

The specific reason is unknown.


This kind of practice of doing good deeds without leaving names, I really don't understand!

While the two little Angels were thinking sadly, Zou Jin was secretly laughing.

He wasn't lying.

The name of the Herrscher of the Last Yan was chosen by himself...

No matter how you look at it, this thing is like a borrowed product of the concentration explosion of 'Beng 3'. Since it has been borrowed, what's wrong with using the name of the setting set? !

In the exchange of just a few sentences.

Zou Jin also confirmed that Angels' attitude towards him seems to be okay.

Even if you make your own request:

"Remind the two Angel sisters, my name is Zou Jin, I am not a child! I am not a weird child!"

But who would want to...

Ah Zhui and Moy looked at each other and smiled, Ah Zhui spoke first:

"Children, the orders given to us by Queen Keisha and Sister Yan, always pay attention to your safety."

"Even if you are now protected by the algorithm of the sacred knowledge treasure house, when it is time to look at you, our two sisters will not relax!"

Obviously, Ah Zhui didn't intend to listen.

Sighing helplessly, Zou Jin said:

"I don't care, anyway, you are protecting me..."

"However, I have to remind you that the Super Seminary seems to be coming to pick me up from school."

Ah Zhui said:

"That will not hinder our care of you, child!"

"Angel's wings allow us to fly at the speed of light. As long as you encounter fatal danger, we will definitely stand up, even if we die in battle!"

The firmness in the tone is beyond doubt.

Moy offered a different view:

"I don't deny the background of the Super Seminary, but...the faculty of the Earth Branch really can't be discussed on the stage, kid, you might as well learn from me."

"Just right, when you learn the self-protection editing of dark information, the computing power of the sacred knowledge treasure house will be released, to be honest..."

"Just because we want to help you block dark information, the computing power that our sisters can mobilize has been reduced by half."

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