Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 172 Donghuang Prepares For Battle


Zou Jin was also bestowed with a word by the smiling Hexi because of this vernacular sentence: Get out!


No matter how reluctant he is to give up the doomed loneliness tonight, he can only walk away step by step.

in the dormitory.

Ge Xiaolun's figure did not appear.

Knowing that the group of people from Xiongbinglian is probably being pulled together by Brother Monkey to fight a trap of chicken blood.

Then he went to sleep by himself.

Early the next morning.

When Zou Jin wakes up.

I just learned from Lianfeng that the future training of the Xiongbing Company will be transferred to the Juxia!

Juxia, that is a 150,000-ton super giant aircraft carrier.

The aircraft carrier is under the command of the South China Sea and is under the command of Ducao.

Today, it has also been assigned to the Xiongbing Company and is regarded as the combat readiness logistics base of the Xiongbing Company.

"The Juxia, I don't think it will work!"

"why not?"

At the moment.

Zou Jin is fiddling with the game, while allowing the dark matter computer to be connected in parallel with the data center through a special dark communication channel.

have to say.

With the most advanced dark matter computer, the speed at which Void Wanzang 26 absorbs knowledge has increased by hundreds of millions of times.

In fact, Zou Jin's dark matter computer.

There are still more than 5,000 thread branches, and they are in the stage of hard research.

The forked knowledge is being absorbed and digested by Zou Jin at a normal speed and thousands of times more efficient.

As for Lianfeng.

Her work is no longer affiliated with the data research branch of the Xiongbing Company, and she can no longer even start the Black Great Wall Project.

Today, she is only responsible for handing over with Zou Jin, and conveying the different views between the upper management and Zou Jin.

simply say.

Although the upper echelons of Donghuang have already established the supreme position of the last lawr in civilization.


As the current leader of civilization.

It is really inconvenient for the elders to appear in front of Zou Jin.

Therefore, Lianfeng became the intermediate zone between the two parties.

That's why.

Any opinions of Zou Jin are extremely important to the current Donghuang, and Lianfeng can't help but listen to them seriously.

"I remember that the Juxia was built three years ago, and completed seaworthiness and outfitting that year, and was officially commissioned at the end of that year, right?"

"That's right."

"Here comes the problem. I know that the Xiongbing Company needs a reliable logistics support base, but don't you think that the target of something like an aircraft carrier is too ugly?"

Lianfeng has a weird expression on his face.

It's not that there's anything wrong with Zou Jin's words.

On the contrary, Zou Jin's statement is also the worry of many military Tianzhu.

In terms of the situation on the earth, even if the target is a huge aircraft carrier with a capacity of 150,000 tons, the dignified Donghuang can deal with it indifferently.

But now we need to face the interstellar invasion.

A carelessness doesn't even require Donghuang to show a carelessness.

At some point, this war may change from an interstellar invasion to a battle of the gods!

A ship of pre-nuclear technology, the Great Strait.

I'm afraid I really can't resist the gluttonous round of naval guns washing the ground!


"Zou Jin, you forgot, it's not just you super fighters who are growing up recently, the country is also growing at a high speed."

Zou Jin immediately reacted and asked curiously:

"You mean, the technologies that I have embodied for the country have already been practiced on the Great Strait?"

Lianfeng nodded slightly.

Let me explain.

Only then did Zou Jin realize how powerful the power of civilization really is.

The power of the Lawer of Reason allows the country to solve difficult problems in manufacturing and heavy industry.

At the moment when the processing precision is catching up with the apex of the pre-nuclear era, countless imaginary black technologies have been realized by the bigwigs of the National Academy of Sciences, and even adaptive refitting.

Don't look at the fact that the current national army doesn't have much voice, but in fact, all the major military regions are doing crazy military exercises.

During this period, various sci-fi imagined armaments were put on the scene of military exercises.

With an attitude close to actual combat, to verify the performance of new armaments in actual warfare.

Hearing this, Zou Jin, who thought of something, hurriedly stopped.

"Lianfeng, don't you think the pile of iron lumps I manifested last time was prepared for military exercises!?"

"That's right."

Get Lianfeng confirmation.

Zou Jin recalled.

Not long ago, a certain boss from Donghuang Assembly came to the data center in person.

Let Zou Jin help to create a robot with combat effectiveness similar to that of Taotie's grassroots soldiers, with high controllability, but with a self-disciplined war mode.

At that time, Zou Jin was greeting others' genealogy in the canyon.

After receiving the design requirements, I didn't ask too much, and met the requirements for final assembly as I wished.

A total of 30,000 self-disciplined War Machines were taken away by the final assembly, and Zou Jin never heard about the whereabouts of these big toys.


Those big robot toys are really prepared for the national military exercise!

"What about the results? I'm curious, how many interesting armaments have the military experimented with?"

Lianfeng thought slightly, and said:

"The most basic firearms have been refitted. The electromagnetic gun family and the laser gun family are officially in service with the whole army. Some special models have even been equipped to the armed police force."

Zou Jin: "1"

So, is it necessary to shed a tear of sympathy for today's criminals?

Using electromagnetic guns to fight criminals is really not ordinary cruelty!

"All types of electromagnetic guns have begun to ban all kinds of artillery in active service. It is expected that the whole army will be replaced in a few months. In addition, it seems that the 947 fire brigades in various places have also obtained a fire-fighting electromagnetic gun.

Zou Jin was completely unconvinced, and hastily interjected:

"Wait, don't tell me, fire-fighting electromagnetic guns use fire-fighting warheads when they need to put out fires. When necessary, can they be replaced with armor-piercing damage warheads?"

The smile on Lianfeng's face gradually became apparent.

"That's right, the land area is so large, and there are so many people. It is understandable to be equipped with more high-tech weapons.

It's more than a billion points!

As expected of our rabbit family, Zou Jin felt relieved when his lack of firepower phobia developed to such an extent.

"So, the current Juxia has completed the overall structural optimization design through the Deno III, and it is the fourth version!"

"As long as the battle ends are together, the Juxia can complete the armament transformation of the entire fleet within half a day."

After a pause, Lianfeng said meaningfully:

"Also, don't forget about the pile of dark iron that you reconstructed with soil and other materials in the academy dungeon. You know, the country has no habit of idle resources, especially on the eve of the imminent invasion."

Zou Jin mused:

"You mean, the Mount Mangdang?"

Lianfeng smiled and nodded to confirm.

Zou Jin:

It's really a cunning rabbit and three caves!

Maybe, in addition to the Mangdang Mountain, which is the backup base, the country has set up many similar combat readiness logistics bases in other places. .

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