Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 182 The Melon Eaters Under Global Turmoil

Time passed day by day.

The atmosphere of national war preparations is also in full swing.

Not only Donghuang is preparing for the war, but all countries in the world, basically have the ability to prepare for the war.

Pluto is not that far away from the earth. Up to now, there is news that the alien fleet is about to invade the earth.

Basically everyone knows it, even if you don't know it, you will be forced to know it by the countless discussions around you.

Regardless of whether it is a civil society or a national astronomical institution, there are countless astronomical telescopes on the earth that are locking on Pluto at all times.

Countless self-media and official mouthpieces are monitoring the enemy's situation in real time.

The corresponding information will always be released on the Internet through various channels.

The people all over the world can only watch helplessly, seeing that the number of the opponent's fleet is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but there is nothing they can do.

Desperate emotions and thoughts spread across the earth.

In countries headed by Magnesium West, there are even organizations similar to Trisolaris ETO.

29 on the Internet, there is no shortage of speeches about giving up the earth in order to find a way of life.

The public opinion is chaotic, the war of words is still hot, and the real customers are busy making a fortune at the moment of turmoil.

The parades on the streets, the unscrupulous zero-dollar purchases, and the frantic hoarding of firearms have led to more and more frequent shootings.

Crazy rush to the borders of big countries, the wave of refugees seeking asylum.

Searching for security solutions all over the world and establishing regional chaebols.

Earth today.

It is just such an abstract painting with a strange style of the end of the world. The good and evil sides of human nature are intertwined like never before.

Panic is the current theme.

But Donghuang was different.

The more frequent military exercises and the constantly iterative weapons all express the fighting will of the people's soldiers and their determination to resist invasion.

The people are also very conscious. Except for some Runren who urgently immigrated to the ideal holy place to seek refuge after hearing the news, the only thought of the vast majority of people is not to add chaos to the country.

But the people of Donghuang did not intend to sit still.

The militant factor hidden in the blood was stimulated, and people in communities, towns, villages, and factories began to gather together spontaneously to discuss the tactics and tactics of the heroes and heroes who taught this nation in wars.

Some people with strong mobility have even purchased small excavators.

He is planning to open up shelters, safe houses, and tunnels underground, and intends to rely on the knowledge on the Internet to make some simple self-defense countermeasures.


The country has long noticed these chaos.

Immediately, a red-headed document was issued, all the people were recruited, and all the people worked together to build a wartime shelter!

This resolution has a very high priority, led by the government, nominally to break through the mountains, dig deep underground, and build a shelter in the face of an all-out nuclear war.

But actually.

When the people were gathered and arranged to the designated place, they were shocked to find out...

Where is this shelter!

I don't know why, under some public facilities, through those hidden but strong tunnels, there are actually connected dungeons one after another!

Although it is only a foundation, the people don't care, and everyone is cooperating with the national construction unit and working hard to perfect this future wartime super shelter.

After the people received documents such as the dungeon survival guide, wartime management regulations, and methods for orderly operation of the dungeon.

That's when they were told.

Without their knowledge, the country has opened up more than 10,000 such underground spaces!

What the public doesn't know is.

Recently, Cheng Yaowen has put in a lot of effort.

Wearing the same mechanical wings as Morgana, Man Donghuang ran around.

Cheng Yaowen has appeared in cities above the fourth level and towns with a population of over 10,000.

In order to allow this plan named Fengdu to be implemented as soon as possible.

The country even gave Cheng Yaowen the authority to link to De Nuo No. 3 in real time, which is a quick one.

In fact, Cheng Yaowen didn't have much to do, but it was exhausting.

He needs to use the power of the heart of the earth to open up an underground space at a suitable depth underground and erect rock pillars that can withstand nuclear explosions.

After the development of the underground city across the country is completed, the construction corps and all related units will follow the wartime regulations and recruit reserves and militias to participate in the later construction.

And Cheng Yaowen will also be responsible for building a nationally integrated underground transportation and safe evacuation channels.

Today, Yaowen is working hard on the front line.

The details of this Fengdu project inevitably leaked out.

Worldwide, large earthquakes were triggered.

When people around the world were in awe of Donghuang's madness, they also began to persecute the upper class through parades and other means on the Internet and in reality. They were extremely insecure and urgently needed to receive the same treatment as the Donghuang people.

It is a pity that when the official government issued a symbolic plan for the construction of national air-raid shelters.

But miraculously fell into the dilemma of labor shortage...


The people of Donghuang turned on the mocking mode on the Internet:

"You only want to enjoy, but you don't want to pay. You really know how to cook!"

"The construction of the shelter is the work of the government, but I am the one who contributes. I mean, I have to pay more! Dog head JPG!"

"The real capital has already built a shelter for themselves, but the poor ghosts who have no money are willing to lie down and equal 370 relief! Show! Sure enough, the western world can play!"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, maybe people are still looking forward to the arrival of the alien father, how about being a prostitute to sell the interests of some noble lords, and playing with the status of a third-class alien citizen! This is called static investment ,Understand!"

"Hahaha, you're laughing at me, and you still have the same type of dungeon? Even us infrastructure madmen can't figure out how the country has made so many layouts across the country without making a sound. Those group of people who want to build a subway have to go back How can it be possible to discuss a country that has been in existence for more than ten years!"

"It's hopeless, wait for death."

"You are paying attention to those slackers and poor ghosts, but I am looking at the list of scientists who have recently applied to immigrate to Donghuang. Old men, this number is a bit shocking! This is the first time I know that there are so many scientists in the world."

"Fake it, the talent siphon effect, isn't that my prerogative to be strong? Dog head JPG."

"Feng Shui turns, this year the rabbit's house! Please note that it is not a refuge, it is to help Donghuang carry out the great socialist construction! Dog head JPG."

Inside the Super Seminary.

Zou Jin watched movies online like a melon-eating crowd.

When necessary, several threads will be split, and they will personally end up fighting against some mentally retarded and country-hating parties. .

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