Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 185 The Little Friend Scolded For Being Stupid

Command Room of the Great Gorge.

In front of several data screens, Ducao, Yuqin and Captain General Li stood silently.

The noise in the meeting room next door in the equipment is being broadcast in real time.

Admiral Li Jianguo smiled and said:

"Young man, his brain is spinning fast. Old Du, it's pretty good that the Xiongbing Company has grown to what it is now in a few months. Why do you still have a dark face?"

The captain of the aircraft carrier is not making excuses for the young people.

He really felt that this group of people grew up very fast. You must know that they were all gangsters, students, waiters, and farmers before!

The only ones who have some military literacy are Qi Lin, a policeman, and Du Qiangwei, who has been in the army all year round.

It took only a few months to grow to this level, General Li Jianguo really didn't understand, what else was Lao Du not satisfied with.

Ducao sighed and said:

"Keeping a keen perception of the war situation is the foundation of super soldiers, but they are too young-! They can't hold their breath at all!"

General Li Jianguo smiled indifferently.

Continue to comfort:

"The requirements are too high, and no one is a sage who is born with knowledge!"

"The army is clamoring all day long to go to the battlefield, and there are more stunned youths who want to go to the front line."

Ducao shook his head slightly and sighed.

That's not what he's worried about.

It's okay for a soldier to be aggressive, but not for a super soldier!

Especially on the current earth, the preciousness of a super soldier, to put it cruelly, is not comparable to that of a regular regiment

Don't say anything else.

The country really consumes a lot of resources on the Xiongbing Company.

The high-energy beef jerky alone is very difficult to prepare, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a main battle tank in one bite!

Plus black armor, logistics support, training consumption

Raising such a company of heroes that can be worth a million soldiers...

The country is also bleeding heavily.

Thinking of this, Ducao couldn't help but feel grateful to Zou Jin, if it weren't for his material reconstruction power, the consumption of the Xiongbing Company might be as high as the sky!


What the current super soldiers need is not enthusiasm, but enough calmness and wisdom!

Ducao always feels that this group of young people have trained their muscles into their brains......

Just at this time.

Zou Jin's angry curses resounded in the device.

...Do you understand professional things and leave them to professional people?"

"The country has developed so many new types of weaponry, and it keeps performing exercises in front of you all day long. Blind? Can't see it!"

"Don't those things need actual combat verification? The actual combat data is not collected, so you will conjure it up?"

"After the ordinary army is equipped with new equipment, what is the effect of actual combat with Taotie? Is it based on actual combat? This is still the vanguard fleet of Taotie, far from the period of all-out war."

"If you don't take advantage of the current situation to figure out the comparison of the combat power of the two sides, how will you let the country dispatch the army in the future?"

"The land of Donghuangnuo depends entirely on you so-called super fighters. You can't even get enough duplication skills! Fuck, a bunch of self-righteous idiots!"

Zou Jin's outrage, not only the friends were completely dumbfounded.

Even Ducao and General Li Jianguo, who were watching next door, were greatly shocked.

Ah, is Xiao Zou's temper so hot? It wasn't like this before

"Hey, Lao Li, don't ask me, I don't know why this kid has such a temper... But, yes! You should wake up these little bastards! All of them are going to the sky recently !"

Miss Yuqin is kind-hearted, and couldn't help reminding:

"Is it appropriate for the two chief ministers to continue to discuss with themselves? I am worried that their internal unity will be affected. …

heard the words.

The two generals looked at each other and couldn't help sighing.

Ducao said in a deep voice:

"Let's leave it to that kid, the Xiongbing Company is a group of arrogant soldiers!"

"No matter what, the future of this group of titans must be handed over to this kid."

"If that kid can't convince this group of people, even if we weld him to death in that position, there will be problems after all...

Zou Jin's outrage made the whole group of people fall silent.

Even the captain, Lei Na, dare not look at Zou Jin more now, and even Du Qiangwei's eyes are roving, not daring to meet Jin.

Everyone can see that Zou Jin is really angry to the extreme.

His hair was not too long, even because of his anger, it didn't grow spontaneously, and the black electric current continued to spread around the tip of the hair.

The air flows by itself without wind.

………… Ask for flowers…

The space began to flicker continuously like dropping frames.

The dark golden divine light was faintly visible in those eyes that were bursting with anger.

This is the first time I saw Zou Jin who was so angry, it would be bullshit to say no, but it was also because of Zou Jin's uncontrollable anger.

Let his supreme life essence be manifested.

Now, you guys face Zou Jin [it’s not like you’re facing your own kind...  

On the contrary, it seemed that he was facing a giant god whose figure gradually filled the entire galaxy...

However, Zou Jin's anger is not rootless, nor is it just talking nonsense......

A group of friends were a little weaker, the cowardly Mengmeng was so frightened that she wished to stuff her head into her crotch.

Ge Xiaolun's legs were trembling even more.


In the end, Qiangwei found out about the plight of this guy, and received a stare of contempt that broke his heart.

After a while, seeing that Zou Jin's anger subsided and the vision around him also began to disappear, the friends dared to take a big breath.

Perhaps it was to save the face lost in front of Du Qiangwei, perhaps it was simply to sway Zou Jin, to repay the little grievance that she was frightened and stupid just now.

Ge Xiaolun muttered a little unconvinced:

"Ordinary troops need to be tested in actual combat. Our army company has been training for so long, shouldn't it also be tested in actual combat?"


Are you talking about the haze who was so frightened by the battlefield that she wept bitterly like in previous animations?

Zou Jin laughed out of anger, and said in a bad mood:

"The Xiongbing Company definitely has the chance to actually fight, but things have to be weighed! When you TM get points, you know that the opponent's C position is the second! In reality, you TM won't be able to do it right away!?"

After a pause, Zou Jin couldn't hold back, and continued to complain:

"Besides, I'm really worried that you will be frightened to piss on the spot if you are such a rookie who has never seen blood and throw you on the battlefield rashly!"

Ge Xiaolun was really scolded for being stupid this time.

With his head down, Nuan dared not continue to speak.

He knows himself best, and asks himself, if he is really thrown into the battlefield, will he really be scared to pee like Zou Jin complained!?

It seems hard to say...

The two of them stopped completely.

Xin Zhao dared to play up the courage to enliven the atmosphere:

"Brother, brother Jin! Don't scold me, the child is almost stupid, really begging!".

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