Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 188 The Donghuang Rabbit House With Fried Hair

That night.

Zou Jin couldn't sleep.

As soon as the eyes are closed, the previous experience of Yu Yan's messing around quietly in front of Zhi Xin reverberates and develops in his mind, and then his brain fills it into a small video full of mosaics.

Yan, this girl, was only focused on lighting the fire, and when she turned around, only one person was left to suffer.

So, all night.

Zou Jin is planning how to arrange in his mind, and how many postures he will take to whip Yan in the future.

Definitely also caused Zou Jin on the second day to look particularly lackluster.

In fact.

It has reached the stage of a second-generation god like Zou Jin.

Sleep or not, is more of a psychological comfort.

The nature of the fourth-generation genes and the strength of the second-generation divine body made Zou Jin gradually break away from the category of mortals.

all day.

Zou Jin didn't do anything extra.

In addition to routine data backup, more is to cooperate with Lianfeng to observe the changes of physical constants around the Earth-Moon system.

The big clock is really strong, and it can easily overwhelm Deno 3 and Zou Jin's analysis of the starry sky.

But no matter how outrageous the big clock is, it cannot be changed on a large scale, because of the real chain reaction triggered when the fleet advances.

For example, no matter how well disguised a meteorite falls into the sea, no matter how silent it is before, when it invades the atmosphere, it will always cause photothermal effects due to friction. Through these realistic physical constant variables, it is enough for people to discover in advance that they are about to fall. Meteorites of the sea!

And what Lianfeng, Zou Jin and others need to do.

It is to push the scope of detection of real disturbances as far as possible into the deep space of the universe.

Yan and Zhixin were also in the early morning.

Then they returned to the Angel stronghold in Tianhe City, in Angel's words.

They need to see with their own eyes how Donghuang and even Earth civilization behave in the war...

From this, we can measure how much sacrifice Angel needs to make for Donghuang!

That's right.

Be with Zou Jin for a long time.

Today's Angels don't just regard Donghuang as the mother civilization of Zou Jin.

The Donghuang they saw with their own eyes already has the potential to be guarded by Angel, but if Angel really sacrifices for Donghuang, it obviously needs more data support.

The upcoming interstellar war prologue...

Apparently a good subject to watch....

The sun is gradually setting.

Zou Jin in the data center got up immediately and looked up at the starry sky through the layers of buildings!


Hearing this, Lianfeng's eyelids twitched.

Take a deep breath to suppress the emotions in your heart, then contact all parties immediately, and be vigilant.

At the same time, Lianfeng did not forget.

Quickly use Deno-3 to gain insight into the changes of all physical constants in the Earth-Moon system.

Sure enough, many physical constants are fluctuating from small to several points.

With the support of data, a real-time simulation video was quickly obtained with the virtual calculation of Deno-3.

A huge fleet group is advancing towards the earth.

Not long after, the fleet was split into two.

Among them, the largest and possibly the strongest fleet is coming straight to Donghuang.

"The calculation results are out. The landing direction of the Taotie advance fleet is Donghuang Tianhe City, Meilijian New York, and the European Lundun area!"

"Report the first-hand information, hurry up! At the same time, ask the superior if you need to share this information with other countries!"

"Analyze the strength composition of each fleet, the speed must be fast!"

"Yes, Chief!"

"The army in Donghuang Tianhe City is heading to the city, and is starting to build a defensive counterattack front!"

"The detection shows that the speed of the enemy fleet remains the same, and it will take three hours for the enemy to land in Tianhe City, which is enough time for our people to evacuate!"

"Then notify the frontline army and relevant departments, and ask them to evacuate the masses to the underground city as quickly as possible!"

"Tell the front-line departments and the army at all levels to implement the evacuation mission in accordance with the wartime management method. If there is any disobedience, return and take it on the spot!"

"It has been detected that the Glutton Fleet has a powerful electronic jamming ability, and our Earth-Moon satellite system has been confirmed to be out of contact. We need more accurate real-time feedback on the battlefield! Commander, do you need to activate a new satellite system?"

"No need for now, that thing is prepared for a full-scale war! Inform the transportation department of Tianhe City and let them fly a basic honeycomb drone! We can quickly build a real-time feedback system on the battlefield! Take it easy, the interactive system of that thing is quantum communication , won’t be disturbed too much.”

"Old Du, turn on the two gravity deflection scanners installed in the road administration system! In addition to the various radar systems in the surrounding military areas, try to build an air defense system! Otherwise, we can directly enter the stage of urban street fighting. It's too bad to remember!"

"It's feasible! By the way, let the missile troops in the surrounding mountains replace the warhead guidance system! Abandon all the usual ways of finding the enemy, and replace it with a quantum communication system, plus a dual structure of graphic guidance!"

""||Chief, we have detected an enemy fleet group heading towards Tianhe City. There are two flagships! Eight giant landing ships! Twenty-four armed frigates! Plus the remaining small and medium-sized ships of unknown purpose, about three More than ten ships! According to data deduction, the total number of enemy fleets is likely to exceed 20,000!"

"The number of troops stationed in Tianhe City is about 50,000, not enough!"

"Notify other brother troops to support. The soonest we can have an extra 30,000 reserve forces in the official exchange of fire, and it will be too late."

"Then use the mountain cannons of the Tianhe City Fire Department and ask them to dismantle the fire warheads and replace them with the latest damage warheads! We need actual combat data to see if this type of electromagnetic gun needs to be replaced."

"Notify the comrades in the aerospace department and let them prepare for battle at all times. Once our losses are too large, we will immediately invest in the Chengying unmanned combat mecha! In addition, let them drive Zhongdi out of the hangar! It's time for the baby to make a good appearance!"

(Good horse money) The data center and the command systems of major military regions are connected in parallel to form a network.

Only those who are currently qualified to speak, only the elders, the data center and the command system of the Juxia, the rest are just a reserve force, you can watch from the sidelines, and you can give opinions in private

But it is not allowed to disrupt the deployment of this war.

Prosper through this wartime command system.

Zou Jin listened to the crazy beeping of the data monitoring personnel on the Juxia and the researchers in the data center, plus a vote of the real-time command process of the Juxia commander.

Can't help being slightly sluggish...

The orderly process in chaos is not important.

The important thing is, how much money has Donghuang saved in private!?

Hear what you have heard!

Road administration, transportation, and fire protection are all equipped with some big killers, or key combat readiness facilities!


It's understandable that the aerospace department has a bit of tricks, but when it comes up, it's Baidi... Seriously!?.

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