I saw the current Xiongbing Company again.

Zou Jin keenly noticed that the arrogance of this group of people was fading away.

Obviously, the great development of Donghuang's military equipment caused by his own existence has indeed shocked this group of super fighters who are becoming more and more arrogant.

Seeing Zou Jin coming, Reina swooped in front of Zou Jin and asked:

"Zou Jin, you're really here, the bad guy, they really want you to go to the battlefield?-"

"Our little sun is here, it seems inappropriate if I don't come."

Hearing this, the pretty face blushed slightly.

Even though she knew Zou Jin was talking nonsense, Reina was still joyful for no reason.

After greeting each other with the friends, Zou Jin took Reina's little hand and began to watch the scene of the rose projection.

"Zou Jin, do you think that these weapons of the pre-nuclear era can really fight against an aerospace-grade slaughterer like Glutton?"

Du Qiangwei's problem stems from her extreme lack of security in her heart.

In this era where many god-level civilizations are wrestling with each other, a sense of security is indeed a luxury.

Zou Jin pointed to the gradually enlarged gluttonous fleet on the projection screen, and said:

"Did you see that group of gluttons came, the actual success or failure depends on the actual combat results.

Zou Jin just finished speaking.

on the screen.

Dozens of Hongqi series ballistic missiles, dragging white lines one after another, headed straight for the target fleet.

The friends of the Xiongbing Company held their breaths, hoping that the result they wanted would be staged as scheduled.

There are two Taotie flagships.

Obviously, the result of Zou Jin's previous investigation was just the result of Taotie, or the result that Death God Karl was willing to show to the earth side.

The two Grand Cross flagships are now under the control of Fenglei and Stag respectively.


In the communication network they built, the two gluttonous commanders are looking indifferently at the dozens of missiles coming straight towards their side.

"It's no wonder my god Karl attaches so much importance to this planet. In the pre-nuclear era, it can break through our information blockade. The potential is indeed not small!"

"But that doesn't make sense, does it, Bucks."

"Yeah, Fenglei! When Death God stared at this planet with his divine gaze, their future has been cut off!"

"How, activate the light energy shield, let's try it out."

"Let's try it out, so that people on earth can experience the despair brought about by the technological gap!"

"Hahaha, you are right, a death full of despair is worth offering to my god!"


Dozens of missiles with altered warhead guidance patterns.

Without exception, all hit their respective targets...

The comrades of the Xiongbing Company are slightly calm....

With their insight, it can be seen at a glance that those missiles are just conventional warheads.

With the explosive equivalent of conventional warheads, facing the high-strength alloy ships of the Taotie fleet, it can only add a layer of gunpowder to them.

On the actual lethality.

I'm afraid it's hard to get out even a crater.


After the gunpowder smoke cleared, the Taotie fleet continued to advance towards Tianhe City as if nothing had happened.

"Too bad, this test at least shows that the old-fashioned combat weapons have fallen behind in the face of gluttony! If you don't use nuclear strikes or above, I'm afraid you won't be able to break through the defense!

"That's right, I see that group of gluttons just now also intentionally tested us! As an aerospace-grade civilization, they must have hidden more than one unknown black technology."

"Don't worry too much. We have seen all the war preparations in Tianhe City. I think the country will continue to test when the time is right."

"Get ready for battle, comrades! You must participate in this battle heroic company, there is no time or speed!"

the other side.

It resisted the gluttonous fleet with dozens of missiles of various types.

Seeing that the missiles on the earth's side were not powerful enough, they immediately launched an offensive formation and dived towards the ground at high speed in an overwhelming posture.

On the flagship, the voice of Fenglei sounded:

"Stupid tactics, so-called temptations, are only effective in contests with similar levels of civilization."

The Bucks then said:

"They are indeed stupid, but it is also because of their stupidity that the only nuclear weapon that can kill us did not appear in the first place! Stupid people on earth, they will definitely pay the price for this."

"Hehe, yes, when the fleet reaches the top of the city, they will not dare to launch nuclear bombs because of the ridiculous sense of Kamigawa morality! In return, I will give them the most painful death!!"

………… Ask for flowers…


For the two gluttonous commanders, the ruthless talk was a bit early.

When their fleet approached more than ten kilometers to the surface.

The anti-aircraft weapons hidden in the surrounding mountains, canyons, and highways began to systematically allocate targets, opening the way with thousands of missiles ahead.

A missile at ten times the speed of sound arrives in an instant.

Letting down their vigilance, the slack gluttonous fleet still adopts an oppressive non-defense strategy, and the result is...

Accompanied by the sea of ​​fire reflecting the red sky.

In the Taotie fleet, a giant troop carrier was the first to be hit by hydrogen metal explosives, which lifted the outer metal protective layer, and then the metal jet triggered by the explosion swept the entire ship like a tornado.

As a result, the landing troop carrier suffered countless internal casualties, and what was even more tragic was that successive explosions continued to resound throughout.

High-temperature metal jets swept across the entire ship time and time again.

The damage management system did not take effect in time, and the injured site was isolated.

The entire troop transport landing ship was in mid-air, spraying high-temperature flames from the inside out, and then a roar resounding through the sky, the whole ship disintegrated in mid-air instantly.

The remaining hull, along with the rest of the metal wreckage, fell down like a shower of meteor fire.

Looking at the surrounding sky again, similar warships disintegrated and exploded. This was by no means an exception. The fire rain composed of metal parts and ship wreckage became more and more dense.

"Phew, fortunately, fortunately, the country really installed stronger warheads for missiles!"

"Good job! In this wave, at least four File size ships were defeated!"

Zhao Xin and Ge Xiaolun were so excited that they jumped up the old bridge on the spot.

Qilin and Du Qiangwei also breathed a sigh of relief with relief on their faces, and Rui Mengmeng also quietly pushed away her tightly packed fists.

Liu Chuang suddenly said excitedly:

"Look, let's just say, our country's fight, how could it be over in a wave of rumors, isn't it coming! Fuck! This scene is so frightening to death!!"

The friends all turned their heads to look at the projection screen.

In the battlefield, in various tall buildings in Tianhe City, or in hidden alleyways.

A series of electromagnetic cannons shot from the ground to the sky, dragging bright arcs of light, and hit each of Taotie's ships one after another in an instant.

Under the cover of the electromagnetic rain curtain composed of metal storms, there were also hundreds of missiles of various types mixed in. .

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