Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 199 The Rose Of The Society

Tianhe City, Angel International Villa District.

All the Angels watched in astonishment, the whole Donghuang changed subtly!

Ah Zhui murmured:

"What a terrifying earth, no, it should be the terrifying Donghuang Wisdom!"

Moy agrees:

"This civilization is indeed terrifying. They didn't even really step into the starry sky. On the surface of the pre-nuclear era, they have already realized that the progress of civilization requires considerable awareness to match!"

Yan and Zhi Xin were silent together.

Recalling the parent civilization I was in before becoming an Angel.

They may be from the feudal city-state era, or from the industrial revolution period, but without exception, there is no leader who truly has such a long-term vision!

Even if the scale of comparison is enlarged to the vast starry sky...

Under Angel's righteous rule, a hundred thousand civilizations existed...

One hundred thousand levels of civilization can be synthesized, but it is extremely difficult for any civilization to self-metamorphosis a set of logical and self-consistent governance concepts.

Not to mention the kind of peak talents that can only be cultivated by a great civilization.

The expression on Hexi's face was very happy. Seeing the other Angels, they were all very shocked. Hexi smiled and said:

"You are all right, the universe seems to take special care of this magical civilization."

"A mere 5,000 years of civilization history is definitely not worth mentioning compared to us, come back!"

"It is this mere 5,000-year civilization, but two thousand years ago, so many wise men and sages known as the philosophers were born one after another!"

"It is precisely because of the existence of these sons that this civilization has the soil for the emergence of talents. This is also the greatest heritage left by their ancestors to future generations."

In fact, Gu Hee had a few words left unsaid.

Those philosophers who were born in the feudal era, with their eyes limited by the times, have left behind many theories that even they have learned from reading.

Silently recalling the deity's mimetic heaven combat system that has suddenly made progress in recent days.

He Xi's eyes were slightly blurred.

Or maybe...

It wasn't that the Herrscher was born in Donghuang Civilization.

It's the Herrscher of the End Yan, who can only appear in the east!

If you want to give a reason, think about the Deno twin stars in the past. They had no strength, but no equivalent spiritual support!

The cemetery of the star field that has been shrouded in chaotic cosmic rays so far.

Suffice it to say it all!

The emotion between Angel and Hexi (duplication).

Zou Jin doesn't know.

him at the moment.

He was discussing with Qiangwei how to deal with the issue of the only Grand Cross flagship in Skyrim.

That's right.

It's the only one.

The Baidi fighter plane was born out of the sky, and the Xiongbing Company assisted from the side.

The sky was once densely packed with landing craft, gunboats and individual flight weapons, all of which were emptied.


In the sky above Tianhe City, there are only two Grand Cross flagships left.

Is it because Taotie doesn't want to escape?

definitely not.

The two commanders were killed, the middle-level commanders and the group of elite fighters died in some corner.

In the two flagships, some dark map technicians with ancient skills were left.

Plus a group of only remaining grassroots soldiers, less than a thousand.

How to escape with the two large cross starships is a problem.

And it's a huge problem!

With the idea of ​​gluttonous militarism, mere technicians and grassroots soldiers want to obtain the flagship key and drive the two flagships to retreat, that is simply a dream!

Even if it is a technician, no matter how skilled the technology is...

I can't match a word of my god Karl's blessing......

In fact.

This group of so-called technicians, their job is only to synthesize and analyze battlefield data.

Repairing and maintaining the ship's weapons is top-notch, plus a duty to control the ship's guns......

nothing else!

They are not so much technicians as they are laborers!

Such a deformed structure of civilization, definitely unscientific, but it's mine...

More importantly, that fits Death God Karl's needs.

As a test product, it's too fancy to play, right?

"In my opinion, with my genetic ability, it is the safest way to transport our army's artillery to wipe out the ground! Destroying it directly is the safest way! On the battlefield today, enough sacrifices have been made!"

Du Qiangwei's attitude was very firm.

(dacj) Her rationality has already lost its size when she saw the disproportionate number of battle damage.

Now Qiangwei desperately wants to see everything subside and return to the era of peace.

Zou Jin has a different opinion:

"Let me dismantle Taotie's light energy barrier, and it's best to capture the enemy ships!"

Reina interrupted and asked:

"No way, Zou Jin, don't tell me you can't analyze this thing, you can even make a 100% replica of it yourself! Why take the risk..."

"Again, the army needs experience!"

Reina and Qiangwei were silent together.

They understand that the so-called experience is not only the experience of fighting the Taotie flagship.

What's more, the experience forged with sacrifice and blood and tears in the process!

on the other hand.

Both Lei Na and Du Qiangwei knew it well.

Donghuang wants to make progress and truly stand among the nations of the universe.

Simply relying on Zou Jin, the ultimate Herrscher, is not enough, or even relying solely on super soldiers is not enough!


The development of civilization has never been the work of a single individual.

Qiangwei's eyes were slightly red, but she still looked at Zou Jin firmly, making Zou Jin feel a little uncomfortable.

"What, what are you doing!?"

......Do God's thoughts need to be so cold-blooded?"

Zou Jin's expression froze, what does it mean!?

Because Mao always felt that this girl seemed to think of something extraordinary!

In fact, Du Qiangwei has always known.

Zou Jin has been very close to Angel, and he is very clear about the importance of the Herrscher of the Last Yan to civilization.

Therefore, Qiangwei always thought that Zou Jin was too deeply influenced by Angel, or that if she was familiar with Zou Jin, the human side was decreasing, while the divine side was flourishing.

Realized current perspective.

Zou Jin's decision must not be wrong, even, in a sense, it is the optimal solution!


Before Qiangwei was ready to take advantage of her protruding and backward curling to beg some hard-hearted guy, Zou Jin wondered:

"It's weird! I plan to use the power of the ideal fluid to imprison those gluttonous idiots and let them attack as targets for military training, but what's wrong? Qiangwei, have you lost your mind? Damn it! It's not our soldiers, Tian said we are cold-blooded!?"


With a stiff expression, Qiangwei was thinking: How about spending the rest of her life on another planet...

Lena looked surprised:

"Hey, you don't plan to let the army and Taotie fight again?"

Zou Jin's face is full of displeasure:

"Crazy, it's stupid to do that! What a cold-blooded, bad idea that the group can think of!"

Rosa Rosa:

Really, the society has died to this extent, it is better to simply die! .

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