Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 202 Yan's Oath Of Protection

Angels that have not been promoted to the god-level civilization all have a long lifespan of nearly a thousand years.

Time has not been able to erase the female Angels' yearning for love.

Even in that era of infinite darkness for female Angels, female Angels still yearn for pure love in their hearts.

After the Angel civilization is promoted to the god-level civilization.

Female Angels have gained a longer lifespan, Xu is obsessed with justice, Xu is passionate about fighting, Xu is used to hoeing the strong and helping the weak, and helping the one side.

In short.

Female Angels' yearning for love has never diminished.

So deep in Angel's genes, fragments of loyalty to love are deeply engraved.

The Angel Three Kings are also female Angels, and they changed the expression of this special gene when the whole people ascended to the gods.

When a female Angel finds a guardian object that can make her feel at ease.

Guarding the oath is the best interpretation of loyalty by Angels.

Among the Angel family, Yan is the special one.

Just because Yan is taking an oath to protect someone, he has worked harder than ever.

But this oath of guardianship, which was incoherent due to someone's small actions, could be remembered by him for the rest of his life.

【I would like to be Zou Jin's Guardian Angel】

【Love what he loves】

【Think what he thinks】

【Bear the pain for him】

【Through the suffering】

【No matter 02 ordinary or rich】

【whether humble or noble】

【Whether in troubled times】

【Or God doesn't care】

【I will fight with my sword】

【Fold up your wings for him】

【Never give up】

【until forever】

That fiery emotion is so pure and persistent.

Through those eyes full of AI, Zou Jin can clearly see his own reflection.

Zou Jin finally knew.

Long ago.

In those beautiful eyes, there is no room for anyone other than what I thought...

Just like that pair of holy white wings, they will only be closed to themselves forever...

"Hmph~~ Scoundrel!"

The jade-like nails tightly grasped Zou Jin's back quilt.

Yan's reprimanded in a low voice, not only could not hear the slightest bit of anger.

On the contrary, she has a kind of style that she has never had before in her daily life.

In the next room.

The quilt tightly wraps a small head.

Two small hands protruding from the corner of the quilt, tightly grasping the sheet, almost trying to gather water out of thin air.

Xiao Zhixin took the initiative to stuff herself into the quilt, and at the moment, she was in the dark, thinking about it.

The male god and sister Yan......

Is it the start......

Or is it over?

Is it the same as everyone else?

or is there any difference?

Why do those mortal women always show strange expressions at this time?

Does it hurt?

Can sister Yan bear it?



Will you be tired.........

Perhaps the things in her mind were too profound, and the blush on Zhi Xinqiao's face hadn't faded since the beginning.

Hexi on the second floor of the villa let out a helpless sigh.

He Xi, who also had slightly rosy cheeks, complained from the bottom of her heart:

"Yan is a scumbag, no matter how eager you are, the silent isolation procedure must be better...


She is just a scientific research-type duplication battle partner that was reproduced from the period when the deity was young and enthusiastic and persistent in scientific research.

She is indeed only at the level of three generations of super fighters.

Even the divine body is not configured.

But also because of this.

He Xi's deity gave her those spare genetic burdens, and mounted countless scientific research instruments, so that

Downstairs is like men and women fighting, the sound and picture.

It was actually like a live broadcast, and it was within reach.

Although she is a duplication of Hexi, she also has flesh and blood and has the reactions that life should have.

It's a pity, as a branch of the deity's will.

She doesn't care about this kind of thing.


She can empathize with the deity!


Although her cheeks were red, but her mind was extremely clear, a certain factor called making trouble quietly broke out!

"No! I can't suffer alone!"

"Hey hey..."

"When my mother packs up this data and puts a horrifying title on it, I won't believe that the queen and this deity will not read it! Humph!"


The Angel Nebula is hundreds of millions of light-years away from Earth.

When Keisha and Hexi were drinking tea at sunset, the two queens who closed their eyes and began to check the data had their cheeks burning hot instantly.

"Cough cough cough..."

He Xi's pretty face flushed red, her silver hair swaying gently.

It took her a while to straighten out her breathing rhythm, but she didn't have a good airway:

"It's lawless! What do you mean by 'Shocked! Yan and the Final Herrscher are fighting!', I think No. 03 can't wait to come back!"

Kesha quietly activates the treasure house of sacred knowledge.

Quickly smooth away the excessive temperature on his face and the beating heartbeat like a drum.

Not to mention, Hexi's duplication really got the title right!

It's just that there is at least a fingertip galaxy gap between the so-called 'fight' and the ordinary meaning of fighting!

What kind of deity should I talk about, and what kind of duplication should I raise.

"Bah! Old goblin, you are not serious, and you can still blame duplication for being indiscreet!"

Facing Keisha's accusation.

The blush that had just disappeared on He Xi's face rose again.

Don't get me wrong, it's not because of Keisha's indifferent words.

But because of 03 duplication!

She actually synchronized the body reaction over there to herself!

The unprecedented strange feeling made Hexi tighten his legs unnaturally, and he couldn't help fastening his exposed jade-like toes.

Hexi had to admit a fact with tears streaming down his face.

She! The majestic king of Tianji!

The first generation of 827 holy right wing!

.………… almost falling into it..……


Caught off guard, she hummed softly from her nostrils.

Keisha looked blank.

I have no idea what this old goblin is doing.

Eyes of insight opened.

Kesha was dumbfounded.

"Originally and this deity, you can actually do this! It's you, old goblin!"

Hak Hee:

He Xi was stiff all over.

At the same time when I realized that I had a problem, I heard such a sharp question...

very decisive...

The space-based computing group worked crazily to scramble and disperse the nearby dark data!

Then he turned around and crashed into the micro-wormhole cloud, teleporting himself to the boudoir...

Lift up the futon and cover yourself!

By the way, several hidden programs have been added inside and outside the entire palace...  

The moment of death...

Hexi has the urge to escape from the known universe, find a dark and empty corner, and bury himself at the end of the universe!

Kaisha who witnessed Hexi's gaffe and escape with her own eyes.

A trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

Is that kind of synesthesia really that powerful?


I have to make sure!

What if... what if the old goblin has some sequelae... right!

A few minutes later.

Keisha blushed and got up pretending to be majestic.

But quickly, like Hexi, crashed into the cloud of the micro wormhole and disappeared......

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