Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 216 The Holy Kaisa Is Prodigal

Kesha eventually left.

Being the Holy Keisha, she has her own busy schedule to juggle.

Being able to chat with Zou Jin for nearly an hour is already the limit. Before leaving, Kaisha left a meaningful sentence:

"Perhaps, you are also another kind of future...

When the back of Queen Kaisa disappeared, the puzzled look on Zou Jin's face still remained.

Looking at Yan and Zhi Xin, who were also a little confused...


Forget about the latter, with the heart-burning righteous wisdom, if it is placed on the earth, it must be swallowed by the bones.

Yan shook his head slightly, frowned and said:

"The queen said that you are the future of normalization of combat power and ethnic groups. I don't know what the so-called other future is."

Zou Jin rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "053"

"Why do I always feel that Sister Kaisha seems to be looking at the son-in-law's mother-in-law!?"

"Bah! Shameless!"

Gazing at Zou Jin fiercely, Yan's cheeks blushed instantly.

Strangely enough, Zhi Xin's pretty face also began to blush suspiciously...

Zou Jin is a bit lost.

no, you...

Did you come up with something amazing!?

In fact.

Little Zhixin was thinking in her little head: Elder sister, Queen Keisha, then I must be my master, and I don’t know if the master will become such a mother-in-law for me...

The sky system has switched to a night with bright moon and few stars.

Exclusively on its own independent floating island.

Zou Jin leaned against the window.

Looking out of the window, in the semi-circular flower bed, there are several luminous plants with strange shapes, and a few small flowers on the vines are shining slightly fluorescent, accompanying the stars.

But it also seems to fit well....

But Zou Jin obviously doesn't have the elegance to appreciate such exotic flowers and plants.

him at the moment.

His mind has drifted to Yan who has not yet returned.

Or, to be more precise, bring yourself back to this floating island since daytime.

After leaving a declaration of "sister will wait for you tonight", Zou Jin has already started to imagine.

He looked sideways at the floating island next door.

The huge amounts of townhouse, which is similar to the one I live in now, is full of ancient Greek or Roman style charm.

But in terms of its decoration and shape, this type of building is obviously more refined and close to nature.


Equally obvious.

Zou Jin also doesn't care about those so-called style issues.

He has been silently counting the time in his heart, and with his own Yanbao's boudoir next door, Zou Jin can't hold back the urge to move around.


When a certain time comes.

Zou Jin silently closed the window, and started the program to turn off the lights.

The moment the room was dark, Zou Jin took advantage of the situation and flashed a sub-space, jumping to the building hall on the floating island next door.


Disperse yourself very neatly.

It turns into a cloud of molecular clouds shining with dark golden light particles.

In a flash, he jumped into the corridor, leaving behind bright bands of light, and then quietly slipped into Yan's boudoir.


Yan has changed into an Angel style clothing.

Compared with the ordinary dress on the earth, this appearance of Yan has another style.

While soft and elegant, it also comes with a sense of extravagance.

She looks very much like the sister File size from Zhaoyue Siren in a wealthy family...  

some moment.

When the dark golden brilliance surrounds Yan's body like a streamer.

A burst of blush also burned on her face at the same time.

"Bad stuff!"

With a secret spit, the mist in Yan's eyes gradually rose, and his breathing stagnated slightly.

"Yan, is the privacy system activated?"

The familiar voice suddenly sounded in the ear, surrounded by the same familiar sense of security as Fen.

He hummed lightly, indicating that she wasn't that stupid.

Inexplicably, Yan's heartbeat accelerated sharply.

I also felt quite satisfied and helpless for a while, and I was so anxious, it really was a brat!

"Oops! clothes!"

"Learn about the reconstruction of matter, and I will give you a brand new set tomorrow! Cough cough......

"Eh? Why..."


In Yan Yan's boudoir, the lights gradually went out.

same moment.

Next door to Zou Jin's exclusive floating island, the hot-hearted floating island has also fallen into darkness...

the next day.

Waking up from the soft sun.

Zou Jin opened his eyes in bewilderment, lifted the quilt, and got up unsteadily.

For him, the time-wasting behavior of washing is unnecessary, a black cavity that brushes the whole body from top to bottom is enough.

This is his exclusive floating island.

The reason why he appears here is very simple.

Yan didn't want to be seen by the little sister who came to look for her the next day. In her boudoir, there was a male god lying dead on it.

Even if this male god is the object of his protection...

The main reason is that Yan can't bear the questioning and teasing of other little sisters like a wolf.


Just went downstairs.

Zou Jin saw Zhi Xin who was sitting on the sofa in the hall, quietly looking at several light screens.

That's right.

Little cutie Zhixin is quite uncute at a time like this.

She is also the chief culprit for Zou Jin's inability to sleep peacefully in Yan's boudoir with a goddess in his arms!

"Brother-in-law, come here quickly, your study progress is too far behind. If you don't work hard, the sub-biological engine that Queen Kaisha specially configured for you will not be able to use it flexibly.

"Eh? Sister Kaisha! It's also specially configured! It's fake..."

"Hmph, my brother-in-law is talking nonsense, so I won't tell lies! In fact, the queen and my master in 1.4 have made an exclusive sub-biological engine for you a long time ago. Queen Keisha met you yesterday, essentially , It also means meeting you in person to check whether your suitability with the biological engine and brother-in-law is up to standard.

Zou Jin's eyes sparkled slightly.

Angel's sub-biological engine, this thing, in other words, is Angel's version of the void engine.

In essence, it is not much different from that of Death God Karl.

They all use the void particles searched from the chaotic force field when a large black hole collapses as materials, infinitely reduce the dimensionality to a level close to two-dimensional, and then superimpose, etch, and array many rules and conceptual algorithms.

Then return it to the original appearance of the void particles.

In the end, it is swallowed into the stomach and directly hung and planted on the gene telomere, forming the so-called secondary biological engine.

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