Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 293 The Queen Who Went To Earth

Zou Jin did not know about the conversation between Odin and his son.

But he could faintly feel it.

In the current universe, many things are different.

Waves of tsunami-like Honkai energy continuously penetrated into one's own difficulties during one's ascension stage.


Zou Jin who still needs the analysis of "Final Yan" to know what happened.

Now I can vaguely see that when the collapse can emerge, what kind of accident was born behind it.

simply say.

Zou Jin's power has begun to touch the level of cause and effect!

Even if it still belongs to the information stage.

But that doesn't matter, his evolution has been continuing.

With the crazy influx of Houkai energy.

The changes in the river of life caused by the world integrate are almost at the level of diversion, closure, and flow interruption!

If it is not the concept of finality, it has been integrating everything and giving all unexpected factors to finality.

The world shattered.

The universe returns to ruins.

It is inevitable!

But also because of this, the progress bar of Zou Jin's gene dendrogram is filling up rapidly.

When the 100% progress bar is broken.

The power of the seventh Herrscher——the Herrscher of Flame has also been officially unsealed!

———The Herrscher of Flame!

Power: heat rises...

Contrary to the power of the Herrscher of Ice, the power of the Herrscher of Fire.

It is the acceleration and re-acceleration of thermodynamic molecular motion.

But after merging with the Herrscher of Ice.

Heat and coldness.

The heat is rising.

The superposition of the two becomes molecular control in the true sense!

Control the speed, trajectory, dispersion and gathering of molecules!

That's true.

An ability possessed only by the gods of the material world.

The super gene that has just been promoted to the fifth generation has become more and more sacred on the conceptual level.

Power controlled by molecules.

Zou Jin's concept has been formally written at the molecular level.

Today's Zou Jin, even if he doesn't activate his divine body and only resists with genetic strength, he can't instantly destroy all the molecules that make up Zou Jin as an individual. Hurt him is just a wish!

It's come to this point.

Zou Jin has initially possessed the capital to fight against the dark silver weapon.

More importantly, Shiyuan's divine body has been strengthened for the second time.

In a real sense, set foot on the stage of the fifth generation of divine body!

To the fifth generation of gods.

Zou Jin's performance began to be very different from the pure god-making civilization.

Siyuan divine body is controlled by molecules.

has begun to infect reality.

Even, transforming the reality around him into the category of his own divine body in real time...

In other words.

Any attack on Zou Jin.

In order to take effect, it must first break through Zou Jin's innocence circle that is 100 meters away from the surface of Zou Jin's body!

en route.

Any attack on Zou Jin.

All need to be faced first, such as: the analysis of material reconstruction, the obstruction of electromagnetic force field, the delay of ideal fluid, the dissociation and freezing of molecular control, the cycle of life and death, the absorption and infinite extension of imaginary space.

Only after going through all kinds of hardships and dangers can the attack really land on the surface of Zou Jin's body...

The issue is.

Go through all these obstacles.

Even if it really attacked Zou Jin's body, how much killing effect it would have is really a mystery.

The influx of massive Honkai energy is not over yet.

The power of the Eighth Herrscher is also on the verge of unblocking.


It's like the bottleneck encountered when advancing to unseal the power of the Fourth Herrscher.

The Eighth Herrscher's power was unsealed, and he also encountered a hurdle.

Zou Jin began to understand.

It's almost time to wake up...

But Zou Jin is in no hurry.

He who holds the world in his hands, God knows it clearly.

The current Queen Keisha has only just arrived at the Academy of Dead Songs, after a meaningless conversation with Karl.

Queen Keisha began to turn around.

Straight to the planet Earth!


This time, Keisha did not leave Zhi Xin to monitor Karl.

Even the Angel girls who were monitoring in real time outside the Styx star field were recalled by Zou Jin as Angel Crown Prince.

Zou Jin would love to see it.

There is no actual data as a reference.

What will the future gluttonous void fighters use to attack Angel at the genetic level?


Strictly speaking, it is the magnesium of the earth.

Today's S.H.I.E.L.D has officially been lurking in the dark world, doing things for Mei Lijian in exchange for enough funds to supply the current development of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But Nick Fury, has begun to secretly transfer personnel.

The current intelligence work has become difficult due to the downfall of S.H.I.E.L.D's reputation.

Black Braised Egg has to think, in order to better protect the earth, it is necessary to establish a secret organization independent of the regimes of various countries and exclusively controlled by itself, the agent king!

This is the rudiment of the Heavenly Sword Bureau that has been secretly working for Nick Fury for a long time...


Now the question.

It's not a question of how to cheat funds from the masters of the Congress to quickly enrich the Tianjian Bureau.

The big questions that really have to be faced are:

A street hero who stands firm.

A member of the Avengers.

Including some Mutant and Inhuman members with high reputation in the folk.

They were all under mysterious attack!


The door was pushed open, and Natasha Romanoff walked into Nick Fury's office with a dark face.

A stack of documents was dumped on Nick Fury's desk.

".° Nick, the captain's rescue work was declared invalid ten minutes ago`"!"

Nick Fury froze.

A slightly trembling hand stretched out, and spread the stack of documents flat on the desk.

In the first photo, Steve Rogers was lying peacefully on the operating table, his complexion showing an extremely dead pale.

The body is also covered by a white cloth, and a small hole penetrating into the skull can be vaguely seen from the forehead between the brows of Steve Rogers!


This is the fatal injury that Steve suffered during his lifetime!

Natasha Romanoff's narration continues:

"At eight o'clock this morning, the captain went to the park for morning exercises, according to the report from the on-site agent..."

"After running for ten minutes, the captain was suddenly shot by (Zhao Hao) and fell to the ground on the spot..."

"But because of being a super soldier, even though the captain was shot in the head, he didn't die on the spot. Our agent" urgently dispatched a helicopter to a secret hospital.

Afterwards, after emergency treatment by several chief surgeons, Feng officially died ten minutes ago.


Natasha Romanoff had just finished speaking.

Nick Fury punched the table so hard that even the documents on the table shook Lao Gao.

"Where's the bullet? Where's the murderer? Find out, which force is behind the scenes?"

"Nick, here's where the quirkiness lies!"

Natasha Romanoff took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in her heart, and showed Nick Fury an analysis report on the desktop.

"After the bullet pierced the captain's head, it immediately decomposed into microcosmic particles with complex components in his brain!"

"In the more than 20 minutes since the captain was shot until he died!"

"His genes are being disintegrated all the time! Until death!".

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