Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 3 The Final Herrscher Created Out Of Nothing

Before Zou Jin figured it out, the bright crystal core in the palm suddenly spread out many dotted lines like space lines, entangled and connected with each other, and then included Zou Jin's consciousness as a whole.

The spatial structure is getting more and more distorted...

And then it seems to be mutually anchored with an unknown existence...

Zero and one, yin and yang, positive and negative, existence and non-existence...

Various elements that are opposed to each other, in the chaos and disorder, quickly move towards order...

A corridor was created for no reason in front of Zou Jin, and the inexplicable traction quickly followed up...


Just as he uttered the flustered curses, Zou Jin's entire conscious body was engulfed by the crystal nucleus, and he ran quickly in the tunnel of disillusionment built by an unknown force, before disappearing without a trace!


Opening his eyes again, the familiar living room came into view.

The sofa under Pigu still surrounds Zou Jin with that comfortable sense of envelopment.

Looking up at the few flies on the ceiling and the cheap lamps, Zou Jin looked astonished in the warm lighting atmosphere...

Everything happened so fast, Zou Jin left nothing but a cry of "Ma Li Jian Guo Quintessence"...

Fortunately, the familiar layout of the room finally blocked Zou Jin's repeated attempts...

Looking back carefully at what happened just now, Zou Jin complained a little helplessly:

"I'm... I'm going home... But I haven't returned completely..."

Home is still that home!

Simple and shabby, it is Zou Jin's resting place before crossing.

There is no such thing as a hypocritical feeling like a harbor for the soul.

The so-called home is only a temporary foothold for Zou Jin who was born as an orphan.

In any case, the familiar atmosphere finally relieved Zou Jin's depressed heart, which had been tortured and abused all along.

But actually?

Zou Jin did go home, but not completely!

Today's Zou Jin is engulfed by the final crystal nucleus, and merges with the super god plane, his own space-time homotopy!

What needs to be explained is that Zou Jin didn't really travel through...

But in Zou Jin's eyes, it's actually not that bad...

With the preset mechanism of the final crystal core, Zou Jin now belongs to the fusion of consciousness and different space-time homotopes, but his body is still in Francis' crappy variant genetic research institute.

But it is also because of the coming of consciousness...

A day may have passed over there, but Zou Jin can happily let go for several days or even months!

Definitely, Zou Jin clearly knew that was an extravagant wish.

The current Zou Jin has no time to think about how he will live in the future after he goes back.

The really big problem is that...

The world where the body is located is indeed not peaceful. I dare not say that it must be the world view of the Marvel universe, but the Mutant series must exist!

But now the consciousness assimilated into the world of super gods, originally suffered even more!

Anyway, it was around 2008, except for the black and evil forces represented by Francis, there was no major crisis lurking in essence.

But the conscious body is here...

Straight to the eve of 14 years ago...

"Who's Gold Finger is as cheating as ours?"

"It's okay to throw the host to the alien gluttony, the earth battlefield that is about to invade..."

"The point is, this looks like Tianhe City!"

I glanced at the towering Angel International Building outside the window.

Zou Jin was completely stunned.

Cursing his lips, Zou Jin reluctantly turned his attention back to himself.

Never mind the chimpanzee-like gluttonous invasion, and never mind the old Karl silver coins.

Your own strength is the real guarantee!

Close your eyes slightly.

The mind began to follow the induction in the dark, and escaped into a certain place in the starry sky and the universe.

According to the final crystal nucleus, that space is exactly Zou Jin's own sea of ​​consciousness.

The stars all over the sky are the adaptation and manifestation of the void and myriad possessions.

On it, it records the knowledge theories that Zou Jin has seen, learned, and heard since he was born.

The shining of any starlight is the collision of knowledge and knowledge...

The slight disadvantage is that the light of the morning star is not active, and even 90% of the stars are always in a state of darkness. From this, it can be deduced that Zou Jin's knowledge system is far from even a start...

As for the Herrscher of Reason in the description of the final crystal nucleus, and its powers...

With some anticipation, Zou Jin opened his eyes slightly.

A certain morning star in the sea of ​​consciousness shone slightly, knowledge turned into data, flowed in the starry sky, and then quickly gathered and formed...

Synchronize with it.

In Zou Jin's hand, a metal bottle with red packaging appeared suddenly and without warning.

[Mie Hai Ling] The three eye-catching bold characters made Zou Jin smile slightly.

Without any hesitation, aim at the flies on the ceiling, and let the pungent mist spray in the chirping sound.

Throwing it away casually, ignoring the disappearance of the [Mie Hai Ling] tank, Zou Jin took steps that no relatives would recognize.

Humming an out-of-key song, she returned to the bedroom.


Zou Jin, who hasn't been able to sleep peacefully for so long, now desperately wants to hug his Lady Onion and sleep with her pillow.


The next day, I woke up from a daze.

Rubbing the particles in the corners of his eyes, he yawned like a zombie, after washing and brushing his teeth numbly and stiffly.

Change into a suitable fall hoodie.

Put on big underpants with exaggerated designs, and put on a pair of flip flops that cost less than ten yuan from roadside stalls.

Holding the familiar mobile phone of the flower factory in my memory, no matter whether it is in line with the times or not.

Zou Jin just wobbled around like this, going out like a sneaker.

Until I got down from the apartment building, I heard the noise and noise around me.

It was only then that Zou Jin realized that he seemed to have slept too comfortably last night. Judging by the weather, it looked like it was at least four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

on the corner...

I randomly found a fly restaurant and entered the store to look for food.

He had to admit that he was familiar with the characteristics of Donghuang, the people of Donghuang, and the local dialect.

These things that I have taken for granted in the past years have greatly comforted my heart.

He silently ate the topped rice in his mouth.

In his heart, Zou Jin was thinking about the power of the Herrscher of Reason.

In fact, the power of the Herrscher of Reason is divided into two parts.

One is the Void Myriad Zang...

The specific manifestation is the deep universe of stars in the sea of ​​consciousness.

To describe it vividly, that thing is similar to this super god universe, the celestial body super calculation unique to the god-making civilization.

Void Wanzang records knowledge, records truth, treats it as a celestial supercomputer, and deduces more profound knowledge definitely is no problem.

The second is to turn fiction into reality...

Collect data from the database of Void and Ten Thousand Zang, and according to Zou Jin's cognition, create a fictional creation that conforms to the current cognition system...

The premise is that the creation can have the possibility of being created under the current knowledge reserve. Definitely, living things cannot...

The void is full of possessions.

Turn fiction into reality.

The combination of the two is the manifestation of the power of the Herrscher of Reason...

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