Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 300 The Sense Of Oppression Of The Grand Judgment

Ducao's protest.

The vigilance of the Xiongbing Company.

None of these are enough to move Holy Keisha.

She on the throne is still majestic and magnificent.

【Queen, the location of Devil One has been locked!】

【Queen, the Heavenly Blade Judgment is gathering energy, but the place where Devil One is located is covered by a huge space-time corridor. If we want to break through the defense and destroy Devil One, we need to gather more energy... so. .....The power of the Heavenly Blade Judgment will most likely affect the whole of Beimei! At that time, the atmospheric circulation system of the entire earth will also be destroyed. 】

Yan and Zhi Xin vibrate the dark energy successively, and the sound resounds all over the world.

Let the individuals who heard these words be horrified.

S.H.I.E.L.D's black marinated eggs can't stand it anymore.

"Mommy Fuck!"

An iconic swearing, completely unable to vent the fear in the black stewed egg.

He is the king of agents.

Familiar with multiple languages.

Chinese definitely is also one of them, confirmed by the scientists under his command.

The energy gathered in the outer space of the earth, not to mention affecting the entire North Magnesium, as far as the energy readings that burst the meter, I will believe you if you say it can blow up the earth!

Beep! Beep! Beep!—

The pager that has been pinched in the hand and has been hesitation, whether to press it or not, also made its sound for the first time at this moment!

through quantum channels.

This interstellar communication device disguised as a pager.

Sent to Captain Marvel——Carol, who is thousands of light years away from the earth.

That is a distress signal for the earth to encounter a major crisis!

Princess Su Rui of the Wakanda tribe in Africa also solemnly warned her father, because of the gathering of energy phoenix readings.

Converted to the explosive equivalent of a standard nuclear weapon, it has exceeded the equivalent of ten billion tons of TNT!


Following the continuation of the two Angels in outer space.

This number is increasing exponentially!

"Suri, can our Vibranium energy barrier withstand the aftermath of this level of attack!?"

Facing the father's question.

Princess Su Rui lowered her head and calculated, and said:

"It's no problem to block the aftermath, but Vibranium consumption will be very violent! You know, Father, the essence of this protective force field is to use the electromagnetic force field to restrain and connect all Vibranium dust. It is not as powerful as Vibranium's defense force !

After a pause, Su Rui continued to add:

"Father, I know what you really want to ask, but that's impossible!"

"It is impossible for the Vibranium protective barrier to face that kind of attack without being damaged. I even doubt that that kind of attack is the attack method of destroying stars!"

The old king's black face was already tangled and helpless.

Panic visible to the naked eye filled his eyes.

Previously, the Chitauri Legion invaded Niuyo.

Later, the Hetie fleet invaded Donghuang, New York and Europe.

He and his Wakanda are both sitting on the sidelines and watching the tigers fight, and they are quite confident in the fact that they are hidden on the earth and are truly aerospace-grade civilizations.

Although Donghuang has shown that it is definitely not the technology of the current civilization stage.

It has also shown the power of super soldiers, but it is not enough to shake the pride of the king!

On technology......

Wakanda's Vibranium technology is unique, not weaker than others......


Having previously served as Black Panther plus a Vibranium battle suit is enough to make him calm as a king...


Those two Angels outside the earth.

To be able to control an attack that could wipe out stars with the size of an individual life!

Whether it is the old king of Wakanda or the prince T'Challa, even the most intelligent princess Shu Rui in the kingdom is full of panic!

After a long while, the old king gave the evidence tremblingly:

"Suri! Activate the Vibranium barrier! We need to keep the people of Wakanda safe!"

Su Rui immediately took the order to leave.

After a while, another black sorghum under the throne finally spoke:

"Father, once you do this, Wakanda's self-enclosure will become useless! How should we face the public criticism that Wakanda is exposed to the global vision?"

Who knows.

The old king paid no attention to this at all.

He waved his hand and said:

"I can no longer understand the current international situation and the safety of the earth..."

"Leave it to you, T'Challa! I'm old and you'll be in my place someday

Top of the Himalayas.

Ancient One magician's expression changed slightly.

As in the field of idealism, it is the first to start from the rules of drastic changes in the world.

Having regained her own combat power, and thus, she was able to go one step further, definitely able to perceive everything that happened in outer space.

The power of the Angels' so-called Heavenly Blade Judgment has surpassed all spells!

Ancient One swears by it.

Even the former Dormammu failed to bring her such a strong sense of crisis...

Almost immediately.

Ancient One knew that if this move was really implemented.

Northern Magnesia is estimated to be blown to the bottom of the sea in an instant. Ancient One doesn't care about the lives of the people of Northern Magnesium, but she is very worried that the North Magnesium Continent will be bombed and sunk.

The resulting tsunami, geological movement, and even atmospheric disturbance will sweep the world without distinction!

By then!

The restart of earth civilization will only happen sooner or later!

The fingerprints quickly overlapped, just when Ancient One was about to manifest the portal and planned to come forward to sue for peace.


Some kind of special feeling.

Let Ancient One stop for a moment, and close himself for a careful perception.

that feeling...

For example, myself and the secret magicians, the source of magic that I am currently serving, suddenly expanded its concept to a deeper rule and conceptual level!

that feeling...

Like the entire Chiwu Fixed Star series...

They were all included in the sanctuary of the divine kingdom that existed!

A slight smile reappeared on Ancient One's face:

"Hey, are you finally awake..."

"In this way, it makes sense, Queen Keisha, why did she threaten the earth..."

"It's just that if the lord is pushed out so roughly, the lord will probably have a headache......


The only two players in Golden Hall are starting to give up.

They currently dare not directly spy on the holy Kesha, the king of the gods, but they are concerned about the situation on the earth.

But always kept paying attention.

without him.

Nine worlds as one!

Earth Midgard is too close to Asgard!

Whenever there is a major crisis over there, Asgard can't escape it!

The special dark energy return system of the Nine Realms will guide all intruders into other realms of the Nine Realms with ease!

As the Eye of Asgard, Heimdall had to keep an eye on...  

As the king of Asgard, Odin also has to pay attention to...

Looking at it, I saw the scene of the two Angels holding high the sword of flames and manifesting the Heavenly Blade Judgment.

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