Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 316 Interstellar Relationships In The Marvel Universe

Zou Jin has the best say on how strong Angel's research and development ability is.

after all.

him today.

With the status of Crown Prince Angel, he automatically has the same level as Kaisha and Hexi, and has the highest authority over the treasure house of sacred knowledge and the foundation computing group.

It is Keisha's sacred arsenal, Zou Jin can use it directly without applying when necessary.


Only then did Zou Jin understand Angel's star gate system.

It has been iterated twice in recent times!

Numerous space-based Angels, under the leadership of Hexi, analyzed Zou Jin's space black cavity transmission method.

The initial results can indeed accelerate the transition rate of the stargate system.

However, because the energy consumption is too high, it is an emergency situation, and the backup emergency procedure can only be used.

After this transformation iteration.

In the treasure house of knowledge, Zou Jin uploaded the program code of his "523" portal and the virtual mirror space, through this method.

Hexi regarded the entire stargate system as some kind of plug-in program, and anchored it in Zou Jin's imaginary number space.

The immediate result is that...

Standing near the stargate...

With a star map in hand, Angels can independently open imaginary portals and travel to and from the entire known universe even if their level is insufficient.

But such an iteration can only be carried out in the star field near Melo Tiancheng at present.

In order not to spread the word, Karl and Morgana are so scared that they dare not even execute the plan to kill the gods, which is not good for Kesha.


Keisha uses paralyzing her opponent as an excuse.

Delineated the scope of use of the new version of the Stargate...

It can be said that the current version of the Angel star gate is sufficient to support Angels to travel to and from all parts of the known universe.

But limited to the current situation, he had to pretend that he hadn't made any progress for thousands of years.

But even with such restrictions, Angel's teleportation efficiency is 30% higher than Zeng Wen's.

Even with such a high efficiency, it can cause the star gate to be congested.

You can see it.

When facing the war between Angel and Demon.

How terrified and helpless are the hearts of other civilizations!

Rubbing his chin, Zou Jin suddenly said:

"Don't talk, Yan, I still don't understand, what's the point of your Angel recruiting so many affiliated civilizations!?"

Definitely's first answer from Sunshine Psychological Institute:

"Brother-in-law, this is a testing ground for justice and order, and it is also a mutual aid contract signed by a lower-level civilization and a higher-level civilization.


Simply put, Keisha enforced her justice before.

It has been practiced in many affiliated civilizations, and has achieved results and realistic templates.

This is the choice to carry out the entire known universe.

Think about it and know.

Although other god-making civilizations are not as strong as Angel.

But they are all at the level of god-making civilizations, whose face is not face, there is no actual case, other god-making civilizations, why should you respect the justice of your Angel!

It is different with a realistic template. Whether justice and order are good or bad is clear at a glance.


Even if Keisha has the merits of helping Shenhe body and winning the physical war in an all-round way.

It is not enough to allow justice and order to be successfully implemented throughout the universe.


It was only then that Yan Bao realized that writing this had nothing to do with the answer his male god wanted.

"Zhi Xin, your brother-in-law doesn't care about that. What he cares about is whether there are a bunch of aerospace-level, pre-nuclear-level, and even feudal-level affiliated civilizations. For Angel, do they have any real benefits?"

Zou Jin nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, you are a god-level civilization, and your war is also a god-level war."

"In this kind of war, the civilization at the pinnacle of the aerospace level may not be able to resist the surprise attack of the devil virus."

"Like a triangular body, it is probably a model that can be broken at the first touch."

Zou Jin's attitude towards the so-called subordinate civilization is Hinata.

That's not what pure encumbrance is!

Why did only 20,000 Angels show up when Nakahiko became the Queen of Heavenly Blade in the original book?

Except for other Angels who are unwilling to admit that Yan Bao is king, more importantly, most of these Angels have their own missions!

It is their important duty to protect and observe these subordinate civilizations!

but it is.

When these civilizations were attacked in Melo Tiancheng, when Angel escorted Tianren Seven into the Milky Way, and when the Triangle rose again.

None of them had any effect....

"The essence of our acquisition of these affiliated civilizations is not to obtain help from combat power, but to obtain inspiration and breakthroughs in thinking, technology, and ideas."

Yan Yan's speech first set the tone for this, and then said:

"Through these inspirations, we can avoid the dilemma of civilization-level thinking rigidity, and we can use this to find new technological development paths..0"


Aerospace grade, and even certain technical routes of the pre-nuclear era.

It's not incorrect, but the technical depth of the main body of civilization is insufficient, and it is replaced by a god-level civilization to dig deep and create.

Putting the same technology in the hands of a god-level civilization, it will often exert lethality and related miraculous effects that its original ones can't understand!

"So, you shelter the civilization that once inspired you, in return?"

Yan and Zhi Xin nodded together.

That's the way it is.

The cold darkness of the universe will not become gentle and drizzle just because there is a king of gods.

Without a top-level backer, no matter how potential a civilization has, it is likely to encounter strong invasions from foreign civilizations during its development.

Or a star sea-level natural disaster attack.


Becoming an affiliate of a god-level civilization does not necessarily mean kneeling and licking.

Many civilizations want to join, but they still can't find the way!

Hide the cutie in subspace...

Yan Bao pointed out the window, the two sides of the interstellar war that were exchanging fire, said:

"These two civilizations are the two dominant civilizations that suddenly appeared in the universe not long ago

"But in fact, they are all just aerospace-level, and have not touched the threshold of god-making level..."

"This kind of civilization, after integrating into the known universe, has suddenly heard of Angel's 2.9 legend, and is also keen to find the footprints of the god-making civilization.

"But neither our Angel, Lie Yang, or even Styx paid much attention to them.

"Because in our opinion, their civilization has come to an end!"

Supplementary Notes:

"The most important thing is that their genes are full of traces of processing. Obviously, they are the experimental subjects of some unknown advanced civilization."

"Individuals of such a civilization, in the god-making stage, have over-processed genetic strength and cannot carry genetic strengthening and divine body transformation.

Zou Jin looked out of the window, and the battleships of the two fleets exploded in the air one after another.

Wei Wei couldn't help being speechless.

He is quite familiar with these two civilizations!

The second of Marvel's three star empires!

——The Shia Empire!

————— Kerry Empire!.

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