Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 327 The Difference Between Idealism And Materialism

The practice of idealism.

Definitely is the process of infecting oneself with the existing way of the universe, and then gradually making oneself closer to the way.

But beware.

The practice of idealism requires self-denial and self-denial!

Self-denial is the only way to keep the will of the self while integrating into the great way of the universe, and prevent it from being completely assimilated by the vast concept of the universe.

No self can comprehend the deeper conceptual logic!

And then to contact with the point of view, what is the fundamental avenue of the universe, and then in the true sense to be extraordinary and refined.

Why are the dimension Mephistas integrated from Marvel so easily affected by the world integrate, and then their combat power plummets and they even have to enter the sleeping mode to adapt to the new universe rule?

The reason is that they only bind the corresponding rule concept, but never realize it, and never pursue the underlying logic of Tao and reason.

Rather than saying that they are strong, it is better to add an extra prefix...

They are the strong ones who are deeply trapped by Tao and reason, and can't see the future...

Listen to Zou Jin's explanation.

Yanruo realized something and said:

"No wonder, no wonder that in the system you have built, you have been emphasizing that you should not aim too high, and at any stage, you should comprehend the spells that should be used at that stage..."

23. The spells and Fighting Ability that can only be mastered by mastering the next stage in advance are indeed enough to illustrate the extraordinary endowment of this person in the mysterious realm of idealism.

But such behavior is not worth advocating...

It's very simple, there is recoil when the firearm is fired

Using a level 1 spell beyond the standard will definitely bring backlash, and may even be trapped in the vast and boundless sea of ​​truth in the universe, and cannot be freed!

After a pause, there was a new question next to him:

"But we are also learning about your system of ascension to the gods. How come we haven't been negatively affected?"

This time.

Before Zou Jin could answer, Zhi Xin used her slender fingers to caress the flame pattern between her eyebrows, and tried to guess:

"Maybe, it's because we are extraordinary in nature? Right, brother-in-law!"

Zou Jin nodded slightly.

My guardian Angel is more than just extraordinary in nature.

Three generations of immortal genes, three generations of super gods, plus a series of most suitable dark matter computers and celestial supercomputer blessings.

Such a character practiced the god-ascension system he created, and if he returned to Xinshou Village with a full-level tuba, it would be a random killing!

that's all..……

The three chatted as they walked forward...

Passing through the barren and boring scenery, the three of them tacitly crossed over...

When encountering novel landforms or landforms, or places where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, the three of them will slow down again and move forward with the attitude of sightseeing more than chasing and killing.

Meeting the bewildered barbarian survivors on the road, the three of them did not stop, but just passed by at high speed...

In the original book, the barbarian king with three swords.

They have seen it before, but at this moment, they never stay away.

without him.

Although this barbarian king is valued by the Super Seminary, and has even been adapted to a second-generation gene with extremely high combat effectiveness, it has not been activated for the time being.

But no matter what, he is just a secular person.

What's more, when Zou Jin leads the way, it's obviously a style of going straight to the goal...

The idea of ​​looking for natives to lead the way is also superfluous.

It is.

Under the power of Zou Jin's creation and decay.

The breath of life and death shines like a lighthouse.

And Devil No. 1's concealment of A Tuo's information is also useless.

No matter how the opponent adjusts his position, Zou Jin will lead Yan and Zhi Xin, and follow along with the straightest route.

"Brother-in-law, since you can track down the demon Atuo, why don't you kill him directly?"

Zou Jin scratched his face and said frankly:

"Because it's fun!"

"I'd love to see, when the devil finds out that his tricks are useless..."

"What other tricks can I play?"

Zhi Xin was speechless.

Yan also sighed slightly, expressing that he had nothing to say.

This is indeed Zou Jin's style, he would fight for three points without reason, and now he has all the advantages, he uses cat and mouse games.

It is indeed something that my male god's brain circuit can do.

Yan also immediately changed the subject and asked:

"My god, my sister has a question I want to ask you..."

"Say it.

"Didn't you already create the system of ascension to the gods in the realm of idealism? Why don't you fully open your system to the entire Donghuang?"

Zhi Xin was also very curious about this topic, and immediately forgot about poor A Tuo.

Cast a curious look at Zou Jin, and asked at the same time:

"Yes, brother-in-law, the practice system in the realm of idealism not only consumes very little resources, but also has a control of abilities far beyond the scientific side after it grows up. When it becomes a demigod, it can even subtly cultivate. Essence is sublimated, and finally infinite lifespan is obtained. With so many advantages, why doesn’t my brother-in-law implement it?”

In fact, greed has nothing to do with the capital clearly.

The practice of the idealism system is far superior to the Shenhe system of genetic sublimation in many aspects.

For example: the speed of becoming stronger.

As long as you can keep your Dao heart, don't be greedy for achievements, and have the convenience of being able to directly comprehend the truth of the universe and even be with the light, the idealistic practice is indeed faster than the materialistic transformation


Individuals in the materialistic field become stronger, and they have to spend infinite resources to manufacture instruments that can analyze the truth of the universe, and then they can be realized after summarizing the laws and laws. Therefore, the development of materialistic civilization usually consumes a lot of time.

For example: the degree of dependence on resources.

The strong in the realm of idealism are more selfish, and in terms of practice, they rely more on their own comprehension and affinity with Tao.

The materialistic field is different, even if it is a talent like Hexi Kaisha, it is impossible to become stronger if it lacks resources.

In this regard, the rigidity of technology has been brought to the fore.

In addition: the practice in the realm of idealism does not need to be like the realm of materialism. If you don't understand it, you need to emphasize auxiliary computing equipment such as celestial supercomputers.

Plus the reason Zhi Xin said.

The two Guardian Angels really don't understand Zou Jin's thoughts.

"Donghuang is my mother civilization after all, so I don't do favoritism.

"For the time being, the idealistic cultivation system will not be opened to Donghuang. The reason is very old-fashioned. Civilization advances first, so there should not be too many internal noises!"

"More importantly, the cosmology and world outlook cannot be easily shaken.

Zou Jin said so.

Yan and Zhi Xin suddenly realized that they were so used to getting along with Zou Jin that...

They almost forgot about Donghuang's current situation, except Zou Jin, a super-standard individual, and Xiongbinglian, the existence of foreign civilization heritage.

As a whole, Donghuang is in the stage of moving from the surface of the planet to the deep space of the universe. .

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