Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 338 Changes In The Sacred Domain

"Fool! Run away..."

During Morgana's heart-piercing roar, nearly a hundred demons who rushed to the front were slightly stunned.

But still instinctively raised the weapon in his hand and aimed it at Kesha...

But the next moment.

The silver wing that came straight to Morgana's door disintegrated instantly...

It is dispersed into atomic-level discretes that are smaller than molecules, invisible to the naked eye.

But accompanied by Keisha's single hand pressing down.

The phantom of the silver wing.

Like the two pairs of metal wings stretching the sky and the earth, they spread unscrupulously to the end of the battlefield here...

Anyone can see that the thing is a projection.

Everyone knows that thing has no lethality.

But with the gentle flapping of the silver wings and the sweeping of the silver storm, the whole world is instantly filled with the all-knowing intent to kill!

Within a full ten kilometers...

All the demons froze in the air...

Just because every molecule in the body was transported into the body out of thin air, and then the silver-winged blade that sprang out like a stab was cut in half!

far away.....…

A technical demon tremblingly said:

"God, the sacred domain! It's the sacred domain!"

Another main battle demon, was already shocked by the pupil earthquake, crushing the three views:

"This, this is impossible! The scope of the sacred domain obviously does not match the records! Even the form of expression has huge amounts of changes!"

The battlefield fell silent for an instant.

No matter the enemy or us.

They all looked at the shocking scene Keisha made with a bursting expression...

That virtual silver storm swept across a radius of ten kilometers.

But let the elite among the hundreds of demon elites cut off the finale with all the atoms in the body being cut by the silver wing at the same moment......

Let the demons collapse completely like a sandcastle!

Even more bizarre.

Keisha obviously didn't move extra.

It can be in the dark plane.

The dark data belonging to these demons were irreparably cut in half at the same moment, just like their true self!

This is the most direct and thorough death......

Morgana was angry and heartbroken at the worthless and complete death of her soldiers.

more trembling at.

Keisha's outrageous black technology now!

It was agreed that the dark silver weapon can't kill gods, but can only cut the body of gods?

According to Kaisha's killing mode just now, based on the destruction of atomic progression, the four generations of gods will wither like sand castles!

And the black technology that simultaneously projects real damage to the dark data of the dark plane is even more unreasonable.

Who doesn't clear, scramble, and block dark data...

Just you Kesha outrageous...

Leng opened up a new path, called: cut open!

Can information like dark data be cut like the real thing!?

Or is physics dead!?

Morgana murmured suspiciously:

"You, what kind of technology are you..."

Seeing my sister, because I was too surprised and shocked.

Even the silent words of the iconic mantra are gone, the smile on the corners of Kaisha's eyebrows is more obvious, and at the same time, a pair of abstract wing-like divine lines standing upright between Kaisha's eyebrows also quietly emerge, echoing Kaisha's current comfort comfortable heart.


It's the most enjoyable to train my sister or something.

It made Keisha think now, how about postponing her retirement plan and continuing this interesting game? It might be very interesting...


Facing Liang Bing's question, Keisha also generously chose to inform:

"It's a bit too much to talk about ghost technology, why, through the concept of reality, it affects the existence of the same concept... You seem... shocked!"

"It doesn't matter, you will get used to it after a few more shocks than this..."

An understatement waved his hand.

The two silver wings each hold a demon claw, push it away, and apply a seal that is so complicated that it explodes.

The two silver wings that had just finished the field attack.

It also returned to Keisha's back, as if the holy wings were unfolding, the momentum and style are quite in place.

"Leng Bing, the universe is changing very quickly, but obviously... you are behind the times!"

"Recently, Hexi and I have researched some interesting technologies, which can be regarded as an eye-opener for you..."

Accompanied by Kesha's words.


The pillar of light penetrating the sky falls down

Morgana pupil second earthquake......

That thing looks like a beam of light on the surface, but in fact, it is a space effect like boiling and fission of micro-wormhole clouds!

A half-body dark silver big Angel that pierces through the heavens.

Holding a giant flaming sword that is huge enough to pierce through the planet, it quietly emerged in the straight space.

Keisha gave a false grasp.

In sync with it is.

The big Angel of Ansu Yin also reached out to grab Morgana!

For Morgana, it was an unbearable pressure, as if any one of the four basic forces in the universe was repelling and squeezing her, blocking herself.

Even the micro-wormholes that he is familiar with on weekdays.

Now it's turned into a prison.

Completely seal Morgana in that square inch of midair......

Even when the Devil No. 1 smokes, it seems that it can't stop this kind of world-shaking heavy pressure.

Thinking started Chaos, vision gradually blurred...013106423 Feilu011202120]

In desperation, Morgana only had time to curse: Bitchi......

It was held in the palm of Ansuyin's big Angel, and smashed viciously to the ground


In the dull impact.

Morgana's body bounced more than ten meters high on the spot.

And Ansu Yinda Angel has already turned the sword of flames, pointing directly at Morgana who is falling for the second time, like the gate of heaven falling

Can be instant.

A black shadow sprang out.

With all the strength in his body, before Morgana was about to fall to the ground, he was knocked out.

And the shadow itself...

But easily bewitched by the mountain-like flaming sword...

Instantly cut into fine powder and dissipated...

In addition, the dark data is also affected...

The previous scene resurfaced again, it was a dark data collapse almost like a sky crash, and it was also a complete defeat that could not be more complete.

(No good) 々Well, a very loyal soldier......

A glimmer of appreciation flashed in Keisha's eyes.

No matter how rebellious her sister is, her ability to control her subordinates is obvious to all in the known universe.

Morgana, who was knocked and flew a hundred meters away, stood up.

The successive irreversible deaths of her subordinates made Morgana roar at Kesha furiously:


Keisha sighed slightly, that is to say much more quickly.

But Ansu Yinda Angel honestly expressed Kesha's anger from her sister...

Another unavoidable capture blockade.

The difference is.

This time.

Morgana's whole body was blocked by the shining silver data flow, and she completely lost her ability to move.

He was also commissioned by the Angel of the Dark Bank.

Hitting the ground humiliatingly for the second time...

The Mountainous Sword of Flame Turns

The blade, so sharp that even its conceptual existence would be affected, pointed directly at Morgana, and then plunged straight down again in an instant!.

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