Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 340 Dialogue With The God Of Civilization

Everyone is talking.

Only when the inner obsession is eliminated, can a person truly see himself clearly.

Liang Bing at the moment also has a bit of this posture.


Holy Keisha

Holy Kesha, King of the Gods...  

She is still so strong, so desperate that it is even difficult to give birth to resistance...

But, she was still tricked!

Karl used his weird void technology to transport Kesha to the trap location...

At the moment.

A demon with half of his forearm cut off came to Liang Bing:

"Queen, those roasted geese ran away, brothers are going to chase them!?"

Boredom waved his hand.

Signal these idiots to leave quickly, and even chase and kill...

Don't even look at those little red skirts, they almost knocked out your dog's brains just now, so you have the nerve to mention killing them!

"Go back, let me enjoy the Queen quietly for a while...this rare peace..."

Ignoring the demons under his command, he entered the micro wormhole one after another, and was transported back to the back of Demon One.

The desolation in Liang Bing's heart inevitably breeds...

As she whispered just now...

We went from one extreme to the other...  


My eyes are dark...


A figure jumped into Liang Bing's mind without warning...

"Maybe... that will be a bright future..."

Think about it.

A smile of anticipation suddenly appeared on Liang Bing's face.

As for Keisha, that doesn't matter.

Lieyang's Fixed Star drive technology detonates a star that is about to inert into a supernova. It is not a purely naturally formed supernova explosion.

As far as the Milky Way is concerned.

Not to mention that supernova explosions happen frequently, but they also happen every once in a while.

But such a supernova explosion is not enough to affect the entire galaxy.

Looking at Di Leina's father, the supernova explosion stunned the entire Deno Starfield, which is still under the baptism of chaotic gamma ray bursts.

And the Deno star field...

That is a super-large galaxy cluster that is by no means weaker than the Virgo star cluster...

It is by no means comparable to the volume of the Milky Way.

Keisha she...

It must be hard to survive...

Liang Bing thought to himself...

But at the same moment, Zou Jin's familiar voice rang in Liang Shui's ears:

"Unfortunately, Liang Bing, your Atuo is completely hopeless..."

Liang Bing was taken aback.

But after seeing the data that was synced to him, Liang Shui fell silent

Liangbing doesn't care how Zou Jin locks himself, and how he sends messages to himself without any scruples.

But she sure!

The Ato in the dark information is still the Ato under his command...

But his will is no longer...

The Atuo I was familiar with would never question the Queen's decision, let alone shout nonsense about correcting mistakes for the Queen...

Liang Bing's whole body fell limply on the back of the throne, and two lines of tears poured out of his empty eyes!


Liang Bing is grieving for her irretrievable subordinate...

Still sad because of the evil deeds of designing my own sister and falling into the bottomless abyss...

Emerald Star!

A tragic supernova is inevitably entering the last years of its life.

The chaotic magnetic field oscillates back and forth in the entire empty Fixed Star system, so that the space structure here has problems because of it.

Why the empty Fixed Star system?

The reason is simple.

The fixed star that collapses into a supernova, the mass so huge that the space-time will be distorted by it, will definitely induce the gravitational field to have a collapse effect.

And then lead to all Fixed Stars and substances in the entire Fixed Star system.

Irreversible slide towards supernova.

In the end, the place was empty, and all the matter was attracted by the supernova, and turned into the material consumables for the supernova to continue to fission endlessly.

The magnetic poles of a supernova.

Two glaring beams of light flickered frequently like colored lights in a disco.

And because of the chaotic magnetic field of the emerald star itself, it swayed back and forth like a demon.

The brilliant brilliance made Kesha, who suddenly appeared here, narrow her eyes slightly.

After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, Keisha was not in the slightest panic, but moved out a chair from the dark plane in a leisurely manner.

Sit on it with leisure.

(In other words, the original work also has no common sense. The gravitational force of a supernova is so strong. How can there be such things as meteorites around? Sure enough, Dao Sa is a super god who knows a hammer and knows a hammer!)

"Carl, come out...

...asking for flowers......

A light and shadow flickered slightly, and Snow's figure shrouded in the cloak emerged.

Keisha looked sideways, but didn't give him a chance to speak:

"You are not Karl, you are not qualified to speak in front of me, step back..."

These words are an understatement.

The overwhelming sense of oppression made Snow, who was far away from the infinite star field, voluntarily disconnect the communication...

Goodness see you.

My god Karl just asked him to receive Queen Keisha......

What's with that overwhelming sense of oppression!

The powerful and chaotic electromagnetic and gravitational fields of the supernova failed to affect Kaisa in the slightest.

She was just looking at the supernova in front of her, and the manipulated Lena who was hanging on it like a cross in front of the supernova, all seven orifices were spouting white light


"The light of the sun..."

"A ready-made emerald star that almost collapses into a neutron star..."

"Also, the bizarre space transfer technology just now is very interesting, my family

"Come on, explain explain..."

Directly in front of Keisha, a familiar virtual light and shadow was quickly constructed.

Seeing him still touching his chest and saluting with proper etiquette as in the past.

Kesha asked calmly:

"Tell me, how did I get here..."

Carl was not surprised either.

What shines in the eyes is the brilliance of rationality called fiery heat:

"Queen Keisha, in your cosmic thinking, time and space are a stable concept..."

"But I feel that time and space are unstable...

A look of curiosity appeared on Keisha's face.

For her, it seems that this place is not a Jedi...

It's an academic exchange that doesn't matter where it is, that's all.

"Well, interesting statement, go ahead."

"Yes, queen, you adjust the micro-wormholes to move from one point of space to another point of void. On the contrary, I didn't change your position, what I changed was the position of space.

Kesha raised an eyebrow.

But he continued to ask calmly:

"So, theoretically, I'm still above the earth..."

"Yes, let's understand it this way......


Recalling some of Zou Jin's previous remarks.........

Isn't this the super-ultimate laborized version of him, both here and there in the single universe! Fan?.

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