Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 359 Surprised Big Mom Emerges

But the strange thing is that Liang Bing is not worried.

on the contrary.

She is so excited right now!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Kesha, Kesha, before you die, you finally did the right thing!"

"The strong should be like this, and only such a strong is qualified to lead Angel..."

Looking forward to it.

Cold ice full of joy.

He smiled but gradually sank down again.

Whispers of the heart, echoing in hearts no one knows:

"It's a pity that you and I are both too emotional, so emotional that we go to extremes against common sense..."


"I don't hate you anymore! Because, you give the shaky Angel, I've got the most suitable helm for him!"

"It's a pity that you will never see such a future again!"

What Liang Bing thought in his heart.

Outsiders definitely don't know.


The demons could tell that their own queen seemed to be the last Herrscher who didn't worry about intimidating all parties.

"Don't worry, that little brat's size can accommodate you and me during the last conversation, so he won't come here to make any settlements!"

After a pause, Liang Bing confessed:

"Let all the actions of Devil One in the Milky Way be hidden, so as not to be hit by those little skirts under the banner of avenging Kesha!"

"We can't give them an excuse to dispatch the Herrschers!"

"Do you understand what I mean!?"

Artest and the remaining demon elites were slightly relieved.

The queen's wish was granted.

Not only is the Queen's obsession eliminated, but the demons who have been fighting on the battlefield all the year round are also fully exhausted at this moment.

It's really not suitable to go to war with Angel, or even the Herrscher behind Angel.

The queen is not dazzled by the victory, which is very good.

As for the Queen's order, there is suspicion of evasion.

It doesn't matter!

When hiding in the past, the demons retreated more, but so what...

Laughing that the last one is not the Demon Queen!

Just avoid the fight!

The devil is very familiar with this business......

"It's good to understand, now, our only job is leisure!"

"Hey, the one who should pee his pants in a panic should be Karl's naughty bastard!"

"By the way, I'm going to find Qiangwei, you guys who pick your feet, don't disturb my honeymoon trip!"

Say it.

Liang Bing took brisk steps.

Walking through the micro-wormhole cloud, stepping silently

Big Bolun fell to the ground, but his face looked like he was alive after a catastrophe.

"I feel that the queen thinks too much. In today's earth, whoever wants to go will go. Anyway, I won't go. That place is too evil!"

Artest smiled wryly and shook his head.

Ignore Big Bolun, a guy whose life is so good that he will explode.

In the Battle of the Floating Island, thousands of elite demons were ravaged by Angel and Kaisha.

Dazed is directly three-quarters less.

Can survive that kind of tragic war, the luck of Big Boron can be seen.

"The Queen's heart belongs to her, but it's a pity..."

"A Tuo, you weak chicken, I can't see it anymore. Without you, the legion's momentum is gone...  

same moment.

Reina has taken over Lie Yang's three Guard Stars.

He checked the picture of Zou Jin ascending the throne in the dark plane over and over again.

Lena blushed.

Obviously brought himself into the role of Zou Jin...

The domineering arrogance that lashed out at Fang Qiu also deeply fascinated Leina...

It's just very inappropriate, Hu Sha's guardian Yuan Li walked over, bowed solemnly and asked for instructions:

"Goddess, do you need to wipe out all gluttonous fleets in the Chiwu Fixed Star system!?"

"The new Garrison Star has the ability to move the solar wind, and with the protection of the space expansion technology, we can destroy all gluttons in an instant without harming the earth!"

"According to calculations, it will take no more than twenty-four earth hours..."

Reina was slightly silent.

Have to say, this is a pretty tempting proposition.

I was manipulated by Karl, even though bad things were arranged behind the scenes, I also got the greatest benefit. (chbd) But to say that there is no resentment in my heart......

That's bullshit!

Now Lena can't wait to burn all the Taotie directly, and even wants to cross the star sea and order the Fixed Star big day in the Taotie mother galaxy!




Lena sighed helplessly, and said:

"Yuanli, why are you so clueless..."

"There are so many things happening on the earth, you really don't pay attention at all, right..."

"As long as you are careful, you should know, whether it is the gluttonous joint fleet, or the plague of demons that is raging.

"It's all the test that that bad guy left for Donghuang!"

Speaking of this, Leina stared fiercely at Yuanli.

Viciously warned:

"Let me tell you, if you destroy the stepping stone that the bad thing has ordered, believe it or not, that guy who turns around will hang you up for Donghuang to use as a target!"

"Don't expect me, the goddess, to save you when the time comes..."

Yuanli sweated slightly on his forehead.

Think about the shocking speech and demonstration made by a certain boss just now.

Across the entire known universe, throughout the civilizations of all parties, the strange attack projected from the dark plane in reality!

Yuanli understands.

With his divine body at the pinnacle of the second generation.

I can't resist that torturer, maybe I will be hanged on the target for the sky force that Donghuang is forming to shoot for the public...

"Don't worry, Goddess, Yuanli knows what to do!"

While speaking firmly with sweat on his face, Yuan Li quickly made arrangements.

Let the three battle stars hide away.

And use subspace expansion technology to hide the fleet.

So as not to overwhelm the snake and disturb the boss's layout plan.

Yuanli looked at the corner of the Chiwu Fixed Star system with a strange expression.


According to the fleet's detection feedback...  

It seems that there is a strange Kamikawa-type woman who is rushing to the earth!

"Goddess, outside the Chiwu Fixed Star system, there seems to be a strange river body, heading towards the earth!"

"Huh? Earth is so welcome!"

"Um, Goddess, according to the fleet data analysis, this lady of Shenhe seems to have the same genetic sequence as Earth's Shenhe!

"You mean, this is a person from Earth? Fake!"

"Sorry, Goddess, the result of the data feedback is like this, she is indeed from Earth! What should I do, do I need to stop her?"

Reina waved her hand slightly.

The pupils are as bright as the sun, shining brightly.

She is trying to examine the lady who came to the earth from the perspective of spiritual perception in the realm of idealism.

Blonde hair, white skin, just looks a little bit sad......

She has a middle-aged aunt's face......

"Strange, she is indeed from Earth, and she is also a military fighter pilot of Mei Lijian...

"The problem is, this product has such a strong power."

"Why do you have to run around in the universe, even the earth was invaded, it took so long..."

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