Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 374: The Final Shape

"Queen Keisha said that the executor of justice is suffering, but those who are sheltered by justice are very happy!"

"However, the facts show that..."

"Some civilizations are full of barbaric factors from the bottom of their genes. Your attempts to make such civilizations reverse their behavior habits are obviously impossible to succeed!"

"And they don't deserve to enjoy the fruits of victory! They lost Angel!"

"The new era is destined to rise in the flames of war. Sorry, I will not allow such a civilization to log on to the ship of the new era!"

Zou Jin's statement is very firm.

As his voice fell, red borders began to flicker on a large number of light curtains!

Without exception, after Queen Kesha went offline in such civilizations, a large-scale militaristic trend of civilization and integrity occurred.

They blatantly pushed to the Queen's sculpture.

Smash the stele of the Code of Justice.

It plans to ignite the flames of war in the universe, and use the expansion of civilization as an excuse to suppress all lower-level civilizations without any scruples.

If the current Angel is not still strong, the Angels all believe that such a civilization will start an invasion war even now!

When words like enslavement and plunder, within civilizations, are described as expansive because of their scale.

Such a 490 civilization does not need to continue to enjoy Angel's protection.

"Your Majesty, do you need to inform Yan and Zhixin to carry out the Heavenly Blade Trial? Such a civilization can already be considered evil!"

Alan's murderous proposal.

The vanguard Angels below also nodded, looking up at Zou Jin, expecting him to punish those idiots who blasphemed Queen Kesha.

That's right.

Angels are really angry.

It's not about the departure of these civilizations and the abandonment of justice.

What really makes them angry is that those civilizations have no respect for Queen Keisha's behavior towards Zou Jin, the new Angel King!

Let me tell you a fact that may cause panic in all civilizations...

The reason why justice and order are implemented...

The reason why it is regarded as the standard by Angels!

There is only one reason!

Queen Keisha wants to do that!


The reason why Angels are willing to dedicate themselves to justice is that they even use the slogan that death is not a pity to strengthen their beliefs.

Simply because of the one who wants justice - named Kesha!


Zou Jin shook his head slightly, saying (abcf):

"There is no need to be angry with these civilizations, and there is no need to try hard to judge them. The flames of war in the new era will burn everything in the old era to ashes!"


"Notify the known universe that the civilization marked in red will completely escape the protection of justice from now on! Angel..."

"Will no longer be responsible for the survival of such civilizations!"

"In addition, inform the heads of civilizations who assembled the fleet and tell them that their fleet is not needed for the war in the Milky Way. If they want to, they can arrange an observation team to station on Tianren Seven."

Alan touched her chest and saluted.

And raised his sword finger against the temple, opened the eye of insight, and sorted out the many light curtains circulating in the sky.

Advertise those civilizations marked in red to the entire known universe in a way of clearly communicating the dark plane.

"If you are not active in this battle, you can give them a glimmer of life, and leave it to check!"

"During that time, Angel was only responsible for them not being hacked."

"But remember to cut off their stargate authority with the rest of the affiliated civilizations..."

"People should know that the shelter they are getting now is not a definite law of the universe!"

next moment.

Another large number of affiliated civilizations were marked with yellow signs.

This kind of civilization will not be directly kicked out of the sub-civilization group under the rule of justice, but what Zou Jin wants is not only a group of sub-civilizations who are greedy for life and afraid of death, who only want to enjoy the results, but are unwilling to pay.

These self-identifications are not clear, and even vaguely regard Angel's contribution as a definite civilization, and they must learn a lesson!


According to Zou Jin's own behavior habits.

Whether this kind of civilization is good, or against the civilization of myself and Keisha.

It is his original wish to let the end come at the first time, but as the king of Angel, he has to think from Angel's point of view.

Angels who are used to giving selflessly.

There is no way to accept such a cold new order of justice in an instant...

Their loyalty to themselves is unquestionable, but they need to be given time to allow them to transition naturally from Kesha's era of justice to the new era led by Zou Jin.

"Your Majesty, the arrangements have been made. The head of civilization, headed by Yiren Civilization, will take the observation group to the vicinity of the Stargate system. According to the words, they will be near the Milky Way's Galactic Center system, and Wang Jia will be there in person!"

Zou Jin nodded slightly.

Looking at Alan, he smiled and asked:

"Alan, you don't understand why I don't let them drive the fleet to the galaxy, right?"

Alan nodded slightly, shook his head again, and said:

"I can roughly understand what His Majesty means. What happened in the Milky Way, and the war with Taotie, His Majesty probably intends to let the Earth's Donghuang civilization resolve it on its own."

"But I don't understand why His Majesty asked them to watch the ceremony. Many technologies of the god-making level cannot be understood by these aerospace-level civilizations."


Many technologies of god-making civilization.

For example, the genetic technology that uses the human body to match the high-tech battleship, such as the Kamigawa technology that uses the body of the gods to manipulate the constants of the universe.

The space-level civilization is definitely shocking, but it is based on the simple idea of ​​giant ships and cannons.

I am afraid that it is difficult for these civilized viewing groups to gain anything.

It is even more incomprehensible that the god-making civilization is an almost mythical practical application in the direction of materialistic foundation.

Can't do it...

Some space-level civilizations with little knowledge.

Seeing the dignified god-making civilization, still using cold weapons to participate in the war, you may even feel contemptuous.

This is not nonsense.

As far as the arrogance and ego goodness of the Kree empire goes.

They even self-confessed themselves as a god-level civilization. While looking for the other two empires to tear them apart all over the universe, they didn't forget to promote the rhetoric of looking for similar civilizations...

In this regard, Zou Jin definitely sees it.

But he has a mind of his own!

"Alan, besides being the King of Angels, I am also the main god of Donghuang and the future of the Milky Way."

"With me as the hub, the future Angel will surely share the glory of the universe with Donghuang."

"Therefore, subordinate civilizations under the rule of justice must see the inevitable trend of the new era!"

"What's more, I have just succeeded the King of Angel, and I should use my actual performance to give firm belief to many affiliated civilizations.

Alan suddenly realized.

Immediately, he rushed to Zou Jin to salute respectfully.

I went to arrange the next itinerary on my own, and the King of Angel traveled in person.

There are many things that need to be handled by her and Kaila, and she definitely has no time to accompany Zou Jin to discuss the rise and fall of the known universe. .

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