Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 397: Ring Defense System

As a class.

Nick Furui was indeed trembling under the pressure of Zou Jin's divine power.

He was also indeed influenced by Zou Jin, and he further saw the scene of North Mei's complete disorder and unstoppable slide towards decadence, collapse, and finality.

But he believes that this is just some kind of hallucination under the influence of Zou Jin.

I didn't take it too seriously.

What really made his heart palpitate was the chain reaction that this, the King of Angels, could bring about with his undisguised malice towards Bei Mei!

As he looked around from the corner of his eye.


Many individuals who are also representatives of the earth have now begun to scan themselves with some kind of eyes of pity, hatred, and joy.

Only there is no one who can share the same hatred with himself...

There was a bad sound in the secret channel.

In the positive governance ecology of the earth.

Those who can share joys and sorrows are quite rare, but there are many who are willing to poke and step on others when they are down and down!

The key is.

There are big bosses on the platform, and the malice of these people is now completely undisguised!

Nick Fury panicked completely.

Today's Mei Lijian, the aircraft carrier battle strike group it depends on 06 for survival, has already been sent to the bottom of the sea by the first wave of Taotie to feed the fish.

The military bases distributed around the world also retracted to the mainland early.

Even during the war, a group of people who took him as an example firmly controlled their own army, did not engage in large-scale battles with Taotie, entered the market and saved more than half of the Lihuang.

But even if these powers are added together, it is really impossible to deal with the overall situation!

That's right.

The problem now is that.

Once the process of this meeting is disseminated.

Even if there is no gluttonous massacre, no demons raging, the major shelters in Beimei will not have any good fruit to eat!

He wanted to beg for mercy.

But Zou Jin stopped talking to him, and started another topic on his own:

"Ge Xiaolun..."

"Eh? Brother Jin, what time!?"

"I have a plan, which needs to be constructed by Donghuang, and you will be the leader!"


Zou Jin cast a phantom in the open space of the command hall.

Exactly before.

Angel counter-sniped the gluttonous fleet and wiped it out.

"Before the arrival of Tianren Seven, Pluto's fleet went to snipe, but they obviously underestimated Angel, and also underestimated the power of the god-making civilization."

Everyone was stunned.

No wonder.

It still has Donghuang, which monitors the entire Fixed Star system in real time.

In the starry sky distribution map of the Taotie fleet released in recent days, the Taotie suddenly disappeared, and it really became a picture of the starry sky distribution.

Didn't wait for everyone to be happy.

The current image of the earth is projected in one turn.

Those slightly sparse red light spots present a global distribution and disorderly maneuvering way.

Many people saw at first sight that it was the Taotie's current remnant fleet, bewildered like a headless chicken.

"In a short time, I will personally take action to suppress the remnant gluttonous fleet to the adjacent space... Well, it has already been taken away.

The voice just fell.

The projected screen can give real-time feedback:

A Gege Grand Cross flagship trying to increase the ceiling and gain greater combat depth.

He suddenly bumped into a light blue wall of airflow, and was gently pushed back into the atmosphere. Even if this guy still tried to break through everywhere without belief, it was of no avail.

Immediately afterwards.

This newsletter was widely circulated.

All gluttonous fleets around the world are trying the same.

Without exception.

They are imprisoned in the atmosphere below the earth's adjacent space, and they cannot be freed!

Everyone is wondering, since Zou Jin has the ability to do this kind of thing, he will definitely be able to wipe out the remaining gluttonous fleet.

Why didn't he do that!

Zou Jin quickly answered their inner confusion:

"Don't expect me to solve your problems for you, let me see your growth in the war, they are the best material and the most suitable stepping stone."

"Also don't forget, it won't be too late to go on an expedition to the Styx, this is also the last combat consumables for all armies and individuals!"

Everyone paid attention instantly.

simply say.

This is a stage for the big guys to show their strengths to all parties.

Either fight for the greatest autonomy for yourself in the process, or be useless and be excluded from the list of expeditionary forces by the boss!

Seemingly pointless.

But in fact.

This is the battle for the right to speak under the restrictions of the bosses

To this.

Donghuang said that it doesn't matter, or in other words, he can't ask for it.

Just in the previous all-out war, many soldiers in the military region are still brooding over the record of their lover's head.

no way.

No matter how many gluttonous, giant wolf and Chitauri.

It was not enough for Donghuang's five million wartime troops to be distributed per capita.

Now throwing out all these people and sharpening the army with actual combat can not only promote their own military power, but also regain the dominance of the earth with confidence.

The two elders from Donghuang could barely hide the smiles on their faces...

Even if other people knew that the situation would inevitably develop in Donghuang's favorable direction.

But also helpless.

First of all, I want to show myself, but I can't do anything about it.

Secondly, the military equipment displayed by Donghuang's side in this all-out war is really impressive!

Zou Jin's words continue:

"So, future wars will surely bloom in the starry sky!"

"But before that, I need to build a sufficiently reliable insurance!"

With the words of Zou Jin 160.

The projection in the center of the command hall quickly zoomed out, focusing on the open land and forest in Nuoda around the North Star.

"The construction is underpinned by Donghuang, the resources and consumables are prepared by all parties, and the construction is supervised by Xiongbing Lian Xia Xiaolun.

"I need you guys here to build a giant space elevator!"

"So that future expeditionary forces and logistics supplies can travel more smoothly between surface and space facilities..."


A huge base with an area comparable to a small eighteenth-tier city was virtualized.

Immediately afterwards, twenty-four thick carbon nanotubes link the earth's surface and the sky, and with the help of the anti-gravity cargo cabin, soldiers, materials, and various ordnance are carried to the space orbit...

"In addition, you also need to build a global-level electromagnetic acceleration orbit at a distance of 10,000 kilometers from the surface!"

"In the future, the three orbits around the earth will be at the synchronous node of the North Star as a hub, orbiting the planet at high speed.

"Ultimately, it will serve as the loading base for Earth's protective force field!"

"At the same time, all parties can also arrange for garrisons to deploy the counter-space weapons that you are proud of on the three orbits one by one!"

"As for how to allocate the garrison area, it depends on the performance of all parties in this campaign!"

"The project is code-named Skydome System, and it is also undertaken by Donghuang and supervised by Comrade Ge Xiaolun!".

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