Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 402 The Current Situation Of Dormammu

Realistic Earth.

The three holy places of Lundun, New York, and Hong Kong were successively wiped out by dark believers in a destructive manner.


A small number of secret magicians left behind in the three holy places.

After paying some casualties, he retreated decisively, opened up a mirror space and escaped into the dimensional battlefield.

Leave alone a group of dark believers who received the blessing of Dormammu before the world integrated.

On the ruins of the three holy places, evil ceremonies are held fanatically and devoutly calling to their one true god, Dormammu!

As the leader of the dark believers.

Kaecilius had no doubts.

It is normal for the three holy places to be so weak. After all, two-thirds of the population died in vain due to the gluttonous invasion "enough to accumulate Neptune's negative energy and negative extraordinary elements on the earth.

Such energy.

To a magician, it is a poison that disturbs the mind and degrades a person.

But for the dark dimension Mephista, this is the best supplement!

Based on Kaecilius' own attainments in the mysterious field, he quickly analyzed that the dimension Mephista, which has at least a handful of hands, is eyeing the earth 06 covetously!


The existence of the trinity magic circle made it impossible for those real bosses to end, and could only send those mindless dimensional demons to fight in the vanguard.

And those starfish souls who died in vain and are full of negative emotions on the earth are also the love of various alien creatures!

Faced with such temptations, the dimensional Mephistas don't even need to issue coercive orders.

These demons.

They will all go crazy and impact the earth's defense system like crazy.

to this end.

Whether it is Kamar-Taj or the Holy Land during the day.

All must arrange their most elite group to the front line of the dimensional battlefield to fight against the infinite dimensional demons like mountains and seas.

It is Ancient One.

Not long ago, under the pressure of the front line, they went to suppress the turmoil before reaching the earth dimension.


Nowadays, many arcane spells cannot take effect.

They can only rely on the dark energy bestowed by Dormammu to fight, how dare they attack the three holy places rashly!

"Wait, I will prove it to you... Ancient One! Only darkness is the way out for the earth!"

In the cracks of space.

Listening to the Ancient One whispered by Kaecilius, he sighed helplessly.

Silently cold-hearted Angel in the mirror space, sent a newsletter about the success of the plan, perceiving the ups and downs of energy tides in the mirror space, Ancient One knew:

This disciple of mine is completely hopeless.

"I gave you a chance, Kaecilius...but, why, the lord has his eye on you!"

Kaecilius thought himself unparalleled in calculations.

In fact.

He didn't know many things.

He didn't know that the so-called trinity magic circle had long since ceased to exist.

Now this is just the external manifestation of the brand-new earth-dimensional protection system, a special effect that can be camouflaged, mimicked, and turned off anytime and anywhere.

He also didn't know that the status of the three holy places is just a symbolic meaning. In the days when there was no trinity magic circle, and there was no trinity Weishandi...

These three holy places are also the final proof of the great existence of those three!

He won't understand that without the three holy places, the earth's dimensional defense system will function as well.

He is even more unclear, it's not that the Mephistas in the dimension don't want to end in person, share the food or enjoy the benefits brought by the turmoil of the earth.

Mephista in those dimensions has long been frightened and overwhelmed by Weissandi's abnormal behavior.

Because of the rule mismatch caused by the world integrate, I fell into a deep sleep, or suffered serious injuries...

Kaecilius imagined.

All the dimension Mephistas are commanding the dimensional demons behind the scenes, and the fact that they invaded the earth is nothing more than the autonomous behavior of those dimensional demons...

There is no Mephista in any dimension, after seeing the power of Tianren No. 7 descending on the earth, dare to drag the crippled body and dance on the edge of life and death.


Kaecilius who knew nothing of the above.

Even if he tried his best, he would suffer internal injuries.

No Ability crossed the protection system built by Zou Jin, and showed Dormammu the way across the plane.

To put it more bluntly.

Even if Dormammu perception reaches the sacrifice of earth believers.

And never dare to take the initiative to come at this critical moment. The Dormammu in Ancient One's cognition will only forbid all fluctuations in the dark dimension, and even his own coordinate position will be covered up with a cautious attitude that has never been seen before. .


The dark cultists now have seemingly normal ritual effects.

But it was Zou Jin, the boss, who silently restrained the defensive ability of the mirror space, and even took the initiative to increase the ritual effect with nine battle stars.

The purpose is also very simple.

Since it is difficult to locate the dark dimension by myself, it is even more difficult to find the coordinates of Dormammu.

It would be better to let people like the dark believers anchor the coordinates of Mephista, the dimension corresponding to the ritual, through sacrifices.

Just in the process of this sacrificial ceremony.

Lock in its fluctuations.

Not only is there nowhere to hide in the dark dimension, but it also saves the time to find the real master.

Crack! Squeak!

The piercing crackling sound of grinding teeth sounded.

Above the sky where the three holy places of New York, Lundun, and Box Harbor are located.

The space is like a broken super-large glass plate, reflecting the strange energy splendor of the dark dimension, rendering the sky and the earth like a dark dream.

The smile is irrepressible.

Kaecilius opened his hands in a gesture of embracing the heaven and the earth, and shouted with a frenzied face, to vent his boiling 527 excitement...


This cry, in the throat!

All the dark believers, including Kaecilius, were dumbfounded.

without him!

In the projection of the shattered space in the sky...

That statue whose limbs are so broken that it seems to have been buried in the ground for thousands of years, uh, god...

Is it really what they believe in, the so-called supreme dark lord Dormammu!? Is there something wrong!?

Great Dormammu.

How can it be so desolate that half of the head is like a rotten orange peel, let alone covered with tentacles and plaques that wriggle like mold!

What's with the intermittent, asthmatic wheezing?

What about the energy fluid coughed up like lava with Dormammu's gasps?

The key is not to mention all of the above, not to mention the continuous discrete energy around Dormammu, not to mention the abnormal absence and distortion of its huge divine body...

Boss Dormammu...... What kind of torture is he enduring, so he is ashamed to twitch and groan in public without caring about the risk of social death?

Kaecilius panicked.

if it is possible.....…..

He even wanted to restore the defect of the sky like pulling a zipper.

Open it up again to confirm whether the half-dead meat mountain in front of you is Dormammu!.

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