Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 41 The Depressed Black Widow

Natasha Romanoff couldn't be happier when the intelligence was obtained unexpectedly.

That face full of resistance, that expression of extreme disgust.

They all illustrate the fact that her charm offensive is effective, but in reverse.

She didn't have time to put her inner impulse of "drawing out the gun and emptying all the magazines at the boy in front of her" into practice, or maybe she knew that kind of thing was impossible...

In short.

When hearing Zou Jin's explanation, Natasha Romanoff instinctively refuted:

"That's impossible! Whether it's C4 or other explosives, it's impossible to explode without reaching the explosion point! Could it be that you can still control the movement of microscopic particles?"

Not to mention, after Natasha Romanoff blurted out these words, she was scared to death.

If this young man can really manipulate microscopic particles, based on the current conjectures about the microscopic world, this young man can almost be described as a god!


If so...

Instead, Natasha Romanoff began to think about whether she should find an opportunity to return to Russia to seek it.

Zou Jin took the opportunity to move the high stool to the side.

When he heard the rebuttal, he was also a little unconvinced, and retorted:

"How is it impossible?"

"Who told you that matter can only be in a stable state?"

"Can't I manifest the C4 that is about to explode but not yet exploded? Bah... a scumbag!"

Natasha Romanoff froze for a moment.

The whole logic of thinking was stunned by these words.

It is a good thing that the Donghuang youth in front of him cannot manipulate microscopic particles.


What is the difference between a substance that can manifest different physical forms at will and control the microcosm?

He can manifest the C4 that is about to explode...

Definitely can also embody a bomb that is about to explode...


Silence for a while.

Natasha Romanoff utters the curse of her own soul...

Still feeling puzzled, Natasha Romanoff took out the headset and threw it on the bar.

Extremely indecent Tucao said:

"Hear that, Nick!"

"Don't fucking make me take this nasty kid with those damn Widow's bites!"

"Got it Nick! You're a 10,000-damn bastard!"

"This kid can turn my gun into SpongeBob SquarePants casually, and turn those idiot-like Widow's bites into the same type of black marinated eggs!"

The silenced words in his mouth made Zou Jin amazed again and again.

Unexpectedly, Mei Lijian was a working people, and he was quite fierce when he got up with his immediate boss.

Shrugging, Zou Jin echoed and said:

"Black marinated egg? So, your boss is a black bald head?"

Natasha Romanoff was taken aback, as if she didn't expect that Zou Jin would join the camp of complaining bosses.

Haven't reacted yet.

I heard Zou Jin continue:

"Don't explain! Build a strong tradition... the political system is correct, right? I understand!"

That's all.

Throw the shriveled milk carton in the trash.

Zou Jin got up on his own, intending to get out of the way.

As for Natasha Romanoff...

none of my business...

Watching Zou Jin leave in a daze, the astonishment on Natasha Romanoff's face disappeared in an instant like a changed face.

See Zou Jin really leave from the bar.

Natasha Romanoff took a swig of beer before picking up the headset and putting it back on.

"Phil Coulson, did you see it all?"

"Yes, Natasha Romanoff agent... I have to admit, that kid definitely understands the ecology of Magnesia."

"That's not important, Phil Coulson...Let's get our guys back...Trust me, you don't want to see your clothes turn into a C4 that's about to explode, and you're scared to pee your pants.”

"Actually, we withdrew a minute ago..."

The apologetic voice in the headset, and the damn speech.

Let Natasha Romanoff be unable to speak for a while.


"Natasha Romanoff agent, I can understand your anger. But I still need to confirm that your slander against the director should not come from the heart, right?"

"Congratulations Phil Coulson, you got the answer right... I've worked so hard for him for months, and now I have a vacation, but it's not going to stop, do you think I shouldn't curse?"

"...Let's skip this topic, okay...Um...I mean, is it effective to use this method to attract the boy's favor?"

Rolled his eyes.

Natasha Romanoff put down her glass, got up and walked outside.

On the way, he unceremoniously terminated a certain alcoholic who was planning to do something wrong after drinking too much.

When she went out, she pressed the headset and sighed:

"Trust me, Phil Coulson, our Donghuang boy is very smart!"

"He didn't take the bait!"

"But I'm not sure whether he is simply not interested in me, or if he has seen through our methods."

There was silence on the other side of the headset for a while, and then Phil Coulson's heavy voice came:

"Natasha Romanoff, I think... S.H.I.E.L.D... or rather, Mei Lijian is in big trouble."

The car in the shadow of the street lights at Chongxiangkou waved, and when the car came, Natasha Romanoff stepped on the two special service vehicles disguised as RVs, and said helplessly:

"Yeah, he's even ten thousand times more dangerous than the two Mutant leaders in the past."

"That's right...we don't know his demands, his details, his background, his body is full of fog! More importantly, no one knows whether he will suddenly manifest at a certain moment A Tsar Bomb about to start a chain reaction..."

"Notify Nick...Phil Coulson, this is not something we can fix."

The conversation is over.

Take off the headset.

Natasha Romanoff lay on the seat with a sleepy face.

In the trunk, several intelligence recorders were competing with a bunch of monitoring equipment of unknown significance.

Under the warm light, Natasha Romanoff found helplessly that her back was already drenched in cold sweat.

During the time of talking with that young man, some kind of superior life oppressed the essence of the lower life, which always made her restless.


She had thought about taking the initiative to attack ten thousand times, and even the thought of killing on the spot flashed back in her mind more than once.


Whenever such thoughts arise.

Some kind of indescribable fear, like a poisonous snake, biting his heart.

"Sir... there may be something I need to report to you..."

Suddenly, an agent screening intelligence stood up with a confused face and reported to Natasha Romanoff.

Containing the fear and fatigue on his face, Natasha Romanoff looked at the agent and motioned him to continue.

"It's like this... We didn't see any trace of the target leaving. When we checked the surveillance around Sister Margaret's bar, we made some amazing discoveries."

With that said, the agent handed a tablet to Natasha Romanoff.

Take the tablet...

on screen...

The teenager seemed to glance at the surveillance location unintentionally.

Then step out in one step and disappear in a circular black hole...

It's been a while...

"Mom Fuck!"

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