Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 417: Technology Explosion

Angel choked coldly and speechless.

In the future, whoever dares to say that Lingxi is stupid and sweet, my wife will be the first to step forward and slap him!

I've learned to beat around the bush to get to the point, if you say that this girl is innocent, you really wouldn't believe it!

Feel the same curious eyes of the little sisters behind you.

Cold to know.

Even if I don't say it now.

In the following days, these girls will gossip wildly in private to chase the truth.

Curiosity about the unknown is one thing, and concern for His Majesty is another. Regarding this, Leng, the head of the Angel Legion, can't say anything.

"The progress is great, but those high-end research fields don't mean much to you and me right now! Before you really get in touch with those research topics, at least you have to advance your own gods to the peak gods of the third generation. Fine..……."

Yitian was thoughtful.

Rubbing his chin and muttering:

"So, the recent research projects of His Majesty and Tianji Wang are really high-end?"

Lingxi answered and guessed:

10 "The research topic that only the peak of the third generation of gods is qualified to touch, it will not be the research of the fourth generation of gods, or the research on the promotion path of the sacred body?"

Rubbing his chin, the breeze said with emotion:

"It's outrageous, the promotion path of the sacred body...... Is that the five generations of gods? I always feel that the recent development of our technology has entered a stage similar to the technological explosion

The rest of Angel's sisters nodded in agreement, their faces full of joy.

Listen to their chatter behind you.

He sighed helplessly.

I knew it was impossible to hide those research projects.

After all, they are all high-level guard Angels who have experienced more than a thousand years of war and witnessed the rise and fall of countless civilizations.

Their vision is high enough to use a few words to analyze the general development trend of the situation.


Cold also knows.

His Majesty and King Tianji did not intend to keep it strictly confidential.

However, the significance of not disclosing the research data is very obvious, and all insiders are not allowed to discuss such information outside.

Ordinary technological advances are okay to say the least.

It doesn't matter if you use it in front of Karl's face.

However, if Carl learns about the research of the five generations of gods and the substantial development, it will definitely have a great impact on Angel's future strategic layout.

What if Carl is no longer playing at the cosmic poker table?

What if this guy overturned the table, shrank into a dark corner of the universe, stared at Angel and continued to wreak havoc?


The consciousness of high-level Angels is quite high.

It is clear what should be displayed to deter all parties, and what should be hidden as a secret weapon.

at the same time.

Leng also deeply agrees with the sisters' rhetoric about the technological explosion.

The so-called technological explosion has never been top-down, it is too high-down and too low-level.

A true technological explosion.

It is the technological leap of the integrity of civilization, and the discovery of truth!

When His Majesty, King Tianji, and Kamar-Taj's Ancient One magician were conducting in-depth research on the five generations of gods.

The other Angels are not idle!

Thanks to Zou Jin's resolution, the theory of void that was once sealed has now been replaced by a set of secondary biological theories and has been widely studied by Angels.

In addition, Zou Jin's quasi-duplication and the resource convenience brought by Ailan's material reconstruction.

Angel's progress in this aspect can be described as day by day!


In the fields of Fixed Star drive, dark energy, micro-wormholes, dark data, space-derived applications, dimensional technology, and even the completion of Angel genes, etc., recent progress has been made.

Take the Fixed Star driver as an example.

In a secret martial arts arena in the mirror space.

With Reina, the Empress of Lieyang, Angels who practiced with Reina as a realistic reference, recently developed a new technology driven by the Angel version of Fixed Star!

They strengthened their connection channel with the energy of Fixed Star.

And with the help of the mysterious elements in the realm of idealism, the parts about Fixed Star, about light and heat, strengthened the sacred code of flame bombardment.

And turn it into a real-life Fixed Star helium flash...  

The only regret is.

This kind of attack, the pure flame sword, cannot be precisely controlled, and it will easily affect the innocent like Lena's flare bombing.


The group of Angels started shaking people.

The silver-haired old Angel of the Space-based Department was also moved by this research atmosphere and subject, and more than a hundred older Angels joined it.


Angels use this attack similar to Fixed Star's helium flash.

It is edited into a sacred code, attached to the gene, and is responsible for supplying the Fixed Star energy to Angel in normal times.

Once at war.

In an emergency, Angel can also use melee combat.

Using fists, elbows and knees as anchors, launch a close-range kill of the Fixed Star helium flash at the enemy.

Even if this kind of helium flash cannot cause damage to the divine body above the undefeated body in order to ensure its own safety, it can still use the energy impact of the explosion to gain a safe distance for itself.


After Zou Jin's order was issued, this move was named: Hot Warfare.

The reason is that after advanced deduction.

Integrating the fixed star helium flash body technique, he was endowed with brand-new combat effectiveness, and he blessed this set of tactics with his power of rising heat.

For today's Angel.


Without the flame sword, they are the ones whose combat power has been truly unsealed!

590 can burst out more than three digits of Fixed Star helium flashes one after another in a short moment just by punching and kicking, the key point is that its temperature is frighteningly high!

It's a pity that this set of tactics can only be used without injury by Angel equipped with a divine body, otherwise, he will be involved in the power of the Fixed Star's helium flash and suffer heavy losses instead.

Technological leaps like this one, and many more.

dark energy.

A series of technologies such as absorption, absorption, integrate, compression, purification, recycling and so on have been improved.

Now this series of technical achievements.

It is also quickly absorbed by the Angels for their own use.

The effect is definitely obvious. In the past, no matter how strong the Angels were, going to the dark dimension to fight for three days was the limit.

after all.

The dark energy in the dark dimension is mixed with a lot of negative emotions.

It cannot be simply used directly to restore its own energy consumption.


Angels stay in the dark dimension, even if they survive for hundreds of years, it is no longer difficult.

In terms of micro-wormholes, thanks to Jin's voyeurism.

Many technologies related to the field of micro-wormholes from the devil were stolen one by one, and they were publicized on the Angel network on the grounds that he picked it up when he was chopping Taotie.

The result is.

Angel today.

Even an Angel equipped with three generations of divine bodies can transport itself in a short time!.

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