Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 419: The Landscape In God's Eyes

A new day has come.

Zou Jin stretched himself, completely freed from the heavy cutting-edge scientific research work.

That's right.

He and Hexi led a multi-dimensional divine body.

It has been declared complete.

After sacrificing a baby version of the members of the Celestial Group, plus a Dormammu of the dark dimension, it took half a year.

The five generations of multi-sacred bodies project has officially achieved a complete success.

And Hexi, the real leader in technology development.

Also the first time after complete success.

Can't wait to go back to Melo Sky City.

That is, last night, when Zou Jin personally sent Hexi into a huge transformation facility that was as big as a star.

Hexi also officially started the transformation of the multiple sacred body.


Because I don't trust Zou Jin's hands and feet.

This promotion system developed by Pipixi is a brand-new equipment with standard automatic real-time monitoring and real-time adjustment of the transformation progress.

Zou Jin is only responsible for the successful implementation of Pipixi's design.


Zou Jin was at ease now.

"It's really refreshing to be light-hearted with nothing to do....

Come to the island deck of Tianren No. 7, which is an open-air external observation deck.

The balcony, which was once used to capture the more subjective real-time scenes of the battlefield with the naked eye, has now lost its role in the setting.

But Angel chose not to dismantle it.

But after redesigning.

It was transformed into a viewing platform for watching the stars without stars.

If ordinary people look down on the earth from this angle, it is hard to say whether they will have the lofty aspirations to be the top.

But not Zou Jin.

He is still like a salted fish, paralyzed on the throne, looking at the scenery outside.

"really not bad!"


This emotion really comes from the heart.

With the rise of class in the concept of strength, the definition of landscape has undergone subtle changes.

The scenery in the eyes of mortals.

Limited by their narrow field of view and perception height.

They will simply close the visual signals they see to some lofty levels in their hearts, and thus have various literary creations of ancient and modern poets and writers.

They will artificially use this method to converge with other people's views on this place and this scene.

Worse, they have also learned hype marketing and other methods in the new era to bring out the trend that certain scenes are worth "spending money".

God is different.

The height of the god's field of vision makes them more rational when dealing with the scenery.

Especially the gods of science and technology, the sensibility of such gods seldom empathize with the scenery, the reason is that when the gods of science and technology are watching things, they will always unconsciously retrieve all the information about the thing.

Only humanities, history, future and nature are worthy of the gaze of the gods.

They will utter words like praise.


When Queen Keisha first came to Earth.

I once said that the earth planet is a beautiful planet, and in a sense it is also an affirmation of the future of the earth.

So is Zou Jin.

The He who sees the world today is definitely different from ordinary people.

When people and people, people and things, things and things, things and people on the earth are invisible under the eyes of God.

It's really good that Zou Jin can really appreciate it and say something from the bottom of his heart.

Only under his own guidance, Donghuang moved to silently control the future of the earth, and unswervingly explored the unknown civilization.

The war, which lasted for nearly a year, finally officially came to an end not long ago, thanks to the efforts of the Donghuang military and various extraordinary people.

The remaining two to three billion people on the earth began to gradually or actively or passively find the rhythm of production and life before the war.

From a mortal perspective...

Experienced an interstellar invasion...

The baptism of a brutal war that killed more than two-thirds of the world...  

Even Donghuang, who is in the best condition, has unconsciously produced many new cognitions, which is true for life, society and civilization.

The East and the West once invested in valueless (bafi) derivative fields such as finance, and used the card tables built by capitalists to play the so-called paper money game. In today's era, it has long become a bad habit of the times.

There are countless kinds of capital and financial benefits that can be used to retain the era that was once able to call the wind and rain under the protection of capitalists.

But I can't stand the people who have already seen the reality clearly, "Ten understatement-worthless!

That's right!

Just worthless!

The civilization structure of the so-called lighthouse built by the West has proved its paper tiger characteristics with its poor performance in the test of war and gunpowder.

The victory of Donghuang's side does not rely on capital, but the great cause achieved by the unity of the people and the comprehensive struggle under the centralized system of the whole people.

on the contrary.....…

Magnesium West is an elite group led by capital......

Including the Anza Capital group behind it, but in the process, with various ugly responses that will be recorded in the annals of history, they sink into the depths of the dust along with the old era.

When money has returned to the quality of the equivalent transaction object it should have been...  

The social atmosphere has become much clearer in an instant...

People began to learn to plan their lives reasonably, to study, to research, to enrich themselves, and to strive to be a role that is not so dispensable in the new era.

When the people around are mostly people who seek truth from facts and seek truth from facts, no matter how lazy people are, they will be affected by the environment and join the group of self-metamorphosis as usual......

When the whole civilization is united and the atmosphere of civilization is promoted, more talents will really start to pay attention to the development and progress of civilization in the field of science and technology.

The technological explosion of the nature of the whole people also started because of this, and it was out of control like a prairie fire.

That's right.

The same technological explosion is happening not only within Angel, but also within Yihuang.

Even if the strength of such a technological explosion is still crude in the eyes of the god-making civilization, at least, the current Donghuang has received real recognition from Lieyang and Angel in a true sense.

Instead of just treating Donghuang and the earth as a dispensable bargaining chip to please Zou Jin, or a hatchery for cultivating the new generation of gods.

The northern star of the imperial capital is located.

The ultra-giant space elevator Tongtian was built with the help of Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy.

A huge ring-shaped metal structure with a length of more than 200,000 kilometers has also been officially put into use. With the help of the earth's own magnetic field as the original kinetic energy, it has begun to perform its duties in a real sense...

A series of mass killers such as electromagnetic guns, positron guns, and high-energy laser melting guns have been installed in place recently under the space elevator. .

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