Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 430 The End Of Odin

Zou Jin is full of thoughts, and keeps paying attention to the micro-dimensions of Hexi's body.

This move is actually to fill in the gaps for He Xi.

After all, the current Hexi is so focused on opening up other micro-dimensions one after another that he has no energy at all to check whether there are any defects in his own dimension.

And this kind of dimension will be the one who will be connected to the grid in the future.

If the parameters of some of the dimensions are abnormal, or the properties are quite different.

It is likely to lead to the lack of foundation, which is not good for the future development of Hexi.

When the strength of the dimensional barrier of a certain holy light dimension is weaker, Zou Jin's thoughts move slightly, and the void particles with sub-chaos characteristics merge into his back, and the strength of reality distortion obtained by this is enough to be easily compensated and modified.

If there are qualitative deviations in some dimensions, for example, the good-looking dimension of the holy light is actually a dimension full of anomalies and cults under the cover of the holy light, Zou Jin will have to spend more effort, with a posture of concentration, from the foundation Admiral reality reversal and modification.

its process.

It's the same as if Scarlet Witch's Origin Magic Power is completed, declaring that there will be no more Mutants in the world, and the world will respond accordingly.

It's not that the operation is difficult, but that Ability has a wide range of influence.

It needs to restrain itself as much as possible, so as not to affect other innocent normal dimensions.

that's all.

Time was spent day by day in such a state of silence.

some day.

Zou Jin's eyes suddenly fell from Gaowei.

Locked on the Nine Realms World Tree system where the earth is located, a self-proclaimed god-king existence has come to the end of its life.

He, along with his wife Frigga, fell into eternal sleep in the land where Hela, the goddess of death, was sealed in his hometown in Norway on Earth!

that moment.

Zou Jin can also clearly perceive the slightly envious eyes from Ancient One.

At the same time, there is also the watch and temptation of some voyeurs in the nightmare dimension.

Only Mephisto in the hell dimension, after seeing this scene, hid himself for the first time, not even daring to look at it again, and at the same time hid the entire hell dimension even deeper

Unlike other dimensions Mephista.

Because of the factors of soul exchanges, the hell dimension will naturally lead the souls of the dead from the earth to the hell dimension.

Mephisto is the Mephista dimension that is closest to the reality of the current situation of the earth and the situation of the universe.

The dark dimension of Dormammu today.

There was no more waves, and even Dormammu, who was stronger than Mephisto, completely fell silent.

With the sensitivity to the breath of the soul.

Mephisto is very clear that the breath of Dormammu still exists in the universe, but whether it is still the previous Dormammu is worthy of a big question mark!

to be honest....….…

Mephisto at this moment has a feeling of being scared to pee......

Ragnarök of Asgard is coming...

And the terrifying existence of the earth is bound to cast attention, and if he does it wrong, he and the hell dimension he lives in will also fall to the same fate as the dark dimension!

"In a way...."

"The mind of this dimensional lord is really sharp..."

Back to the event originally.

In front of Thor and Loki, holding God Queen Frigga in his arms, the work that died together.

The two brothers almost panicked completely.

However, they no longer have the thought to remember the sorrow of the fall of the Father God Empress.

Something more mysterious and creepy is happening.

Accompanied by a door made of entangled vines, a deep breath of death overflowed from the door...

Infected by the dark breath of death.

The surrounding grass and shrubs, including all insects and microorganisms, are irreversibly dying.

It seemed to be the whisper of the dead, and it seemed to be the howl of the remnant soul resounding around.

Step! Step! Step! Step!

In the clear sound of steps, the footsteps that seem to be stepping on the time when one's heart rate is about to decline, as if death is approaching, full of oppression!


The two brothers showed their weapons together.

Mjolnir, who was disguised as an umbrella, lightly stamped on the ground, and amidst the roar of thunder, turned into his true appearance.

With a flick of both hands, two short blades appeared in Loki's hands one after another.

The two brothers, who have already switched to Aesir costumes, looked at each other tacitly, as if they were ready for a fierce battle

" are dead after all..."

In the indifferent but full of resentment words, a female figure in a green battle suit paced out from the dark resentment and the wailing of the dead.

In a blink of an eye, he crossed the infinite star field and firmly locked on the location of Asgard.

and at the same time.

Forced Heimdall's Eye of the Nine Realms to leave behind a trickle of blood.

ask for flowers......

With a cruel sneer, Hela looked at the two brothers who were waiting in front of him, with a hint of contempt on the corner of her lips:

"Ha, let me see, Odin, the old man, expects you two baby-like babies to prevent my return!? My useless brother!"

"who are you!?"

Thor didn't listen to Hela's previous words at all.

On the contrary, Loki was almost scared to pee by the content of these words, that old man Odin, how much is he hiding behind his back!?

younger brother?

Are you serious!?


The roar of lightning beside him made Loki look sideways speechlessly.

Sure enough, this reckless man is trying to wink at himself... he will die! It's a big deal! Are you so blind!


Didn't you see the fierce aura on the other side, did you!?

"Oh... who am I..."

"Interesting, from this point of view, our dead father has concealed a lot of news..."


Hela wiped her hands back on her head.

That withered hair like Deadman stretched, twisted, hardened, and extended toward the back of Hela's head as if endowed with intelligence!

A more ferocious breath of death is raging...

In addition, the dark green divine light around Hela also began to infect the pure black breath of death into a miserable green!

"I am the eldest princess of Asgard!"

"It is Hela, the Goddess of Death who once slaughtered the Nine Realms and helped Asgard reach the summit!"

"That's right, I'm your older sister, come on, my little brother who is as weak as a baby, let my older sister see if you are eligible to be placed high hopes by that old immortal Odin...

One hand.

The moment the voice just fell.

Two death thorns were manifested like sharp swords!

Everyone can see that it is the manifestation of the ability of Hela's death theocracy...

But it was this kind of prelude to a common attack that made Thor and Loki's hair stand on end in an instant!


Facing the crisis of death.

Different people respond differently, just like Loki.

He is thinking about how to use his ingenuity to get a glimpse of life from the desperate situation...


The roar of thunder added to the body. .

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