Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 432 The Dimensions Of Benefit Sharing

Not long.

At the location of the incident, a Luanniao airborne platform carrying Liu Chuang as the leader and Qilin as the assistant deterrent descended.

And the trio who made troubles were also invited to be on top of the Luan Niao with a cooperative face.

If the earth is civilized.

It's just a civilization with powerful tools and weapons.

Relying on her explosive personal combat power, Hela is willing to take the risk, rush out of the encirclement, return to Asgard to obtain the divine power in it, and then launch a divine war against the earth in turn!


Liu Chuang used the scarlet god-killing power that spread to the entire axe.

Very convincing, dispelled the beautiful future constructed in Hela's mind, and forced the goddess to return to the poor and sloppy appearance when she just got rid of the seal


Especially when she saw that Qilin was always on guard against herself.

When the sight of the sniper rifle in his hand, which is creepy and full of sense of danger, seems to be intentionally or unintentionally passing over his vital organs...

Hela is even better!


Loki is the one who is the most sensible.

Even when he was guarded by a group of mortal soldiers wearing Chengying nano tactical mechs, he always had a harmless smile on his face.

And interestingly, sister Hela, younger brother Loki.

At this moment, with some meaningless eyes, he firmly locked on Thor Hanhan who had a good chat with Liu Chuang and even the Donghuang soldiers!


You have such a big backstage, why did you say so early! Damn it!

Especially seeing that the pile of recovered Mjolnir fragments, under the manipulation of the unknown power of a goddess named Angel Alan, the three could not breathe and returned to their original state


"Oh, this Hela is quite interesting!"

Zou Jin watched this scene with great interest.

Definitely yes.

Alan was also specially arranged by Zou Jin to help Thor reunite his precious hammer.

Zou Jin really wants to see whether Thor, who has always been fettered by the hammer and has full potential, will get the thunder's god mark or the hammer's god mark in the future.


"Hela, Goddess of Death...Interesting!"

He raised his eyes and glanced into the depths of the universe. How could he not see it with the depth of his current vision.

The reason why the eldest princess of Asgard was able to obtain the theocracy of death was the result of manipulation by the great god of death this week.

The divine entity as the concept of cosmic death.

Death does not speak.

Who the hell can bypass His death and obtain a certain divine right related to death? It's impossible!


Zou Jin can!

In the power of creation and withering, the part about death.

This is the part that Zou Jin forcibly peeled off from the power of death and brought it back to himself!

The other part is the great god of annihilation, and its related powers of annihilation have also been stripped of part by withering.


In the end, such a high position and power is so domineering.

Along with the concept of finality, eternity, Galactus, and infinity, which are not so related, were also robbed by Zou Jin.

This kind of power robbery at the conceptual level only occurs at the metaphysical level.

Only when the future is pushed back to the current and past timelines, it happens on the metaphysical level with an irreversible posture.

If not.

The God of Marvel Creation definitely didn't want to break his arms to survive. He stripped off the main part of Nuo Da's Marvel, and took the essence of the parts and ran away with a bucket.

As for the five creator gods, the Tribunal of Life, the First Firmament, and the various Mephistas, there is no other way but to keep up with the big trends so as not to be caught in the same pot.


They are deeply involved with the concept of the universe.

After the world integrates, it will be their group of multi-level bosses who will be fatally impacted!

A careless......

From a metaphysical sense of oppression...

No matter how powerful an individual is described within the boundaries, it can't resist the blow of the top concept agent across the timeline!

If such a time node...

Coupled with the rule conflicts brought about by the turbulence of the universe integrate...

Nightmare-like tragic consequences will most likely befall them.

Ever since he entered the dream dimension, this old iron has been planning, when will the entire environment|dream dimension

This was the case in the Marvel universe in the past, but now that it has been merged into the Super God universe, Nightmare's inner desire remains unchanged.

But unfortunately...

This old iron is too deeply involved with the dream dimension...

After the world integrates, the first thing that bears the brunt is the super-sharp drop in the ability of the dream dimension to involve reality.

It directly caused the nightmare to be completely reduced to the will of the heavenly heart in the dream dimension, and the external manifestation of the nightmare, the current situation is waiting for Dormammu, which is now jointly controlled by Angel and Donghuang.

But one thing is interesting....

Before this old iron mind was completely Taoized, his strong desire to unify reality even distorted the will of the current dream dimension to a certain extent.

This is also the root cause of the endless killing of demons of different dimensions in the mirror space battlefield.


It is precisely because of this slightly larger-scale temptation and peep.

The dimensional barriers that directly lead to the dream dimension are directly anchored by the scientific research team led by Lieyang's many grand scholars and space-based Angels.


Lieyang's garrison battle star docked in the mirror space battlefield has already begun to prepare for the war.

Along with that, Lena also started yelling, eager to try and light up a few constant 247 stars in the dream dimension to celebrate!


In order to expand the depth of concepts related to the sun, Fixed Star, and the Great Sun in the realm of idealism.

It's really understandable that Lena acted so recklessly instinctively that she would blow up Fixed Star at every turn.

There was a suspicious smile on the corner of Zou Jin's lips, and he could only mourn in silence for the nightmare and its dream dimension.

The dream dimension encountered by Dormammu and the dark dimension should also go through such an experience.

The difference is.

The relevant interests have already been distributed among the parties in this dream dimension battle.

Lieyang contributes the most, accounting for half of the share.

Angel dispatched new recruits, including leading soldier Angel, to fill in the vacancies left by Lie Yang, accounting for 40% of the share.

As for Donghuang, they were in charge of waving the flag and shouting, with an attitude like a strong momentum, and they reaped 10% of the profit share with a smile on their faces.

This is destined to be a multi-party cooperation and a huge benefit for win-win development.


Donghuang's 10% interest share seems to be a little less.

But it is necessary to understand the fact that the so-called extra-dimension is essentially a special anomalous space derived from the Eternal Heart after it merged into the ancient earth [based on the nature of the base event.

Expressed in a more straightforward language, only on the earth can all life other than the non-dimensional lords be able to travel between the real universe and the abnormal dimension. .

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