Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 457: The Eve Of The Theocracy Conference

Witnessing the current critical state of the universe, Zou Jin has no excuses to continue to be salty.

At Kesha's suggestion.

Jiang Yan and Zhi Xin recalled Melo Tiancheng from Fei Lei Ze.

Then, he will be stationed on the earth, in case there is no one who is not particular about stealing the cold from the house, and he is also pulled back to his side through the air.

"Your Majesty!" *3

Seeing Zou Jin, the three girls all looked very happy.

It's a pity that they didn't change their past relationship patterns because they are both Zou Jin's guardian angels.

The rivalry between Leng and Yan is still going on to this day.

The two girls just paid tribute to Zou Jin, and immediately started to look at each other, wishing to compete with each other on the spot, discussing who is the older sister and who should be the younger sister...

have no choice.

Zou Jin staggered his figure to let out the looming Queen Keisha among the flowers.

"Huh! It's the Queen!?"*3

The gods exclaimed three times in sync, and the figure of the excited three daughters going to meet Queen Kesha gradually faded.

Zou Jin scratched his head helplessly.

19 too true.

To interrupt Yan and the cold and dark war, all you need is a look from Queen Kaisha!

"Queen, you are finally back. The sisters will miss you. In this way, I will be able to continue to confront the evil while shouting the name of justice by the Queen's side!"

it's cold!

Definitely, so midshape is just cold!

"Yes, Queen, the sisters will be very happy to know about your return."

Xiao Zhixin was still as simple as ever.


Yan Bao frowned, full of doubts:

"No, the queen is back, the sisters must know about it, why didn't we receive the news?"

It's normal for Yan to be puzzled like this.

Zou Jin said not long ago that Keisha could return anytime, anywhere.

With the Queen's popularity among the Angel clan, it is impossible for her to return quietly...


Kaisha touched Yan's dog's head, but said something super heart-wrenching:

"Don't get me wrong, I told you little sisters to keep quiet, after all..."

"When you go out, you each have your own missions, and it's not suitable to ignore the missions, come to me, the retired predecessor, Angel Yu, to talk about the past.


Keisha's words are not just explaining why.

It is also a warning to these three current Angel civilizations, who are genuine high-level civilizations, that her sacred name of the holy Kaisa is no longer there.

Now, the person in charge of Angel is Zou Jin, the last lawr.

Therefore, many things cannot be contrary to Zou Jin's order because of her Kaisha.


"Queen, don't worry, His Majesty won't care."

"That's right, that salted fish would like to leave all the work to me and Xiao Zhixin! Otherwise, how can he spare time to hook up with other sisters."

Zou Jin raised his hand weakly.

Want to refute.

Frankly speaking, the current Yan is very much like a little lady who was bullied at her husband's house and went back to her mother's house crying to complain, so desolate...

Zou Jin's scalp is numb...

But he didn't have the confidence to defend himself, so he simply pretended that he hadn't heard anything.

The fact is, He Zou Jin has done a lot of similar things.

Casting a meaningful glance at Zou Jin, Keisha didn't go into it, but changed the subject accordingly:

"I suggest to your Majesty, let you come back, the reason is that the theocracy is about to be held."

"You are also representatives of Angel's side, supporting your Majesty so as not to embarrass Angel.

This is the so-called pomp.

Zhi Xin tilted his head, puzzled and said:

"But queen, the physical war is imminent, it is understandable to hold a theocratic meeting, but..."

"Everyone has the same goal in this war, not to mention working together, no one will take advantage of the theocratic meeting to secretly poke trouble!?"

On the contrary, Yan was extraordinarily rational, grasped the key point instantly, and said:

"Don't forget Zhixin, this theocracy conference, all parties participating in the conference are dominated by the god-making civilization of the Kamigawa system!"

"In other words, the villains will be there too!"

"It's even hard to say whether Qing Styx, the culprit who caused the physical war, will also attend."

Leng shook his head lightly and said:

"It's normal for demons to come, but when it comes to Carl, I doubt he'll come!"

"Without the shroud of mystery, the river Styx where Karl, the shit-stirring stick, is located will be completely uneasy!"


After thinking about it:

"Then, is it possible that Snow is present on behalf of Karl!?"

After thinking for a moment, Yan slightly shook his head and said:

"There is such a possibility, but in what name is it Snow? The Lord of Meals? Or Karl's megaphone?"

This is indeed a problem.

If Snow attended as the main god of gluttony, there would be problems.

The convening of the theocracy meeting is aimed at the approaching trend of physical war and the division of war defense zones.

Snow, the main god of animal body civilization, is not a provocation. I'm afraid he wants to mention the treatment of being killed by various gods after the meeting.

But if Snow attended in Karl's name, he would have to explain why Karl took the initiative to remove the big clock's blockade of the mottled blue star field without the knowledge of all parties.

Keisha gently rubbed the center of her brows, and helplessly told the truth:

"Snow...he won't show up!"

"Your Majesty, just used Su Marie's body together with a red self-star to trigger a supernova explosion in the Dead Song Academy."

"It is estimated that no one from Karl's family will show up. He is currently busy rebuilding the Dead Song Academy.

The three girls were stunned when they heard the words.

They looked at each other at a loss.

Co-authored three heads of my sisters 437 brainstorming for a long time, but you said that the master was blown into foam!?

It's outrageous!

The three pairs of slightly resentful eyes fixed on Zou Jin.

Seeing Zou Jin helplessly, he immediately explained:

"It can't be that Karl keeps making troubles, so I can't fight back..."

"No one stipulates this, my lord, but your method of diverting the topic is terrible. The problem now is that you didn't take us with you when you made troubles!"

"Hey, what are you doing with me..... Hua Ye, Ruoning and those scumbags, who would die in a supernova explosion, should I bring you to watch their death? That's inappropriate!"

Yan Bao: "Eh!? Hua Ye?"

Burning heart and cold: "Hey!? Ruoning (Master)!"

Zou Jin shrugged and said:

"Didn't I say that? They happened to be engaging in some conspiracy with Carl, and they were blown up along the way."

Yan and Zhi Xin had complex expressions.

After a long while, Zhi Xin said:

"It's a pity, Sister Yan and I have worked hard for so long to prepare a set of sacred codes for disintegrating genes for Huaye, which is a waste."

Zou Jin was not surprised at all.

In the continent of Frazer, where the primitive tribe was enfeoffed, Yan and Zhixin really had nothing to pass the time except researching a series of novel moves.

It's cold, and his face is full of complex colors at the moment...

In the final analysis, Ruoning is also Leng's mentor, and a passer-by for her to embark on the path of justice!.

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