Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 461 The Targeted Death Song Academy


Carl's people came, but they didn't seem to come completely.

I also want to know that if Snow comes in real form, Karl will probably lose a useful subordinate in the future.

Please believe that in the face of Karl's henchman who indulged in the escape from the Triangle, anyone present can do it definitely!

Lena frowned and said with a look of disgust:

"Why did Carl have the nerve to let you come over? Come here, we don't allow it, but why can't you come in real body? Why are you cowardly?"

"Take out the posture that your god Karl is not afraid of anything!"

Snow was impatient.

"Little girl of Lieyang..."

The voice did not fall.

Before even Pan Zhen had time to apply pressure, no one could have imagined that Liang Bing was the first to become angry:

"Heh, if Karl doesn't come out to make a statement, after the "210" of the theocracy meeting..."

"He, Karl, will also die from the orthodox system of Kamigawa!"

"Tell me, Snow! Your master, you don't intend to abandon the Kamikawa system, do you?"

The first two sentences are not to cater to Lie Yang.

It's Liang Bing who sees every stitch of yin and yang.

With Snow's level, he didn't dare to argue with the majestic Demon Queen. After a long silence, he opened his mouth and said:

"Whether you believe it or not, the blockade of mottled blue by the big clock will be invalid!"

"My god Karl made the crisis appear in advance, you should be grateful!"

Pan Zhen sneered.

Whoever believes this is the one who writes!

Indeed, because of the blockade of the clock to the triangle, it is really impossible to exist forever.

But the progress of its failure is by no means as immediate as it is at present. This kind of statement is simply humiliating the IQ of everyone here!

Pan Zhen stood up with folded arms, paced and said:

"Interesting statement!"

"But the reality is...Under the leadership of Angel, the Shenhe body paid a heavy price to gain the dominance of the known universe."

"Now, Kieran's disciples are shaking this precious dominance!"

"This move is against the mainstream thought of Lieyang Guotai Minan...

Lie Yang has a famous saying: Where is God, there is Lie Yang!

Thinking from another angle: God's appeal is Lieyang's appeal!

As the new generation of Sunshine, Di Leina is undoubtedly deeply influenced by Lieyang Guotai Minan's thoughts. Dang Leina believes that Guotai Minan will be the mainstream of Lieyang's future.

The soldiers of Lieyang will take it for granted that they will definitely regard those factors that may destroy the peace of the country and the people as lifelong enemies!

in short.…………

Pan Zhen's words can also be briefly summarized as: Lie Yang is angry, and the consequences are serious!

On the other side, Liang Bing also spoke:

"Open the skylight and tell the truth! Snow..."

"Everyone knows that Karl sheltered you and other animal life, and the verbal reason is to facilitate research.

"But we all know that when Karl sheltered you and others, he proposed at the meeting of the gods to use your animal body as the first line of defense to block the triangle! In this way, the life of the animal body headed by you, Snow, was just preserved!"

Accompanied by Liang Bing's words, black mist gradually began to appear around her.

In the wanton killing intent, the words that made Snow tremble were uttered by Morgana:

"Now, the escape from the Triangle has become a fact..."

"We, can we think that there is no need for the beast body...?"

Anyone can hear it.

Now Liang Bing is questioning Snow in the identity of Morgana.

With Morgana's temper, if she doesn't get a reasonable answer, her demon army will openly invade the entire Styx with a high probability!


Her demonic civilization....

Not to mention that the soldiers are quite tight recently, the few peak combat powers were wiped out by Zou Jin before, and there is a reason for this.

Morgana can just expand a wave of wanton...

Before Snow could speak.

Zou Jin said with a smile:

"That's a good proposal! If the demon side is willing to take the responsibility, on behalf of Angel, I will stop the targeted actions against the demon in stages!"

Snow is now in a cold sweat.

Pan Zhen remained silent, typically eating melons while watching a play.

The most deadly thing is, once Zou Jin's words come true, Angel no longer targets the demon, even if only temporarily.

How much damage the demonic civilization that loosened its rein can cause depends on Morgana's mood!

A careless.....

The animal bodies of the entire Styx star field will be doomed...

"Your Majesty is now the King of Angels, so it's not appropriate to abandon Queen Kaisha's policy so easily?"

Zhi Xin couldn't hold back, and took the lead in refuting:

Bold lunatic!"

"Where do you have the confidence to dare to recklessly comment on my king's decision!"


Accompanied by Jianming!

Obviously not at the scene, obviously separated by at least hundreds of millions of light years!

But coldly and abruptly drawing the sword, the dazzling edge of the sword still gave Snow a strong crisis...

He gently stretched out his hand to cover Ling's long sword that was about to fall.

No matter how angry he is, Leng is not suitable to use weapons here. But only Pan Zhen and Liang Bing's eyes twitched slightly

If the perception is correct, Leng Fangcai really wanted to drop that sword!?

As the head of Angel's legion, Leng, the owner of the three generations of peak gods, can kill the enemy at a distance of hundreds of millions of light years?

Yan sneered, and after calming down Leng's move of drawing his sword, he took a step forward and said with a smile:

"Come on, Snow!"

"No matter how evil the demon civilization is, it is only the evil in the body of the river!"

"It seems that you haven't seen the reality clearly..."

"Our struggle with demons is a battle of ideas! And the dispute with your beast body is a battle of living environment!"

"Who knows, when the third body fights fiercely, will your beast body stab a knife in the back?"

Snow knows.

There is real trouble!

Obviously, for some unknown reason, everyone at the scene tacitly united the front line, and those who put on a posture must target the Death Song Academy!

Just at the moment.

Du Qiangwei folded her arms and said abruptly:

"Counterattack on the Styx 4.9...I think, all members of the Earth Heroes Company are happy to participate in it!"

"Little girl! Are you awake?"

Snow almost laughed angrily.

Many god-making civilizations are collectively hostile to Styx. It can be understood that they began to collectively target Death Song Academy, wanting to take advantage of the physical war to cut out the wings of Death God Karl.

But where do you have the confidence to show your teeth to Styx?

"And me?"

Zou Jin's indifferent speech stunned all the gods present.


Only then did I think about it, it seems that this person is also a member of the Xiongbing Company, so far he still has the title of advisor of the Xiongbing Company...

In the next moment, Jean Nuo Geng's voice of collapse sounded

Lena: "Oh! That's right! I'm still the captain of the Xiongbing Company!".

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