Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 473: Karl's Real Purpose

【Damn it! Carl, you lunatic, what the fuck does he know what he's doing!?】

[I definitely know, cold ice. 】

[I know you are still strengthening Hua Ye’s psychosis to such an extent!? My mother, I didn’t cheat you, did I? I didn’t hinder you from studying that shit void, did I! You just put a mad dog to deal with my mother !】

[No, the original...

【Draft? Call me old lady Morgana!】

【Leng Bing, please believe me... After tens of thousands of years of research on the void, I am sure that there is no power in the known universe that can resist them!】

【What are you trying to say?】

【I'm protecting you, Liang Bing】

【Huh? Are you out of your mind? Or are you going to use this kind of lame lie to convince my old lady that she will be killed by Hua Ye like a beep!?】

【You still don't understand, Liang Bing

After viciously hanging up the dark communication with Carl, Liang Bing continued to put heavy pressure on Hua Ye in the center of the Devil's Claw with a gloomy expression.

That expression was as ferocious as if he wanted to turn Hua into a momo.

But what Liang Bing didn't know was.

Styx, New Dead Song Academy.

Karl was looking up at the sky, and said indifferently:

"Forgive me, Liang Bing... Only in this way can you escape the disaster of being swallowed by the void!

Why do you say that?

The reason is simple...

For Karl, Queen Keisha's offline is more than just overthrowing the power that has been suppressing his research.

That was a trial!

Completely disperse the entire known universe with the four generations of gods, and test the power of the void, whether it will continue to be a test for Queen Kesha in this form!

At the moment when the triangular body was released, the sacred atoms of Queen Kaisa were still floating around the universe, which is enough to prove it.

Carl's temptation was successful!

Only Karl knows that the triangular body is the minion of some great beings in the void.

If they don't take action to eliminate them, they must not be included in the harvest list, they can be ignored, and they can use similar means to survive in disguise!

Why does Carl have such an idea?

very simple.

Because of his teacher Space Kieran!


Principal Kieran, who has the deepest research on the void, discovered the mechanism of harvesting advanced civilizations in the known universe on the side of the void!

Only then did he ascend to the will of the universe in order to avoid the targeting of the void.

This is undoubtedly cowardly.



As for whether Liang Bing appreciates it and understands his painstaking efforts, Mr. Carl said he doesn't care!

same moment.

The starry sky beyond the Kunsa battlefield.

Three great figures stood quietly, obviously they had been watching for a long time.

"How, Your Majesty, is Karl's idea feasible||?"

It was Hexi who asked the question.

But Keisha is also interested in this.

Zou Jin meditated for a moment, and said:

"It's doable, but not quite doable..."

"It does not have a real form, nor does it have the existence to interfere with the operation of the universe. It will indeed be ignored by the void."

"However, even if a life in this form can exist for eternity, the soul will die and the twilight of thinking will gradually come with the passage of time.

"In a sense, this can be regarded as cutting out the threat of this life to the void."

Speaking of which.

Zou Jin raised his eyebrows mysteriously and asked:

"Guess, the known universe has been born for more than 13 billion years, how many similar existences have been born?"


Hak Hee:

Think carefully, my dear!

The two queens, who had always been calm, hurriedly opened their eyes of insight to search the entire universe.

At the level of Zou Jin and the others, they are usually hidden, even if they span the entire known universe, they can be known at a glance, and there is nothing to hide.

The opening of the eye of insight is enough to explain the changes in the hearts of the two queens.

For a moment, just look at you and me:

"In the core of some Fixed Stars, there are strange particles similar to sacred atoms! What do you mean? The four generations of gods are worthless?"

Kesha frowned:

"The number is really large. According to the number of sacred atoms in our bodies, there are at least more than three hundred Kang-level existences sleeping in the known universe!"

Zou Jin nodded.

When I was very bored back then, when I was doing archaeology in the universe, I found these things, which really shocked Zou Jin.

"It is true, but they have long lost their soul consciousness fluctuations, and they have obviously been dead for a long time."

"I guess, Carl and Kieran, also used the big clock to observe these things..."

"This is how a series of events follow!"

He Xi was sweating coldly.

Kesha was offline before because of the indestructibility of the sacred atom.

At that time, Hexi still had some expectations. In the worst case, Kaisha could return after 300 million years.

But looking at it now, the time of 300 million years may not be a burden that those lives who have never stepped out of the universe can afford.

Consciousness is dusk, and the soul is finally calamity.

It will make all the gods who hold this kind of thinking fall into eternal silence

It can be said that this is a road of no return!

Even if to a certain extent, this method can indeed avoid a head-on confrontation with the mysterious void, it has completely lost the possibility of recovery.

Keisha herself is very calm.

Just when the three kings were talking.

Kunsa planet.

The battle situation has already turned upside down.

Liangbing's micro-wormhole algorithm has encountered unprecedented targeting.

Need to consume more computing power, need to break through more systematic data blockade, need to consume more energy to achieve the goal!

That's the black hole engine, the modification of the surrounding reality!

Even the Devil's Claw doesn't have much effect on Hua Ye now. Hua Ye's physical strength really doesn't dare to stand up to the lethality of the Devil's Claw and cause damage to Liang Bing.

But with the Black Hole Engine, Hua Ye has actually formed a state of crushing Liangbing unilaterally!

Especially for a moment.

When Ruoning returned with a whole body of injuries, he even shot Liang Bing with an arrow.

The sudden attack (Liao Zhao) almost caused Liang Bing to suffer a big loss on the spot.

"..." Cold ice? Are you okay!?"

Liang Bing was ashamed and annoyed.

Being ashamed in front of Qiangwei is the last thing she wants to see.

Immediately take Rose away from the vicinity of the battlefield:

"Don't get too close to the frontal battlefield, Qiangwei! I don't want you to get hurt! By the way, find the right time and help me kill Ruoning first!"

Say it.

Liang Bing didn't even care about breaking up with Qiangwei.

Turn around and get entangled with Hua Ye again.

Standing in a daze for a moment, Qiangwei's face was slightly complicated, strictly speaking, Liang Bing could be regarded as her father-killing enemy!

But for her own progress, and to create a broader strategic position for Donghuang, Qiangwei responded to Zou Jin's plan, joined the demon camp, and used the cold hands to grow herself.

This should have been a deal!


Intelligent creatures, apart from rationality, should also have sensibility...

Qiangwei must face herself honestly, at least, she doesn't want to see Liang Bing die here!.

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