In fact, Zou Jin didn't know it.

The so-called creation out of thin air.

Kaisha and Hexi at this stage can do it by themselves if they work hard.

Originally, in Zou Jin's expectation, the two heroines should personally manage the work of supplementing Liangbing's life form and enhancing its life essence.


He Xi actually had such an idea.

Through the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Zou Jin learned.

The reason why Hexi is like this, on the one hand, is because he, Kaisha and even Angel can reach their current status without the help of Zou Jin.

This move can be regarded as pulling the cold ice into the water in a disguised form, making the relationship between Angel and Zou Jin, the three near kings and the trap more stable.

On the other hand, based on the same thinking, the difference is that the object becomes Kesha.

My old lady has been wiped out completely, why are you a man and woman still twitching, you are sisters, and you definitely have to carry it together "847".

It was Keisha.

At this moment, he was blushing, with a characteristic cute temperament, looking at Hexi in disbelief.

As if to say.

Why did you drag the old lady into the water!?

My old lady is just eating melons and watching a show!!

Who's in the way?

"Bah! Man, don't be prudish with me!"

"Hiss, I found that you old goblin has become more and more skinny recently, you want to be hammered!"

Even when Keisha said this, her cheeks were blushing, and she didn't look deterrent.


there's no way…………

The shadow accumulated before was too deep, He Xi could only look at Zou Jin cowardly, and signaled Zou Jin with his eyes to strike while the iron is hot.

Zou Jin's face was covered with cold sweat...

Quickly change the subject.....

"Having said that, are you still not making any progress in the realm of 'All living beings see me, I see all living beings'?"

Rolling his eyes, Hexi used this to express.

I've never seen you so cowardly.

Kaisha breathed a sigh of relief, immediately took over the conversation, and said with a little regret:

"There really isn't much progress."

"I think it should be because of the deep influence of scientific thinking before..."

"I always want to find out the bottom of everything, and I want to know why..."

"What I didn't expect was that the Tao after transcending the universe is so mysterious, it is really difficult for us to understand.

Although a little helpless.

That is to say, he was helpless at the temporary retreat of Zou Jin, a scumbag.

It is also helpless because Keisha is clearly moved, but she dare not face her inner state of mind.

But the topic that the two of them are currently talking about is indeed an area where Hexi himself has expressed his weakness. What is "all living beings see me, and I see all living beings"?

Philosophically speaking.

This is an interpretation of the secular view that all beings are equal.

But they have already transcended all living beings and reached their level, and philosophy is not very useful.

For existence like them.

The so-called "all living beings see me, I see all living beings" actually refers to clarifying oneself, understanding others, and understanding all living beings!

Finally, the truth of the second state of "all beings are me, and I am all beings" is realized.

This is not the realm of angels.

But it is a threshold that must be crossed in the realm of high-dimensional celestial beings.

If you can't get over it, you will stop here for the rest of your life, and you will not be able to achieve great detachment and freedom.

Once you realize it, the realm of the Profound Immortal is just around the corner...

"Your Majesty, the attack you just launched from Hua Ye's memory is the embodiment of this realm, right?"

Zou Jin pondered slightly.

Then he nodded and shook his head, seeing that the two women were puzzled, he continued to explain:

"Strictly speaking, this is not a realm, it is a... trait of the Heavenly Wonderland! Yes, it is a trait!

"When I enlightened, I learned that this trait is the threshold to a higher level."

"So, to activate this trait, the cultivator needs to realize it himself.

"In addition, my attack on Hua Ye at that time was not my attack this week.

"It was the 'I' in Hua Ye's memory who attacked him."

Hexi frowned:

"Is there a difference?"

"definitely there!"

Zou Jin answered very firmly:

"First of all, it is a clear understanding of the concept of me. It should be noted that the me in your memory is also a part of the concept of me.

"Other people's perception of me, and the world's perception of me are all part of my concept."

"I can't integrate these me. Strictly speaking, such a fairy is not so complete."

"If you ask what the actual difference is, let's put it this way, when the me in Hua Ye's memory launched an attack, it couldn't affect the me of the deity.

Kaisha and Hexi expressed headaches and difficulty in understanding those mysterious and mysterious concepts.

Some truths.

Not knowing is the same as enlightenment.

But Zou Jin's description of this trait is really shocking.

From the point of view of actual performance, failing to affect the deity means that there is a possibility of being completely killed by one's own memory.

Hua Ye is a typical example.

On the surface.

For an opponent of Hua Ye's level, Kaisha Hexi could be defeated with his fingers.

But knuckle is also an action, which needs to be consumed.

And through the attacks launched by others on one's cognition, there is no consumption! It has nothing to do with the deity!

so idiosyncratic.

Even if Hua Ye has really reached their level.

He will also be completely exhausted by such a grinding attack.

If it is in the middle of a battle, such an absent-minded opponent can be destroyed with one hand, which is not enough to describe!

Realizing this, the two queens looked at each other for a long time without saying a word.

"My understanding of concepts is so important, Your Majesty, how far have you cultivated?"

Hexi was very curious.

So does Keisha.

Zou Jin didn't hide anything, and said frankly:

"The second stage is to understand the world's perception of me, and also understand the perception of all sentient beings."

"Now, I am trying to comprehend who I am in other parallel realities."

"When I fully understand this level, my practice in the Heavenly Immortal Realm will come to an end."

Kesha couldn't understand.

He tilted his head and asked:

"Other parallel realities I can indeed vaguely perceive at the moment, those Keisha, are they really me?"

"It wasn't!"

Kesha was stunned.

He Xi frowned.

Zou Jin continued:

"But if you understand what I am 3.2 as I, those other Is are not you but you.

"What's the benefit of realizing this?"

"Since it's all you, the power of those other parallel realities has definitely become your own power! Is it good to be able to become stronger while lying down?"


Hak Hee:


Gaowei Celestial Immortal's future practice.

The myth is simply not enough to describe....

I have never heard that strength can grow like this!

If the so-called parallel reality is endless, does that mean that the power that the gods can control is also endless?


Can science explain it?

The two queens were skeptical.

But this is just a fairyland!

What about the Xuanxian in the future? What about the Jinxian? Or even the Da Luo who only appeared in rumors?

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