Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 487 Free Yourself

In fact, what Zou Jin has done is far more than the surface.

He used the general trend of all beings in the universe as a chess piece to help Donghuang leap forward. From a certain perspective, it was just a practice to verify his own way.

A similar practice  ………

In the body of Zou Jin's multidimensional and multidimensional Shiyuan God, it happens all the time

Although the multi-dimensional space in Shiyuan Shen's body is a derivative of the imaginary space, it is an information dimension that does not have real sense in a certain sense.

Simply put, there are no variables!

In the field of information dimension under the integration of imaginary number space, what Zou Jin sets is the irreversible fate and truth of all beings

If it is simply to reproduce the practice of civilization evolution.

Even if it is repeated countless times, the result obtained is not half different from Zou Jin's preset!


Zou Jin introduces brand new variables!

It is different from the practice of civilization ascension at the real level.

This time, Zou Jin didn't bring Earth Donghuang, but gave the benefits to the Angels under his command!

He has the power of the Lawr of Knowledge.

Gather the hearts of the Angels and put them into the world of stories weaved by themselves.

When the Angels experience and learn, as uncertain disturbances, they will also be responsible for gradually guiding the entire harmonious system to a Chaos 03 infinitive ending

Because it is pure information world.

Zou Jin can project the minds of millions of Angels to practice at one time, but he doesn't have to worry about the civilization in the information dimension going wrong or falling because of it.

crucial moment.

Zou Jin can also take the form of a mechanical seance.

Using scripts such as spiritual recovery, strange tide, multi-dimensional invasion, etc., the ending that should have been explained is rushed towards a more twisted and bizarre angle.

so that.

The Angels who have experienced Zou Jin's experience dungeon recently looked at Zou Jin with a bit of horror.

I have never seen such a wicked god of civilization!

But when the Angels jointly prayed, this one just said:

"The invasion of the void is imminent. No one knows how the war will start. As your king, I can only do my best to help you grow!"


If it weren't for Ailan's upload of the "Daily Life of the King" series of videos.

Accidentally, I exposed my three bosses, watching the scene where the little Angels are struggling in the plot of the disasters of the heavens... The Angels really believed it!

You guys are just having fun, right...


The big fist has the final say, no matter how much aggrieved, the Angels can only vent their inner resentment in the virtual information dimension war.

"Tsk... The things that Alan uploaded, you leaked them on purpose, right, my lord?"

Lightly erased all traces of crimes in Angel's network.

When Hexi found Zou Jin, he was very determined to throw the blame away.

"Looking at it is indeed intentional, those plots are really interesting."

"But I'm curious."

"Are you really so optimistic about the earth that you must spare no effort to promote its rapid growth?"

Keisha also raised questions in a timely manner.

Action on Zou Jin.

Both He Xi and He Xi saw it in their eyes, and the puzzlement in their hearts was really not shallow.

It's not that Zou Jin has a problem with the support of his mother's civilization, but... His action layout reveals impatience everywhere.

that feeling...

It's as terrifying as wishing that Donghuang would develop to the same height as Angel in an instant!

Zou Jin was also frank, saying bluntly:

"That's right."

"Angels' xinxing does not grow, and their future achievements cannot touch the level of high-dimensional angels.

It has to be admitted.

In terms of cohesion.

Female Angels are surrounded by Kesha as the core of the theocratic society, which is indeed terrifying.

It is proof that the former justice order can control and maintain the orderly operation of the entire universe with a mere hundreds of thousands of Angels.

A high degree of cohesion means that individual characteristics cannot be developed to the extreme.

However, the practice of idealism naturally rejects excessive convergence traits, so if you continue, let alone whether the younger Angel can be promoted to a high-dimensional immortal.

Just like the current Yan and Zhi Xin, it is difficult to be recognized by the great will of the universe, and to give certain concepts the corresponding divine lines.

"Those seemingly tribulations and embarrassing experiences are actually lighting up the fire of Angels' personalities and characteristics. Otherwise, they will not go far on the road of idealism!"

"In the future, even if we force the Angels to create multidimensional and multidimensional sacred bodies."

It is also impossible for them to become high-dimensional immortals. Without conceptual identification, they are just a loose immortal. "

He Xi nodded slightly, agreeing to the statement.

But still underestimated:

"Your Majesty's original intention is indeed fine, and Angel will also be grateful for everything His Majesty has done..."

"But the question remains, why do we always feel that...

"Your Majesty seems to be very urgent, wishing that everything can be done in one step, this... is difficult for us to understand.

Zou Jin smiled:

"Don't be in a hurry, from a certain point of view, I'm really in a hurry."


Kesha was a little worried.

He even wondered if Shin saw some crisis approaching that they couldn't see.

He Xi, who had more brains, even suspected that some big enemies had already targeted them, and their realm and combat power far surpassed their own!

to this end.

Hexi is even thinking about whether to start researching the plan of how to take the entire Angel to run with the earth, how feasible it is!

"Couldn't it be Karl playing the devil behind his back again? I said, that guy should have been hammered to death long ago, fishing and fishing, now it's all right, I really caught a big fish..."

Zou Jin was speechless.

She didn't want to understand, what exactly did Pipixi think up, so that she could so confidently cast the blame on Karl...

"No, it has nothing to do with Karl!"

"Let me be honest, maybe it's because of the short practice days, when I am omniscient in this universe..."

"It is equivalent to this world, and there are few things that I can care about."

After a pause, Zou Jin said more bluntly:

"If it weren't for you, believe me, when I was promoted to the rank of Celestial Immortal, I would have already left this universe and traveled to the heavens and myriad realms."


Hak Hee:

That's it?

My old lady was terrified, and in the end you just got tired of staying in this universe, and you want to make waves, right?

Keisha rubbed her brows in distress:

"Don't worry about other things, just say how do you travel in the world? You can't break out of the current universe and then bump into it aimlessly, right?"

Hexi is also questioning, Hao:

"If you really want to do that, you have to make sure in advance whether you can find your way home in the boundless source of Chaos!"

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