"Oh hoo...you...you just...the sun shines..."

Before Liu Chuang's cruel words could be expressed clearly, Leina forcefully interrupted him.

The impact of the shining flares in the palm of the hand exploded with dazzling brilliance.


The next moment.

The wall exploded, and the reinforced concrete blasted a big hole.

Liu Chuang kept lying back and flew upside down tens of meters before stopping.

Smiling at the stunned group of people in the classroom, Lena stepped out of the hole in the wall.

Among the ruins, while walking forward, Lena's body surface was covered by majestic and gorgeous dark alloy armor, and she commented indifferently:

"Let me introduce myself one more time..."

"I am the light of the sun, and I have come here from the sun star across a long distance..."

"For...friendship! I am here to protect you..."

"But... you still lack some education!"

After the words fell, Leina was already standing in front of Liu Chuang.

Before Liu Chuang struggled to get up, a long knife was silently placed on Liu Chuang's neck.

The long and sharp breath made Liu Chuang tremble, but he looked into Leina's eyes stubbornly.

"Older sister is handsome!"

have to say.

Lena's appearance now is really handsome!

Especially the aura of stepping when the dark alloy armor is added, Zou Jin's eyes almost glow green, thinking in his heart when he will make a more handsome one.

Here comes the problem.

Should we learn from the shape of the emperor's armor, or the shape of the king at the time of the devil?

It looks very attractive...

Everyone who walked out through the smoke and dust from the classroom door heard Zou Jin's admiration, and the look of looking forward to the new toy...

The insignificant feelings of sympathy and hatred aroused by Leina's words disappeared in an instant.

All must admit.

Both men and women.

Even the handsome dark alloy armor is irresistible.

Reina obviously also felt the envious eyes of everyone behind her.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his lips.

Tapped Liu Chuang's shoulder lightly with the back of the knife:

"Why? If you don't accept it, you..."

Seeing that Leina still didn't intend to give up, Ge Xiaolun couldn't hold back.

Immediately, she pulled out the police pistol from the holster on Qilin's waist and pointed it at Leina.

"I don't know if this gun is useful to you..."

"But if you really dare to touch him, I will fight harder than you!"

Anyone can see it.

Ge Xiaolun's awkward posture was not threatening at all.

The point is, this guy's evasive gaze is really not convincing at all.


Everyone who witnessed this scene had a clearer understanding of Ge Xiaolun, and they also recognized this companion from the bottom of their hearts!

Qilin sighed, stepped forward helplessly, and helped Ge Xiaolun complete the loading operation.

It's not really to use this kind of toy to threaten Lena or something.

This move is more of a statement!

With Lena's IQ, she obviously didn't think that much.

When he turned his head to look at Ge Xiaolun, he also put away the long knife in his hand, leaving Liu Chuang alone on the spot with a complicated face.

"Really hard?"

A slightly milky question sounded.

Ge Xiaolun pulled off his skin, and pretended to respond forcefully: "Try!"

With a chuckle, Lena raised her hand to make a false move.

Forty or fifty meters in the air, micro-wormhole clouds suddenly appeared.

A set of thick dark alloy armor turned into various parts and smashed down quickly.

While thoroughly arming Ge Xiaolun, he also followed the powerful inertia and smashed Ge Xiaolun to the ground.

Ge Xiaolun was completely stunned.

Others also moved closer.

This sturdy dark alloy armor has a very sci-fi aesthetic.

The protection area is also terrifying, basically except for the head, even the soles of the feet are protected.

"Galactic Force?!"

Ge Xiaolun inspected himself, muttering in his mouth.

This situation is very similar to the self I saw in the dark plane when my genes were Awakening!

The mask lifted.

Showing Reina's pretty face full of interest.


A huge sword fell down again, rubbing Ge Xiaolun's scalp, and plunged into the ground.

Ge Xiaolun was so surprised that he almost didn't fall again...

The smile on the corners of her lips did not diminish. Na shouted at Xia Xiaolun:

"Come on! Fight!"

With an embarrassed laugh, Ge Xiaolun hastily separated the relationship and said:

"No, no, no...don't fight...study, study first and then talk."

No one cares about Ge Xiaolun.

Compared to him whose face was about to burst into laughter, others were more interested in how to get such a handsome stomach and weapons.


Everyone present was fully aware.

The neurotic goddess in front of me really came here with good intentions!


In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is good intentions or not, whether it is a goddess or not.

……ask for flowers…

As long as you can set yourself up like that, not to mention paying homage to the goddess, it’s fine to burn incense as an offering!

From the eyes of this group of people, Zou Jin clearly saw such emotional expressions.

Liu Chuang's expression changed instantly, with a flattering expression on his face:

"I fight, I fight!"


"Hey, big sister.....No, big sister.....No, no, no, goddess, goddess! Am I not that Nuoxing God of War?


Xin Zhao couldn't hold back either, he waved and shouted, "Do you have mine?"

Seeing a scene in the plot unfold.

There was a smile on the corner of Zou Jin's mouth, not surprised.

Although this world has its own intervention, the character of the key person has not changed.

Chen Yaowen still has the temperament of the old farmer.

Ge Xiaolun is still that love brain who hates dogs.

Qi Lin, Du Qiangwei, Rui Mengmeng, including the nervous Leina, also remained unchanged.

In addition to distributing a set of exclusive dark alloy armor and even matching weapons to everyone that night.

More importantly, it is mutual understanding between students.

Ge Xiaolun of the power of the galaxy.

Liu Chuang, the Nuoxing god of war.

Chen Yaowen of the power of the earth.

Du Qiangwei of Time and Space Rose.

Rui Mengmeng of Nuoxing Sharp Knife.

Xin Zhao of the German Star Gun.

Kirin of Kamigawa Sniper.

Plus Di Lena, who bears the light of the sun, and Zou Jin, who calls himself the Herrscher of the End.

The above are all the students of the first echelon of the Xiongbing Company.

That's right.

Including Zou Jin was also assigned a set of his own dark alloy armor.

In the future, he is destined to join the Xiongbing Company...

There are reasons for family and country feelings, and definitely there are also factors based on the opening of the power of the Herrscher of the Last Yan and his own growth, and the need to keep up with the plot.


Because the genes of the final Herrscher are not within the detection scope of Shenhe Star Network.

Even the scientific and technological officers of De Nuo's department, including Lianfeng Yuqin, worked overtime to develop it, but they couldn't equip Zou Jin with ten sets of truly exclusive Shenzhou.

at least.

Zou Jin's set only has the basic dark data calculation function, self-information shielding function, and the powerful defense unique to dark alloys.

There is not even the slightest increase in the super gene for oneself.

PS: The fourth chapter is on the shelf, and the sixth chapter today, continue to ask for data support, the author Jun explodes the liver code word Zhongshan. .

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