Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 63 The Correct Use Of The Final Herrscher

"It's outrageous!"

Reina stared at Zou Jin with fiery eyes.

That feeling, there is a sense of sight that tied this guy and eloped directly.

With a dry cough, Qiangwei tried to bring the topic back to normal:

"Creating things out of thin air without learning knowledge, is there an upper limit to this ability?"

Lianfeng shook his head regretfully and said:

"The current ceiling has been tested, but it's pointless to talk about it."

"You have to know that his creation ability depends on the knowledge stored in the database."

"Based on the principle that the higher the knowledge involved in creation, the greater the current consumption.

"It's unrealistic to rely on him to supply the country's war consumption. In addition..."

"If Zou Jin's creation wants to last forever, it must continue to consume its own area.

Hear this.

Neither woman was surprised.

That is the authority of the Creator. A person who has just embarked on the road of creating gods can actually steal the authority of the Creator who does not know whether it exists.

This originally challenged the three views, why is it a bit restrictive?

What's more.

This ability to create things out of thin air.

In the war of super soldiers, even gods.

Even if it can only be temporarily manifested during wartime, it can still cause a killing effect similar to that of a real creation!

Thinking of these, Lei Na is just greedy, and simply wants to kidnap Zou Jin back to Lieyang.

Qiangwei Du thought of a more important question:

"Zou Jin's Ultimate Herrscher, the genetic level should not exceed the second generation..."

"Will the Ability of his creation be improved synchronously with the genetic leap?"

Lianfeng shook his head slightly, indicating that he did not understand.

"Denuo-3 has been simulating Zou Jin's data model recently, but has been unable to complete it.

"What Lena said just now is correct, no matter from any angle, the Herrscher of the Last Throne is outrageous.

at this time.

During the dialogue between the three, Zou Jin's voice was inserted:

"Isn't the super gene's Ability also improved after the level is raised.||?"

"Aren't you?"

On this topic, Yong himself is also very puzzled.

For this reason, he even put aside the team battle that had just started and asked questions.

Du Qiangwei opened her mouth slightly, but didn't say anything, her expression was very complicated.

Lianfeng simply didn't bother to answer this question.

You have downloaded so much knowledge, the database of the Super Seminary is basically open to you without restriction.

If you have a problem, you don’t know how to read it? Bah... a scumbag!

Lei Na happily sat next to Zou Jin, setting off a burst of spring-like fragrance.

"It's not exactly what you said. For us, super genes and our own abilities are two parallel but independent things."

"Super gene promotion can allow super soldiers to hold more and higher-end data, and can also load more and more advanced equipment, including but not limited to weapons, armor, and dark matter computers."

"In the terms of the earth, genetic advancement can make the upper limit of super fighters higher, and it can also make you stronger."

"But to really improve your own Ability, you need to learn, and the premise is that you have upgraded the matching dark matter computer, or even the database.


Reina doesn't show her secondary side.

After a bunch of explanations, Zou Jin easily summed up a new cognition.

The genetic level of a super soldier is equal to the file size of the bucket, and whether the comprehensive ability of a super soldier can be improved depends on whether enough water is injected into it in time.

"Thank you, God of Craftsman!"

She gave Leina a thumbs up, and just as she was about to take the opportunity to get closer, her face turned black instantly!

Because this guy turned around and played his game again!

I! Empress Lieyang!

Me! The light of the sun!

Me! Protruding and warping!

Isn't it worth your second look?

Seeing Reina deflated, she was almost pissed off like a puffer fish.

Lianfeng laughed lightly, not paying attention:

"Don't worry, this child has such a personality, and we also have a lot of headaches."

Du Qiangwei didn't intend to talk to this female nerve, but asked a more professional question:

"Aunt Lianfeng, I have a problem."

"He has that kind of ability. It's understandable if he doesn't study, but is it appropriate if he doesn't train?"

Lena's eyes brightened, as if she had found the direction of revenge:

"That's right, the battle between the Xiongbing Company and the Taotie is about to take place, and if there is no actual combat training, it will affect the performance of the team.

This is a bit deliberate...


Zou Jin's hands are flying like flying, completely in a posture of spraying nine, turning the well-endowed canyon into a big stage in Zaan.

Hearing Reina's words, she took the time to ask puzzledly:

"My Ability, which seems to be engaged in logistics at first glance, will also go to the battlefield?"

"Do you have any misunderstandings about modern warfare?"

When Du Qiangwei and Leina heard this, they were instantly speechless.

This word...

Looks like there's nothing wrong with it.

Lianfeng shrugged and said:

"That's it. The country is not willing to let him go to the battlefield."

"...Compared to the battlefield, his Ability is more helpful for improving the country's manufacturing base, developing new weapons, verifying new ideas, etc.


The height of civilization has never been an individual height that can be defined.

With the means of creating things out of thin air, if you want to come to any country, the first thing is definitely not to send people to the battlefield, as a big bomber similar to a mobile fort.

Doesn't it have high-end machine tools and high-end equipment?

It is not difficult to use these high-precision creations, condescending, to manufacture next-level high-precision machine tools and equipment, and promote them nationwide... Is it not difficult?

When the industrial base of civilization is rapidly raised.

The manufacture and mass production of some high-end weapons is no longer a problem.

There is a sufficient manufacturing base.

The development of high-end weapons is naturally on the agenda.

No time to light up the tech tree?

It doesn't matter, the level of Rabbit Sharingan has never regressed...

The big deal is to have a batch of high-end weapons, let those military industry bosses disassemble them casually, and it will always solve the problem.

A certain (Zhao Wanghao) scientific research genius had a whim.

Want to make some big moves, but the investment is huge and the prospects are unknown, what should I do?

It doesn't matter!

Send technical ideas to Zou Jin.

Try to show the real thing, and verify it in the most intuitive and practical way...

Isn't it delicious too?

After thinking about this, Du Qiangwei's eyes on Xiang Jin changed completely.

This big baby must never go to the battlefield.

It has to be tightly guarded!

As for Lena?

Feel sorry……

The reason why she fell in love with Zou Jin is also similar to the fact that Zou Jin's Ability potential is good, and there is a possibility of becoming a god!

Put it bluntly.

Reyna is looking for a future Sun Prince for herself!

Anyway, this kid looks very pleasing to the eye, no loss!

Lianfeng definitely saw the changes in the expressions of the two women.

Especially Lena.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Angel is gone, and there is no shortage of Lieyang entering the field. .

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