Super God Login: Start With Marvel

Chapter 77 Spinning Top And Tumbler

the other side.

Wade and Francis have already started fighting together.

Holding two submachine guns, Wade is like carrying two Rambo-style Gatlings.

The wild side dubbed da da da, while pouring bullets at where Francis is.

The remaining soldiers, after a period of buffering.

Finally managed to stand up, seeing that his boss was being pressed down and shot angrily, he immediately raised his gun to fight back...... Who knows, Wade is so lazy to take care of himself because of his Self-healing Ability...


"Kacha Kacha...

The barrel of the submachine gun made a few clicks uncoordinatedly.

Wade took off the magazine by himself, only to find out that the bullet in the magazine had been emptied.

With an awkward laugh: "It's so embarrassing~~"

No one paid any attention to the flamboyant Wade.

Francis found the right timing, stepped on a pile of used tires, volleyed down, and hit a beautiful vertical split, almost splitting half of Wade's shoulder in two.

The next moment, the bullets of the rest of the soldiers arrived as scheduled.

Wade was bleeding all over his body.

Francis drew his tomahawk viciously.

Ignoring the high level of plasma splashing, 26 also didn't care about the plasma splashing on his face.

Signal the soldiers to cease fire.

Francis was surprised to find that the bullet holes all over Wade's body kept extruding various bullets out of his body, and then healed quickly.

What's even more bizarre is that the shoulders that were split at a ten-degree angle are quickly fitting together with the other half of the body.

The granulation is soaring, the blood vessels merge, and the skin shrinks.

Francis whispered:

"I underestimated your Self-healing Ability, Wade!"

"This self-healing that is quickly reborn from the dead reminds me of a certain Mutant..."

"Wade, you and him, at least in terms of self-healing tend to be the same!"

There was greed in Francis' eyes, if he had known that Wade's Self-healing Ability was so powerful.

He certainly wasn't going to throw Wade in that lab and let him be buried alive.

Francis would rather study Wade's body than sell it for a good price!

Just unlock the secret of Self-healing Ability, its value can be imagined!

And he will also become the upstart of Meilijian Big Capital!

Immediately, Francis fell into a fantasy state.

Deliver the final speech in a chant-like tone:

"You're just as full of research value as he, Wade..."

Opening his eyes, Wade viciously pulled out two Katanas, and roared angrily:

"Trust me, I will cut open your stupid head later, and study whether your head is filled with brains or shit!"

"Then, I'll fill it with toilet cleaner so you can breathe bubbles!"

Just when Francis and Wade were about to slash each other, they heard a piercing scream.

Francis was slightly sluggish...that voice...was actually made by Gina!?

Very tacit understanding.

The two who were about to fight each other out of their heads, stopped together.

Looking strangely to the other side...

Among them, Francis saw particularly carefully.

Francis couldn't imagine that Gina, that female man, would one day burst into such a girlish scream.

At this moment, Gina was rubbing the back of her smooth head with frantic hands.

Even if I couldn't believe it, I used too much force, and the back of my head was almost ravaged to the point of baldness.

Gina couldn't believe it either.

Her hair, which was already scarce, was missing a large piece from the back of her head...

Seeing Gina screaming and rubbing the back of her head, Zou Jin Psst laughed out loud.

Facing Gina's murderous eyes.

Zou Jin, with an awkward smile, explained:

"It's pretty bald, isn't it...Trust me, ma'am, I'm not going to do anything to your hair."

After a pause, Zou Jin made up the attack a little embarrassedly:

"Well, can you fight with a hat on? You know, I'm afraid of laughing..."

"I'm going to kill you!!!"

Gina ran away completely, her eyes were bloodshot, and the blood vessels on her neck were so high that her forehead was even more bruised.

Smash the steel deck with one foot.

Like a locomotive, it crossed a distance of more than ten meters in an instant.

A punch hit Zou Jin's face without reservation.


Zou Jin half-turned and staggered the attack path, and a rusty container behind him was punched to pieces on the spot.

Gina refused to give up, and then swung her arms horizontally...

With that strength, he was rushing to smash Zou Jin in half!

Unfortunately, Zou Jin dodged perfectly again.

This time, there was no object to relieve Gina, and the uncontrollable inertia made Gina stagger a few steps forward.

Zou Jin couldn't hold back.

Raising the sinful right hand, this time the roaring bullets turned into Warhammer 80 large caliber bullets.


Half of Gina's head was engulfed in a fireball.

The center of gravity of the body was completely out of balance, and it rolled sideways on the ground several times.

Only then did he get up again with a dazed look on his face.


"Sorry, I really couldn't hold back... Well, I didn't mean to laugh at you.

Gina tremblingly touched the part where she was shot just now.

a familiar smoothness

Both eyes are completely red!

Today's Gina, the sharp board has been burned to the point where there are only three or two kittens left, and the sparse branch is on the left side of the ear...

Not harmful, but extremely insulting!

Clenching her fists together, Gina's complexion was as gloomy as ink, and there was a sound of steel rubbing against each other between clenched teeth.

"I 017 will catch you, I swear!"

"Then, I will take all the hairs on your body and make them shine!"

Zou Jin raised his eyebrows and said with a smirk:

"Break defense so quickly? Wade, did you see, she's in a hurry!"


The sharpness of the teeth grinding sound increased several times.

Gina's scarlet eyes were firmly locked.

Like a King Kong with glaring eyes, he rushed towards him, threatening to tear Zou Jin's mouth open.

Zou Jin gave a strange giggle.

The gun fighting technique was officially launched, and he made a wrong step to avoid Gina's pounce, turned around and shot the muzzle of Warhammer 40 under his armpit.

Accurately hit Gina's left ear.

The bursting fireball completely burned all of Gina's hair.

Not giving the opponent a chance to continue furious, Zou Jin took advantage of the situation and turned around again, before Gina was about to fall down again.

A shot was shot from the back of the head, and Gina was shot in the forehead. When the fireball exploded, it also stopped Gina in her final figure.

But in the next moment, another more powerful Warhammer 80 fired. The 25mm bullet hit Gina's nose bone and exploded into a larger ball of fire.

Just like that, Zou Jin turned back and forth around Gina like a top.

Evacuating is a 20mm or 25mm blasting warhead.

The beating made Gina stunned like a tumbler, swinging back and forth, but she couldn't really fall to the ground. .

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